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Research Projects for Student Participation

Approved Projects for Winter 2012

These are the approved experiments that Psychology 101 and other eligible psychology students may participate in for credit. Participation in any experiment that is not listed here will not count for credit. To sign up for any project, please see the sign-up sheet on the psychology department bulletin board (across the hall from Pettengill 357). Not all experiments will be available at all times. If there is no sign-up sheet for a particular experiment, or if all appointments for an experiment are full, please find a different experiment to participate in.  For questions about any experiment, please contact the experimenter. For questions about participation credit, please contact your instructor.

1. You only get credit for participating in approved experimenters. With few exceptions, all experiments are sponsored by the psychology department. You will only receive participation credit for the experiments listed on this website.  Check here for updates.

2. Each experiment has a fixed amount of credit assigned to it based on the average length of time that it will take you to participate. If an experiment is worth 0.5 credits, you will get 0.5 credits whether it takes you 25 minutes or 35 minutes to complete it. Be sure to check the amount of credits when you sign up for the experiment.

3. To sign up for an experiment, check out the bulletin board in the psychology department across from Brian Pfohl's office (Pettengill 357). Please be respectful of the experimenter's time and make sure that you keep your appointment! If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify the experimenter as soon as possible.

4. Upon completion of the experiment, you will receive a paper receipt of your participation listing the experiment number and the amount of credit you have earned. SAVE THIS RECEIPT! Although it is the experimenter's responsibility to report your participation to the department, this receipt is the only proof that you have of your participation.  

(If you are a student running a research project, please check out the guidelines and application page for information about adding your experiment to this list.)

Experiment #1Relationship between memory and emotion
Location: Pettengill 327Duration: 45 minutesCredits: 0.75
Experimenter: Sean ColliganE-mail: scolliga@bates.eduPhone Number: 603-858-5671
Participants will complete a computer task where they respond to words on the screen. They will also complete a brief survey.
Restrictions: Normal or corrected to normal vision.

Experiment #2Relationship between cognition and eating habits
Location: Pettingill 327Duration: 60 minutesCredits: 1.0
Experimenter: Rina SenbonmatsuE-mail: rsenbonm@bates.eduPhone Number: 207-330-0352
The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between cognition and eating habits. Your participation involves one testing session in which you'll be asked to complete pencil-and-paper measures of cognitive functioning and a series of questionnaires related to your current, day-to-day eating habits.
Restrictions: Must be right-handed and have normal color vision. Cannot have a history of brain injury. Please do not participate if you have done experiment #9 last semester.

Experiment #3Individual Differences in the Experience of Anger
Location: Pettengill 327Duration: 75 minutesCredits: 1.25
Experimenter: Helen YuanE-mail: hyuan@bates.eduPhone Number: 857-205-6423
This study requires you to come to 1 testing session in Pettengill Hall. You will be asked to fill out questionnaires about your cultural background and emotional experiences and then participate in several cognitive tests.
Restrictions: Eligibility requirements include right-handedness, normal color vision, and no history of neurological (e.g., multiple sclerosis, past traumatic brain injury) or psychiatric (e.g., ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder) diagnoses. Those who took my experiment in Fall 2011 may not retake it again.

Experiment #4Childhood Adversity and Memory Function
Location: Pettengill 327Duration: 75 minutesCredits: 1.25
Experimenter: Kathleen WalkerE-mail: kwalker2@bates.eduPhone Number: 503-726-9524
The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of childhood stress and adversity on memory function in early adulthood. As a participant you will be asked to take a series of tests that measure current memory functioning, as well as fill out a series of questionnaires that ask you to reflect on your childhood, as well as your current mood.
Restrictions: In order to participate individuals must be right-handed and must not have any present or past psychiatric diagnosis or neurological diagnosis (e.g. epilepsy, traumatic brain injury) that might be associated with altered memory functioning. Individuals cannot be routinely taking any medication (e.g. Aricept) or substances (marijuana) that are known to effect memory. Additionally, you may NOT participate in this study if you participated in EXPERIMENT 19 last semester.

