Class Secretary: Stephanie J. Stergiou, 95 N Acres Rd., Manchester, NH 03104-1818
Class President: Andrea C. Bueschel, 1735 Woodland, Apt. 25, Palo Alto, CA 94308

Next Reunion in 1996. William F. Busby is a biomedical research scientist at Advanced Instruments in Norwood, Massachusetts... In Andover, Massachusetts, Jeffrey Knott works at Cambridge Isotope Labs... Adam Stern has moved to Atlanta, Georgia, where he is at AVC Environ, a software company that specializes in meeting the needs of utility companies.

Class Secretary: L. Michelle Martin-Daniels, 60 Guadalcanal Dr., Brunswick, ME 04011-2732
Class President: Sheri L. Pizzi, 1126 Commonwealth Ave, Apt. 4, Allston, MA 02134

Next Reunion in 1996. For the past three years, Liliana Amador has worked as a professional actress in Minneapolis, where she does plays, industrial videos, films, and print work. She is also active in amateur ballroom dancing competitions... In Lewiston Sophia Anott-Ntow, mother of a two-year-old daughter, works in social services while her husband travels between Ghana and Maine for his business... Sean and Susan Arnold Carnegie have moved to Tucson, Arizona, "to get out of the eastern cold." She is a program director for a human-services agency, and runs two group homes for developmentally disabled people... David Bass still works for Hannaford Bros., Shop-N-Save, in Biddeford, Maine... In New York City, Pam Batchelder loves working for the headmaster of a Jewish day school. She is taking lessons in Norwegian in preparation for a family trip to Scandinavia this summer... Christopher Beard lives in Seattle and is bartending for a living. His writing has been published in many literary journals on the West Coast... As a hobby, Stephen Becker records music, operating an eight-track recording studio in his apartment, and working with three University of Chicago alumni to start a magazine....Moving from Boston to San Francisco, Madeline Belliveau is a production planner for advertising at a process imaging studio... Megan Black completed two years as a ski instructor in Colorado, then returned to the University of Oregon to take classes in poetry writing. In spring and summer of 1994 she traveled in Baja, Mexico, and went backpacking in Alaska....Daniel Blum enjoys life in Cleveland, Ohio, where he is in law school....At Bates, Lisa Bommarito has been teaching in the Spanish department. She plans to finish her Ph.D. at the University of Connecticut this fall... With her M.Ed., Beth Bonner is certified to teach grades one through six, and now enjoys teaching fourth grade in Littleton, Massachusetts. Last year was hectic with grad school, student teaching, and running a summer day camp at the Tsongas Industrial History Center in Lowell, Massachusetts....After working for the National Baseball Hall of Fame for nearly three years, Robert Browning combines his interest in history with his research into pre-Jackie Robinson African American baseball....Living in Park City, Utah, Susie Butler works at the University of Utah Department of Pathology in the field of mucosal immunity. She also volunteers at the University's Spine Rehabilitation Center and takes classes toward a master's degree in physical therapy... Richard Cagle is an associate programmer with CPI, a computer company in Crystal City, Virginia. Attending a play at the Kennedy Center with the D.C. Alumni Club, he said it turned out to be a big "Bates Event." The audience was almost entirely made up of Batesies, and the cast slipped in cute references to our alma mater... R. Sean Carnegie is a correctional officer at the Florence Eyman complex in Tucson. He works in a special management unit for prisoners with behavior problems in extra maximum security... "Peter" (John R.) Caron has completed his two-year assignment in Poland with the Peace Corps. He and brother Tom traveled around Poland and Sweden in the summer of 1993. Peter teaches two computer classes at the NYNEX New England Headquarters in downtown Boston... Peter Carr recently passed the Massachusetts Bar and was sworn in as a full-fledged attorney last December. He continues as the law clerk to the chief justice of the state's Appeals Court until this August... Living in Milford, New Hampshire, Susan Casey MacDonald is a software technician at One-Write-Plus, an accounting software firm in Nashua. Concurrently she works on an M.B.A./M.S. degree in accounting... Jonathan Child's thesis in geology at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst involves the glacial history of the Wonder Lake area of Denali National Park, Alaska. Since graduation, he spent two field seasons in Denali and took Ted Curcio along as a field assistant in the summer of 1992... During his third year of medical school at Dartmouth, Scott Clough traveled in his rotations for psychiatry, surgery, and ob-gyn to New York and Los Angeles. He wants to do further study in internal medicine, pediatrics, and primary