The distinction of process from fixed identities is not the same as a distinction of commoditized surfaces from deep rooted identities. We should be more self-aware of our roles within the process of place making.
Granted that we shouldn't indentify depth with fixity, still aren't you presuming a rapid pace of place making?? The changes could be very slow and for all practical intents static on the scale of our actions and lives.
That's the way it used to be, though even then there was more change than shows in any quick look. But in our time the changes have become more self-conscious and more rapid.
But those changes you are pointing to are just superficial variety, fads and fancies; underneath there is less change in the basics: commodities and spectacle and hyperreality.
This brings the discussion back to whether depth and surface metaphors are appropriate.
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(c) David Kolb, 1 August 2001