We only ran into one instance where European attitudes towards American politics came up. This sign greeted us as we arrived in Munich: "Save the real America! Bring Bush and Cheney before the Nuremberg Tribunal!" |
 A view of the Frauenkirche, the symbol of Munich, from the vantage point of St. Peter's Church. |
 The New Town Hall and the Marienplatz below. |
 The fountain of the Marienplatz, the center of Munich, from the Peterskirche. |
 Crowds gather around the golden statue of Mary. |
 The Viktualienmarkt, a huge open air market, has a maypole at the center advertising the six major Munich breweries: Paulaner, Spaten, Augustiner, Hacker-Pschorr, Löwenbräu and Hofbräu. |
 A nice view of the city from the Peterskirche. |
 The facade of the Bavarian State Opera house. |
 The tower of the Deutsches Museum has possibly the world's largest thermometer, hygrometer, and barometer. |
 The amazing sundial garden included this polyhedron with a different sundial on each face. |
 Evan really enjoyed the sundial garden, even though the sun decided to stay hidden during our visit. |
 Munich and the Isar river from the roof of the museum. |
 A view of downtown from the museum. The Peterskirche, from which many of my city views were taken, is the church just in front of the Frauenkirche on the left. |
 One of the many highlights of the Deutsches Museum was the ship models from different periods in history. |