wry wiring

The book version of this study was written using Nisus Writer, and this hypertext was written using a combination of Storyspace, BBEdit, and other programs. Most of this was done on a laptop borrowed from my college. I carried the laptop from place to place on my travels. How technologically sophisticated this sounds! But in fact the laptop often crashed, froze, or refused to start. We had to reinstall the operating system five times. It seemed I spent more time searching for software conflicts or bad memory chips than I did writing. Finally, once I was back at the college, the laptop was rebuilt and installed in my office -- that took almost a month. We dream of wiring the world, but there is another dimension of embodiment to keep in mind besides human being-in-place. Hard-ware has its own obstinate embodiment.


(c) David Kolb, 1 August 2001