care... Tamara Colman is a third-grade teacher in inner-city Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Two years ago she began there with Teach for America. In the future she plans to continue working with children in a program that will also involve social activism....Still working in Washington, D.C., as a media planner, Lisa Comer does a lot of work on the local Bates Club with Tracy Talbot and Terry Donohoe '82. She and Tracy started a book club last year. Lisa lives with Fawn Johnson '92... While in law school, Vicky Coombs works for a law firm in Salt Lake City. She has purchased a horse and hopes to begin showing him next summer... Still living in Arlington, Virginia, Charles Dinklage and Kendra Sowers continue to work as consultants at the Marasco Newton Group, mainly for the Environmental Protection Agency in the Superfund program. "Working full time and going to school part time...we feel like we are back at Bates living for Christmas break!" They often see Mary Marshall, Dave Nitchman, Drew Sachs, and Melanie Fleming... Another Utah resident, Lisa Dilorio, lives in Park City where her schedule revolves around skiing in the winter and mountain biking in the summer. She works at the library and the local brew pub there. Judy Burns visited her last December... In 1994 Lyn Dorman traveled throughout the continent of Africa... Finishing her third year of optometry at Ohio State University, Kristyne Edwards also works part time with children at a doctor's office as a vision therapist... Julie Englund Farhm teaches physics at Exeter (New Hampshire) High School as a sabbatical replacement and will pursue other options when this assignment is over... Michael Evans works on the institutional bond sales desk at Smith Barney in Boston and is in school part time at Boston... Megan Falk Pickette enjoys fundraising for a nonprofit agency north of Boston... Along with attending law school, Kate Faragher works part time as a teller at Fleet Bank in Portland, Maine. She still writes poetry, is a member of a writing group, and was published last summer... Christina Fasse enjoys living in Chicago while she works on her degree in clinical psychology, but plans to move back to San Francisco when grad school is finished... Joshua Ferguson had been working as a product manager for a young toy-design and manufacturing company which was bought out by Mattel Toys, Inc., so he has time to indulge in hang gliding in Fairfax, California. He was about to receive his advanced rating allowing him to fly any site in the world, and will enroll in an instructors' certification program. He invites Batesies to come and get hooked on "the experience of a lifetime."... Carl Fey has spent each of the last two summers in Russia working on his research of Russian-foreign joint-venture success, and has presented papers at several conferences. Carl is still involved in orienteering and Nordic skiing... At Providence Hospital in Washington, D.C., Melanie Fleming Sachs is a medical social worker specializing in women's health with a clientele of mostly poor, inner-city women--a very fulfilling job... Johanna Foster is manager of guest services at House of Blues in Massachusetts....For the past three years Anne Gambrill James has taught history at Trinity-Pawling, an all-boys boarding prep school... Betsy Gardner still works at the Bill Johnson Agency in Lewiston, selling life insurance and risk managing three self-insured workers compensation clients... In Providence, Rhode Island, Emily Goff loves her job as first-grade teacher at the Moses Brown School... In Chicago, Michael Golden is a manager in the human resources department at Encyclopedia Britannica. He and his fiancée have built a house in downtown Chicago... In Schenectady, New York, Heidi Goodwin assists the coordinator of the perinatal department in a busy community health center. She provides non-medical and social services to a diverse patient population and is an interpreter for Spanish-speaking pregnant women. She has developed a new sense of heritage as an adoptee after succeeding in her search for biological roots... Karen Gould, living in Bethel, Maine, is taking medical courses.... Heidi Hamill Baumer and husband Tim live in Honeoye Falls, New York, in an old Victorian farmhouse. She is an account manager for Arnold Advertising there. Tim is a John Carroll University grad... David Harvey lives and works in a small southwestern Hungarian town, Csurgo, 15 km. from the Croatian border. He teaches English grammar and conversation in a private school through a Beloit College program. David reports that Hungarian dance, music, and food are excellent and he's really been enjoying himself, even teaching his students New England Contradance. He will return to the U.S. later this year to teach math and physics in Chapel Hill, North Carolina... Still living in France, Sharon Higgins is assistant director of the University of Massachusetts/Amherst