Class divisions

The north village at Celebration was built after the central area, and is more auto oriented, with more sweeping spaces. The north village also shows its income differences more abruptly, especially where its golf course estate homes look over a pond toward the lower classes. Income differentiation of homes is more marked in Celebration than in Kentlands, because here the most expensive homes all face greenspaces. The luxury homes on the golf course are many of them in dreadful taste, full of geegaws, and since they have no alley behind them they have hulking garages in front.

Later I walked to where construction had begun on the south village, which will hold the bulk of the final population. (In 2000 the town housed about a fifth of its projected 12,000 residents). Large parts of the south village will be beyond walking distance of the town center. What will that do to local politics? As the north village introduced luxury golf course homes, the south introduces bungalows, which may lead to a heavier concentration of retirees.

Celebration, FL

(c) David Kolb, 1 August 2001