Experiment #5Attention
Location: 15 minutesCredits: 0.25
Experimenter: Kristen GavinE-mail: kgavin@bates.eduPhone Number: 2073444686
I am researching perceptual anomalies related to attention.
Restrictions: Corrected to normal vision, no history of or current significant arm injuries, 18-22 years.  Some participants who complete this survey will be invited back to participate in Experiment #14.

Experiment #6Seeing changes
Location: P'Gill 366Duration: 30 minutesCredits: 0.5
Experimenter: Simone SchrigerE-mail: sschrige@bates.eduPhone Number:
In this experiment you will look at pictures and will be asked to determine if you see any changes.
Restrictions: Must have normal or corrected to normal vision.

Experiment #7Guess Who?
Location: Pettengill 371Duration: 15 minutesCredits: 0.25
Experimenter: Simone SchrigerE-mail: sschrige@bates.eduPhone Number:
Participants will view photos of people and will attempt to judge personal qualities of the individuals depicted in the photos.
Restrictions: Normal or corrected vision; English proficient

Experiment #8Personality Survey
Location: TBADuration: 15 minutesCredits: 0.25
Experimenter: MacKenzie VileE-mail: mvile@bates.eduPhone Number: 203 687 9827
Participants will complete a quick survey that asks them to respond to short passages.
Restrictions: Participants must be native English speakers

Experiment #9Emotion and change detection
Location: P'Gill 366Duration: 15 minutesCredits: 0.25
Experimenter: John WiedmanE-mail: jweidman@bates.eduPhone Number: 412-508-9386
In this experiment you will see pictures of faces and will be asked to make decisions about changes in subsequently presented images.
Restrictions: Must have normal or corrected to normal vision.

Experiment #10Yoga and cognition
Location: P'Gill 329Duration: 90 minutesCredits: 1.5
Experimenter: Kate StillmanE-mail: kstillma@bates.eduPhone Number: 201-248-2803
In this experiment you will complete a brief survey, perform several computer-based activities, and engage in an activity involving movement.
Restrictions: Please wear something comfortable that is easy to bend in. Must have normal or corrected to normal vision and normal color vision.

Experiment #11Relationship between personality and feelings about your college
Location: Pettengill 363Duration: 25 minutesCredits: 0.5
Experimenter: Addie PelletierE-mail: apelleti@bates.eduPhone Number: 207-280-0348
In this study, you will be asked to complete various questionnaires whose purpose is to understand the relationship between personality and how you view the college that you attend.
Restrictions: Normal or corrected vision.

Experiment #12Perception and Action
Location: 317 PgillDuration: 50 minutesCredits: 1.0
Experimenter: Zena SabathE-mail: zsabath@bates.eduPhone Number: 281-221-2002
This experiment examines the relationship between perception and action. While seated at a table, you will be asked to trace words and manipulate projected stimuli for about 20 minutes. Upon completion you will be asked to submit a written survey.
Restrictions: Right-handed; native English speaker; normal or corrected to normal vision

Experiment #13Visual Illusion
Location: P'Gill 366Duration: 25 minutesCredits: 0.5
Experimenter: Connor PacalaE-mail: cpacala@bates.eduPhone Number: 609-240-8997
In this experiment you will be shown a visual illusion and will be asked to describe how you perceive it.
Restrictions: Must have normal or corrected to normal vision.

Experiment #14Attention (2)
Location: Pettingill 368Duration: 60 minutesCredits: 1.0
Experimenter: Kristen GavinE-mail: kgavin@bates.eduPhone Number: 207-344-4686
I am researching perceptual anomalies related to attention.
Restrictions: Normal or corrected to normal vision (with contacts or glasses), no history of significant arm injuries (major fractures, surgeries, etc.) or current arm injuries, 18-27 years old.  Participants must have completed the survey in Experiment #5 and be invited by the experimenter to participate in this study.