program in Rouen. She has been working on a master's degree in eighteenth-century French literature at the University of Upper Normandy, and has traveled throughout Europe... Traci Higgins is a researcher in a neurolinguistics laboratory at a Veterans Administration hospital in Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts, where she studies changes in language function with normal aging. She also takes classes at Boston University Medical School... Master's-degree candidate Terri Lynn Hockman Byerly is student-teaching second grade in Marlboro, Massachusetts... Last summer Allison Hodgkins was in Israel working on a video documentary on the Peace Process that will air on PBS this summer. After graduate school she hopes for a Fulbright Scholarship to return to Israel and do research on Israeli-Arabs... At the Museum of Modern Art, Imogen B. Howard works in the Architecture and Design Department... Aaron Humphrey works at Colortran, a manufacturer of lighting and dimming systems for the entertainment industry, and has been promoted to product manager for lighting fixtures and architectural systems. He has been involved in a theater project with celebrities, and has helped promote peace among troubled youth. Traveling to trade shows all over the country, he recently spent his twenty-second season on skis... Rachel and James "Tony" Hurley live outside Washington, D.C., where Tony has his own computer business that he began almost three years ago. They will celebrate Rachel's M.S.W. degree with a six-month trip around the world... In London, England, Sonja Hyde thoroughly enjoys her job as a writer and editor for a training video producer and publisher. Her family has moved to Budapest, so she sees them more frequently... Warner James has taught English at Trinity-Pawling Boys School for four years. On a sabbatical last summer he and Anne (Gambrill) spent a month in England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland... Trina Janes has returned from her two-year service as a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco. She traveled throughout Asia on vacation and now works at Rotary International with humanitarian grants given to developing countries. She just bought a condo in Chicago... Kristin Johnson Bogue and her husband hope to return to Boston after he graduates from Cornell....After law school Jonathan Jordan will take the Pennsylvania Bar exam this July and work for a small general practice and real-estate firm in suburban Philadelphia... Still enjoying the world of art, Rachel Karr is the chief executive assistant at Hyde Park Antiques in New York... Lynne Khoury-Swanbeck now lives on the Berry College campus in Rome, Georgia, where her husband, Kurt, is the men's head soccer coach... In Boston, Amy Kuemmerle Mazeran says she has an "awesome" job as assistant program director of YMCA International Services, an ESL school. "I love teaching. I love Boston. Life is good." She and husband Jacques were especially pleased to have her host family from Nantes, France, fly over for their wedding... In Los Angeles, John Lanza produced a show starring comedian Louie Anderson called "Life W/Louie" that aired on Fox TV December 18... Since last September, Peter Larue has been working in the New England Patriots front office... Joseph "Jay" Leeming has worked in Minneapolis at a group home for mentally handicapped men. He continues writing songs, performing at local cafes, traveling, and canoeing. He was arrested on two occasions in demonstrations against a nuclear waste dump being built on an island in the Mississippi River... Mary Lehman is working at Strawbery Banke Museum in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, as a lead interpreter for eight months. During the other four she keeps warm by the fire in her York, Maine, apartment... Laura Liolis Preuitt teaches Spanish at Concord High School while working on a degree in counseling at the University of New Hampshire... Living in New York City, JoDee Lymburner has been taking--and passing--actuarial exams... In Queens, New York, Adam Lynn works at a day treatment center for chronic adult schizophrenics and bi-polars as well as attending graduate school... Currently living in the Virgin Islands, Chris Manges works as a sea-kayak guide and volunteers for the National Park Service to help maintain trails. His travels have included Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and the Yucatan, and he trained for a semester in Baja with National Outdoor Leadership School. In the summer he works for the school in Wyoming... Class Secretary Michelle Martin-Daniels, along with her other responsibilities, has learned to play the drums and hopes to pursue recreational music and community theater activities... At New York University, Kathleen McCarthy works in the undergraduate admissions office... When Patricia McCracken graduates from the Army-Baylor University physical-therapy