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Contact InformationPhone: 207-786-6395 Email: hboucher@bates.edu Office: Pettengill 361
Interested in a letter of recommendation? |
- B.A., University of Illinois at Chicago (1998)
- M.A., University of California, Berkeley (2001)
- Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (2005)
Research Interests
Broadly speaking, Prof. Boucher studies social influences on the self. One such influence is culture: Interestingly, members of East Asian cultures tend to describe themselves less consistently, and less positively, than European-Americans. Also, they seem to have less of a need to feel unique than European-Americans. She tries to identify the boundary conditions of these phenomena, and uncover why these differences exist.
Another influence on the self is the relationships of which one is a part (i.e., the relational self). Prof. Boucher has examined how relational selves may serve a self-regulatory function when the self is threatened. For example, after receiving negative feedback, participants who were asked to think about who they are in a specific relationship felt better about themselves than those who did not imagine a relational self. Prof. Boucher is interested in examining this phenomenon with other threats and other outcomes.
Finally, the meaning maintenance model states that humans have a drive to perceive the world and themselves as meaningful and comprehensible. When this drive is threatened, they strive to restore a sense of meaning, often in domains that have nothing to do with the original threat. One way Prof. Boucher has tested this model is by making participants think about their death. Relative to a control condition who did not think about their death, participants who thought about their death became more certain about their own personalities. This is a relatively new theory of human behavior and there are many exciting directions Prof. Boucher would like to pursue.
Courses Taught
- PSYC 101 Principles of Psychology
- AS/PY 260 Cultural psychology
- PY/SO 210 Social psychology
- PSYC 381 The Self
- PSYC s33 Self-Insight
- PSYC s37 The Psychology of Humor
Selected Publications
* indicates Bates student