Experiment #15Shachi's Thesis
Location: Psychology Lab (3rd floor, right wing)Duration: 30 minutesCredits: 0.5
Experimenter: Shachi PheneE-mail: sphene@bates.eduPhone Number: (781)249-5108
This study is about the effects of imagination on cognition.
Restrictions: Students aged 18 and older.

Experiment #16Social Networking and College Students' Perceptions of Infidelity
Location: survey completeDuration: 10 minutesCredits: 0.25
Experimenter: Keller WilsonE-mail: kwilson@bates.eduPhone Number: 203-536-4335
The Internet, with social networking websites such as Facebook, has created new opportunities for infidelity. Psychologists are now attempting to understand how people interact online. Participants will complete a 10 minute survey online.
Restrictions: Bates College students

Experiment #17The Effect of Childhood Adversity on Memory Function- Study II
Location: PGILL 327Duration: 75 minutesCredits: 1.25
Experimenter: Kathleen WalkerE-mail: kwalker2@bates.eduPhone Number: 503-726-9524
This experiment is a follow-up of a previous study that is aimed to further investigate the effects of childhood trauma on memory function.
Restrictions: Participants must be personally called back by the experimenter to take this study.

Experiment #18Effect of Conceptions of Illness on Health Behaviors
Location: 353Duration: 15 minutesCredits: 0.25
Experimenter: Brooke Morse-KarzenE-mail: bmorseka@bates.eduPhone Number: 847-924-3153
This experiment investigates the way in which people conceptualize illness in an attempt to better understand the personal approaches taken to various kinds of health.
Restrictions: None.

Experiment #19Word Perception
Location: P'Gill 366Duration: 35-40 minutesCredits: 0.75
Experimenter: Ned ScottE-mail: pscott@bates.eduPhone Number:
If you participate in this experiment you will be asked to make rapid responses to words.
Restrictions: Must have normal or corrected to normal vision. Must be a native English speaker.

Experiment #20Writing styles
Location: 363Duration: 30 minutesCredits: 0.5
Experimenter: Helen BoucherE-mail: hboucher@bates.eduPhone Number: x6395
Participants will complete a writing sample and several personality measures.
Restrictions: 101 students only

Experiment #21Experiencing Difference on Campus - online survey
Location: 20 minutesCredits: 0.5
Experimenter: Arita BalaramE-mail: abalaram@bates.eduPhone Number: 917-517-9985
The purpose of this survey is to elicit information about experiences and comfort with interacting across difference at Bates.
Restrictions: You are not eligible to take this survey if you have participated in Experiment #23

Experiment #22Moral Behavior Survey
Location: 10 minutesCredits: 0.25
Experimenter: Meredith GreeneE-mail: mgreene@bates.eduPhone Number: 203-246-7330
This survey examines moral behavior in college-age individuals. Every day, we are faced with decisions to behave morally or immorally, and these decisions may be inconsequential or large in magnitude. In this study, you will be asked to evaluate a number of different moral scenarios.

Experiment #23Experiencing Difference on Campus
Location: Pettingill 376Duration: 30 minutesCredits: 0.5
Experimenter: Arita BalaramE-mail: abalaram@bates.eduPhone Number: 917-517-9985
The purpose of this interview is to identify how students experience difference on campus. You will be asked to respond to one simple prompt. "Think about an incident that made you aware of your difference or differences on campus (i.e., racial difference, gender difference, class difference, language difference, sexual orientation difference). Please describe the incident in as much detail as you can. We do not need to know the names of the people involved, but please include relevant information about the individuals involved (i.e., race, gender), what happened during the incident, where the incident occurred, how many witnesses were present, and how you felt after the incident occurred. Your response will be videotaped. All information will be kept confidential and the data will be used for research and educational purposes only but will not be displayed publicly at Bates. You may discontinue the interview at any point.