program in San Antonio this June, she will be a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Medical Corps... In St. Louis, Christine McKenna works for a research institute that is studying the Missouri Division of Family Services and how it serves families who have been accused of child abuse or neglect. This spring she lobbied for federal welfare and social reforms at the state Capitol... At Rutgers University, Abby McLaughlin is a teaching assistant for an introductory class in art history while she prepares for her Ph.D. degree qualifying exam. For the past two summers she worked on the Palatine East excavation in Rome, Italy, compiling the excavation report to be published in two years... Joseph Medio, now Brother Joseph, is part of a community of Franciscan friars at St. Anthony's in Catskill, New York. The religious order of brothers and priests lives together under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and is known for working with the poor... In Moscow, Amy Michaelson spent a year promoting free-market finance courses for Russian executives, and teaching English to children at a theatrical school. After a year in San Francisco working in an art gallery, she now lives in New York and is a marketing coordinator for a Russian-American telecommunications company that sets up satellite systems for Western companies in the former Soviet Union. This year she will travel back and forth to Russia, working with Jere Calmes '92, who is based in Moscow... In Washington, D.C., Mary Marshall is still at the Institute for Educational Leadership where she works on school-board issues and state-level educational policy. This April she returned to Budapest, where she taught ESL for two years, to visit old students and travel through Istanbul... Celeste Morin Moody is a chemist in the research and development laboratory at Pioneer Plastics in Auburn. She and her husband have built a home in Lewiston... Christina Nelson Cook has moved to Vermont with husband Jeff and works as an account representative with Whitman Communications Group... Stacia Oakes Johnson is an assistant program director in Boston at the Colonel Daniel Marr Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester... Michael O'Brien works as an account manager at AT&T in Boston... Suzanne O'Brien Rosbrook commutes to the University of New Hampshire to finish her degree in geochemical systems, and to work for the Glacier Research Group at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Ocean, and Space. For two summers she worked on an ice-drilling project at the summit of the Greenland ice sheet. She and Jonathan '92 live in Amesbury, Massachusetts... In Japan, Corey Oser spent two years in a small town north of Tokyo teaching English to Japanese junior-high students and to women under the Japanese Exchange Teachers (JET) program. In Tokyo, she then taught kindergarten-to-adult levels until returning to the U.S. this spring... Living in Peabody, Massachusetts, Julie Ann Ott Shaw works at May Institute with adults who have developmental disabilities. After getting a master's degree in psychiatric nursing, she hopes to return to Maine just over the river from Bates to husband David's hometown of Turner... Formerly a publicist at Harvard Business School Press, Deborah Parrott is now a consultant at Rogers Communications, a public-relations firm that specializes in high-tech companies... Kim Peard is a graduate student and also works at Epsilon as a research analyst... Cathy Pendergast Shay works part time at a clothing store and takes a course preparatory to graduate-school study in physical therapy. She hoped to coach high-school track this spring... Living in Germantown, Maryland, Karen Pfirman Rider is a research assistant in the newly formed subsidiary of Nathan Associates in Virginia. She works with Forrest McClure, former economics professor at Bates... In his job at LeBon Studios in Burbank, California, Marlan "Tiny" Proctor photographs cars for national ads and gets to see and play with great new cars and prototypes... This fall Dean Putnam will be separated from the U.S. Army and will attend law school... At Boston University Ellen Rhodes is assistant director of admissions... Jon Roberts lives in an art studio and is a designer at Shark Communications in Burlington, Vermont... Michael Roy is in a Funk, Disco, and Soul band with Ken Husbands (both formerly of the Jesters). They renamed the band FUNKDIS CO and are looking for gigs in New England... For two years Elizabeth Rynecki worked at Williams and Connolly in Washington, D.C., taught public speaking, and traveled in Europe... As special assistant to the associate director for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), Andrew Sachs travels to California, the Midwest, and the South, and is involved in many special projects. Some of his speeches actually have been read verbatim by Bill Clinton himself!...Tara Schiffmann is still doing well at her job with Bank of Boston... Chris Schreiber, a biologist at the new Florida Aquarium, is planning and installing the filtration systems and collecting animals for the tanks. Previously Chris was a volunteer at the New Jersey Aquarium, where he swam with blue sharks and ocean sunfish over 350 pounds and six feet long... In New York City Timothy Shaw works for Lehman Brothers in the fixed-income research department... Paula Shea Stabnick teaches in the ESL program of the West Hartford, Connecticut, public schools... Ken and Dawn Smith Sherwood '90 traveled in Spain last summer. With more years of graduate work ahead, Ken has taught freshman composition, and is now assistant editor of American Anthropologist. He also does poetry readings and performs with a Latin jazz band... As part of a teaching fellowship in the athletic department at Smith College, graduate student Adrienne Shibles coaches soccer, teaches classes there, and is basketball coach at Elms College in nearby Chicopee... At George Washington University, Roger Sion has been president of the M.B.A. Association. Still a big basketball fanatic, he is directing his professional energies to working as an international management consultant in D.C., Manila, or Hong Kong... Kim Small is an educational reporter for Brookline and Newton, Massachusetts, Tab weekly newspapers. She's won three awards for reporting from the New England Press Association, and she has been nominated by the Tab editors for the NEPA "Rookie of the Year" award... A tenured English teacher at Presque Isle, Maine, High School, Leslee Smith is Key Club advisor. She serves on the Maine Educational Assessment Writing Committee, currently piloting portfolios for the National Standards project, and is a mentor for the Upward Bound program through the University of Maine/Presque Isle... Matthew Spencer works for an environmental consulting group in Washington, D.C... Having passed the Bar in both New York and Connecticut, Andrew Stabnick is an associate at the law offices of Michael E. Riley in Hartford. He and Paula (Shea) toured England, Scotland, and Wales for three weeks on their honeymoon... David Strupp is a financial analyst at UBS Securities, Inc., in New York City... Working at the San Francisco Chronicle Yuki Takagaki reports that they went on strike in 1994 and won!... Currently in Washington, D.C., A. Tracy Talbot works for a national trade association in the marketing department... While in graduate school, Richard Taylor studies and teaches theosophy in the San Francisco Bay area. He is helping raise his two-year-old niece and does lots of hiking... Meridith Tewhey Bernardteaches at the New England Center for Autism while doing graduate work at Simmons College... For three years Mark Thompson has taught history at Trinity-Pawling preparatory school for boys, also coaching cross-country and track. Since beginning graduate school he has been running for a new team there sponsored by NIKE... In St. Louis, Missouri, Ellen Thorington teaches ancient history and algebra to eighth- and ninth-graders at Thomas Jefferson School. In 1993 she taught English at Université de Rouen in France and traveled all over Europe--even ran into Sharon Higgins on a public bus in Poland!... Living by the ocean in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Betsy Tomlinson works full time at the Alford Lake Camp where she produces alumni publications and recruits counselors and campers. She is trained as an EMT, and has led wilderness trips and directed a counselor training program... Veronica Toro is the director of Youth American Operations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a job that sends her on frequent travels. Earlier she switched from the art gallery business to work for a Spanish multinational that sets up hotels, resorts, casinos, and bingo halls... Candace Vardaxis is a probation officer at Waltham District Court in Massachusetts... Living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sue Vitters is an account executive at a public-relations and special-events agency, Aigner Associates. She enjoyed camping on Prince Edward Island, "second only to the Maine coast in beauty."...Sarah Walsh Hall still teaches fourth grade in Westford, Massachusetts, where she and husband Matthew live. Incidentally, he is the brother of classmate Jim Hall whom she met at graduation... In Santa Cruz, California, Claire Whittlesey works at Pacific Mariculture, Inc., an abalone farm. She also translates meetings and paperwork from English to Spanish for Mexican employees... Doug and Sharon Williams-Schultz have moved from Key West, Florida, to their new home in Newport, Rhode Island, where she is a stay-at-home mom to baby Carolyn... Last August Kristin Wolcott moved to San Francisco from Washington, D.C., where she had worked for a political advertising firm during the elections... Living in Long Island, Pam Wunderlich is the children's specialist at the town library... In spite of working hard in medical school, Howie Young managed to sneak in some Maine skiing last winter... Moving out West to Montrose, Colorado, Suzi Ziegenhagen is a full-time VISTA volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. She has been sheet-rocking, mudding, and framing walls, and spends spare time in outdoor activities... At Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Stacia Zukroff is the study-abroad and exchange advisor for the Office of International Programs. She returned from Barcelona, Spain, last fall to complete her degree in intercultural management. Classmates in graduate school: Ted Barksdale, M.B.A., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Megan Black, poetry writing, University of Oregon; Daniel Blum, J.D., Case Western Reserve Law School; Lisa Bommarito, Ph.D., Spanish, University of Connecticut; Robert Browning, M.A., history; Andrea Brennan, M.B.A., Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia; Scott Clough, M.D., Dartmouth College; Vicky Coombs, J.D., University of Utah Law School; Tim Cowan, Boston College Law School; Ellen Crowley, J.D., Boston College; Charles Dinklage, M.B.A., George Mason University; Michael Evans, M.S.F., finance, Boston College part time; Kate Faragher, University of Maine Law School/Portland; Christina Fasse, Ph.D., clinical psychology, Chicago; Linda Goldman, business/social work, Boston College; Robert Hemstreet, M.B.A., Fordham University; Traci Higgins, Ph.D., developmental psychology, Clark University; Lynne Khoury-Swanbeck, M.B.A., Berry College; Terri Lynn Hockman Byerly, Ph.D., French, University of Massachusetts; Laura Liolis Prewitt, M.A.T., counseling, University of New Hampshire; Adam Lynn, M.A., clinical psychology, Yeshiva University; Eddie Meloni, neuroscience, Yale University; Abby McLaughlin, Ph.D., art history, Rutgers University; Mary Marshall, M.Ed., George Washington University; Michael O'Brien, M.B.A., Clark University; Suzanne O'Brien Rosbrook, M.S., geochemical systems, University of New Hampshire; Gail Randolph Kisare, M.B.A., Villanova University; Adrienne Shibles, M.S., sports medicine/administration, Smith College; Leslee Smith, M.A., administration, University of Maine/Orono; Kendra Sowers, M.A., information systems, Marymount University; Richard Taylor, Ph.D., Buddhism and Comparative Religions, University of California/Berkeley; Meredith Tewhey Bernard, M.Sp.Ed., Simmons College; Mark Thompson, M.A.T., Boston University. Graduate degrees received: Liliana Amador, M.F.A., Theater Arts, University of Minnesota, June 1994; Beth Bonner, M.Ed., curriculum and instruction, University of Massachusetts/Lowell; Richard Cagle, M.S., physics, Old Dominion University; "Peter" Caron, M.Ed., English, University of Massachusetts/Amherst, summer 1995; Peter Carr, J.D., Suffolk University Law School, May 1994; Christopher Carson, M.A., political economy, University of Pittsburgh; Jonathan Child, M.S., geology, University of Massachusetts/Amherst; Julie Englund Farhm, M.A.T., University of New Hampshire, May 1994; Melanie Fleming Sachs, M.S., social administration, Case Western Reserve University, May 1994; David Harvey, M.A.T., University of New Hampshire, 1994; Traci Higgins, M.A., cognitive psychology, Clark University, June 1994; Terri Lynn Hockman Byerly, M.A., French, University of Massachusetts, May 1993; Imogen B. Howard, M.A., architectural history, University of Virginia; Kristin Johnson Bogue, M.B.A., Cornell University, May 1995; Jonathan Jordan, J.D., Pepperdine University School of Law; Amy Kuemmerle Mazeran, M.A., ESL, Simmons College, May 1994; Kathleen McCarthy, M.A., contemporary art and cultural theory, New York University; Patricia McCracken, M.S., physical therapy, Army/Baylor University, June 1995; Christine McKenna, M.S.W., St. Louis University, August 1995; Laura Mello, J.D., Brooklyn Law School, 1995; Marlan Proctor, Brooks Institute of Photography; Elizabeth Rynecki, M.A., rhetoric and communication, University of California/Davis; Rachel Segall Hurley, M.S.W., Smith College, August 1995; Paula Shea Stabnick, M.A., ESL, New York University; Roger Sion, M.B.A., international business, George Washington University; David Strupp, M.A., London School of Economics; Stacia Zukroff, M.A., international management, School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont.

Class Secretary: Leyla E. Morrissey, 360 East 55th St., Apt. 4M, New York, New York 10022
Class President: Scott I. Kelliher, 349 West 12th St., Suite 1, New York, NY 10022

Next Reunion in 1996. Donald Graumann is a programmer/analyst at Epsilon Data Management in Burlington, Massachusetts... Sandra Murray attends Arizona State University, studying for an M.P.A. degree as well as working and being a new mom to Christopher... In Acton, Massachusetts, Jonathan Rosbrook is a field geologist at Hydro Environmental Technologies, Inc.

Class Secretary: Jodi D. Sturgis, 465 Boston Turnpike, K6, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Class President: Alexandra C. Messore, 420 West 45th St., New York, NY 10036

Next Reunion in 1999. Russ Arnold works in a sign shop and Ginger (Demolar) does play therapy with elementary-school children who are at risk. They plan on going to seminary... Now doing public-policy research, Jen Begasse previously interned at Ms magazine, coached hockey, went to Japan, and had a political philosophy paper published... Law-school student Michael Bosse will work in a small litigation firm this summer... Billie Bradeen is a research assistant for the Aquatic Entomology Department at the University of Maine/Orono while she works on her master's degree... In New Hampshire, Jessica Brown is a program director for a children's day-care center... In January John Buchanan moved to Moscow to work for CNN after interning at New England Cable News... In Ecuador, David Carr is finishing work on his Fulbright Scholarship and continues to write poetry... Management analyst Andrew Cerillo was recently promoted at the Department of Defense... Medical student Shawn Charest will do his rotations at Maine Medical Center in Portland... Robin Clifford works in special education at an elementary school, and also works with a local community theater group... In Sudbury, Massachusetts, Colleen Donahue lives with Danalynne Wheeler and both work in the association department of a conference association management company... At Massachusetts General Hospital, Jeanine Downing is a research technician at the Cardiovascular Research Center... Alexander Dwinell and Olivia Wakefield '92 are working in London, England... In Louisiana, Melissa Dyckes teaches fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade special-education classes with the Teach for America program at St. John the Baptist Public School... In Aurora, Colorado, Diana Embler-Vose is a program counselor at Cromitis Crisis Center... Bill Farrington works in Toronto for the State Street Canada Offshore Mutual Funds Company... Currently Keith Ferdinando sells insurance and investments as a registered representative for New York Life Insurance Company in Waltham, Massachusetts... John Fitch works for EF Education in Cambridge, Massachusetts... In Idaho, John Garesché is a wilderness instructor for the National Outdoor Leadership School and for a wilderness therapy program... After working on a farm in Maine until last November, James Geary II has gone to Texas, where he is hanging out with Jacques Vroom '94... Mark Gilboard lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico... While studying for a master's degree in marine and estuarine science at Western Washington University/Bellingham, Suzanne Giles is a teaching assistant for an undergraduate water-quality class... In Washington, D.C., Karen Gleason works for U.S. Senator from Maine Olympia Snowe... Prashant Gopal is a beat reporter for the Courier News in Bridgewater, New Jersey... Also in Washington, D.C., Betsey Grais works for Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena. She has been traveling with President Clinton as a member of his advance team... At Yale School of Medicine Mary Guinness is a research assistant and also keeps busy volunteering... Janine Henry was recently promoted at Dickenson Direct in Braintree, Massachusetts... In Boston, Chip Hinckley is a paralegal for a law firm... Richard Hodges works at the Smith Barney brokerage firm in Seattle, Washington... Megan Hollis is the director of admissions for an experimental educational program in Worcester, Massachusetts... At Gould Academy in Bethel, Maine, Scott Jerome is the director of public affairs... Elizabeth Kahn works for the Campaign for Women's Health in Washington, D.C... At IDEXX Laboratories in the Portland, Maine, area, Antoinette Kenmuir-Evans works in the sales and marketing department of the biotechnology company... Kelly Killeen has moved to Arizona to check out all the great geology... In Seattle, Suzanne Kolb works for an insurance company... In her new job, Shahana Koslofsky does research on HIV in women at the HIV center in New York City... Jessica Larsen is working on plans to start up her own business... Kit Lohmann works for an Auburn, Maine, landscaping and nursery company. She also volunteers with the youth group and is a deacon at the United Baptist Church in Lewiston... Working at the Tennis Center in Steamboat, Colorado, Reese Madden has written about Bates for Barron's Insider Guide to Colleges for this fall. Make sure to check it out... Marianne Magid works for the director of publicity at George Braziller Publishers in New York... In Boston, Simone Martell works at the American Council for International studies... Armed with his M.A.T. degree, Anjan Nath now teaches fourth grade in North Attleboro, Massachusetts... Currently Matthew Nespole is an admissions officer for grades seven through twelve at the Trinity School in New York City... Kudos to Leon Nicholas who has had papers published in the Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora and the Journal of Family Issues....In Lander, Wyoming, Laura Ordway is an instructor for the National Outdoor Leadership School and teaches mountaineering, climbing, and back-country ski courses... Sanford Paek is an advertising executive for the Boston Globe... Karla Paul is a secretary in an alternative elementary school... Living in Chicago, Jason Pearson is in a management training program at a major downtown commercial bank... With the National Civilian Community Corps, Tim Robbins works on projects for the environment, education, basic human needs, and public safety... At the Genetics Institute in Cambridge, Rebecca Sanferrare is contract negotiator... Erica Schur is a program coordinator for foreign students studying English in America, and works at EF International Language Schools in Cambridge, Massachusetts... Dan Schwager works at a real-estate law firm in Atlanta, Georgia... Stacy Sherwat and Elise McLaughlin live in Washington, D.C. Stacy teaches three-year-olds in a developmental nursery school. Elise ran the Marine Corps Marathon last October... Evan Silverman is a public-relations assistant and a staff writer for the National Basketball Association... Law-school student Rachel Snow participates in the Connecticut Journal of International Law and the Connecticut Moot Court Board. This summer she will work with a Hartford law firm... Noah Snyder and Ari Menitove live in Salt Lake City... Eli Spanier is a VISTA volunteer at the Monument Valley High School in Utah, located on the Navajo Reservation... Graduate student Tabitha Sparks teaches freshman English at the University of Washington/Seattle... Bill Swaney is a graphic designer for a print shop and plans to do graduate work in international relations. Kristie (Stinchfield) is working on her certification for teaching high-school French... At Tufts University Veterinary School, Jodi Sturgis is a research assistant. She and Ann Zomberg '92 live in Shrewsbury... After working for a year with emotionally disturbed adolescent boys, Barbara Tilton is a substitute teacher. She returned recently from visiting Jeremy Slayton who is in the Peace Corps in Mali, West Africa... Haruki Umezawa lives in Tokyo, Japan... Sarah Woodard works at Vermont Cares, a local AIDS service organization... Last year Jason Yaffe taught history and French in Indiana, and now teaches at a prep school in Louisville, Kentucky... Madeline Yanford is in the international corporate actions department of State Street Bank in Quincy, Massachusetts... Living in Ahwatukee, Arizona, Jay Yuskis works in the information technology organization at Intel Corporation, where he has had three promotions since he started... Telle Zeiler has moved to Seattle, Washington, to work for Microsoft's public-relations firm. Classmates in graduate school: Valerie Belz, M.A/Ph.D., Colonial American history, College of William and Mary; Michael Bosse, J.D., University of Maine; Lisa Bousquet, M.A., public policy, Muskie Institute, University of Southern Maine; Billie Bradeen, M.S., entomology, University of Maine/Orono; Mary Jane Call, Ph.D., Virginia Consortium of Professional Psychology; David Carr, geology; Andrew Cerillo, M.A., international relations, University of Chicago; Shawn Charest, M.D., University of Vermont; Jonathan Coppeta, Ph.D., mechanical engineering, Tufts University; Trevor Day, M.B.A., economic development, Eastern College, St. David's, Pennsylvania; Bryant Frazier, M.D., University of Massachusetts; Suzanne Giles, M.S., environmental science; Aliza Karetnick, J.D., University of Pennsylvania; Johanne Kim, D.M.D., Case Western Reserve University; Reid Lutter, M.A., European history, University of Minnesota; Betsy Smith, J.D., University of Nebraska; Rachel Snow, J.D., University of Connecticut; Tabitha Sparks, Ph.D., English literature, University of Washington; Neil Troost, M.D., New York Medical College; Brian Walsh, J.D., Columbia University Law School; Aaron Wey, D.V.M., Texas A & M. Graduate degrees: Jonathan Coppeta, M.S., mechanical engineering, Tufts University; Anjan Nath, M.A.T.; Lee Webster Amazeen, M.S.W., Boston College School of Social Work, May 1995.

Class Secretary: Mark G. Doctoroff, 101 W. 90th St., Apt. 11C, New York, NY 10024
Class President: Sheela T. Agarwal, 465 Park Drive, Apt. 2, Boston, MA 02215

Next Reunion in 1999. Aaron Hart is studying for his master's degree in chemical education at Purdue University, and is working on certification for secondary-school teaching in chemistry and physics... In New York City, Jennifer Lockhart is a program assistant at the Tinker Foundation, Inc... Congratulations to Anne Macomber who won the third annual creative internship program at the Boston firm of Ingalls, Quinn and Johnson. The internship opens "the door of opportunity to rising stars like Anne," who is now employed as a full-time junior copywriter... At the Bement School in Deerfield, Massachusetts, Robert O'Donnell teaches ninth-grade Spanish and eighth-grade history. He is a dorm parent for eleven eighth- and ninth-grade boys.