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class candidates introduce themselves Before casting your vote in a week; meet the people behind the signs |
Name: Robert Curtis for president Age: 22 and counting Home State: Laconia, NH Major: Political Science (international Relations) and Art (Studio) both majors independent thesis' Meaningful activities at Bates:Work in the Lewiston community at Margaritas: I feel that working in the community has not only brought me valuable experience and plenty of beer money, but has also given me an insight to the complex relationship between Bates and Lewiston. I also work for the college as a Sports Information intern doing PR. I am a Moody house Rep. for the RA, on the Deans and Trustees advisory commitees and I enjoy freqenting the local venues, art Off-campus study: Studied in Galway Ireland spring 97 A moment that defined my experience as a Bates student: Too many to choose. What is your agenda for senior week?: My adgenda was too long to include. However, Wednesday night it will be displayed. Long-term goals for the senior class: UNITY!!!!!! AND RAISING FUNDS FOR THE CLASS GIFT Why do you care about the senior class?: Because our class is in complete disarray! We tend to stick to our small social circles class unity is something I would like to address. Also having a good time during Short term and Senior Week is important because the End is what we will forever remember! What are your greatest assets?: First I am honest what you see is what you get!Second I tend to bridge a few social circles more so than most, this is a strong asset for any canidate. I work in the community and this helps coordinating social events. I have alot of contact with the administration and RA. Bottom line is I know how to have a good time and how to organize events and most important I have ideas that may break through the social clicks in our class and repair our lost UNITY! Slogan: THINK BIG
Name: Jennings Brody for president Meaningful activities at Bates: My volunteer work within Androscoggin county. I have worked for the Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Lewiston/Auburn for almost four years in several different capacities. The most challenging and rewarding of which has been my work for the past two years as a community educator on the subjects of sexual harrassment and sexual assault. A moment that defined my experience as a Bates student: My fondest memory happened on the second Friday of September 1997. I organized a semi-formal cocktail party for a number of senior ladies, some of whom I knew well, and others who were friends of friends. I figure if I could bring these people together on a small scale, what would be so difficult about doing together on a small scale, what would be so difficult about doing something like this for the entire class? What is your agenda for senior week?: I would like to see everything commence with a seniors only cocktail party in the Silo the first weekend after Feb. break. One room, all seniors, meeting each other for the first time or saying hello to one another for the first time since freshman year. Long-term goals for the senior class: I think that the first way that we can give back to Bates is through a senior evaluation of the college, a sort of questionaire about our like and dislikes and suggestions for the future. Let's let our only connection to Bates and each other not be the checks we write to the annual fund. Why do you care about the senior class?: How could you not care about the people who have stood by you for the "best years of your life?" What are your greatest assets?: My accessibility, my people skills, my organizational skills (boardering on mothering tendencies), the fact that I have lived both on and off-campus, and my problem of not ever being able to not voice my opinion. Campaign slogan: Vote Brody and Say Hello for the First Time or for the First Time Since That Dorm Meeting Freshman Year Comments: Please Ask Me Questions....
Name: Liam Clarke for president Meaningful activities at Bates: Past President, Vice President, and Secretary of the Representative Assembly, student government at Bates College. President of Brooks Quimby Debate Council, past Convener and Historian. Founding member of the Bates College Leadership Academy. All this and much, much more. Off-campus study: Fall 1996, Washington Semester Program in Criminal Justice Hobbies: nature photography, listening to jazz and classical music A moment that defined my experience as a Bates student: The first trip to The Goose... What is your agenda for senior week?: Organize the class to come together to give input on what would make its Senior Week particularly memorable. Think creatively, a trip to Montreal perhaps, baseball games in Portland and Boston, a harbor cruise, and much, much more. Don't forget the pub crawl, of course! And, on another note, why not a community service day to give a little back to the Lewiston-Auburn community while we celebrate the end of four long and hard years. Long-term goals for the senior class: Keep the class united around a common goal which the class decides is worthwhile. Keeping in touch to give back to Bates and Batesies is important and takes work and organization. Why do you care about the senior class?: The class of 1998 is a class of close friends and colleagues. It would be an honor and a pleasure to plan both entertainment and social programming for the upcomming months and senior week as well as taking on some big issues like helping build the senior week as well as taking on some big issues like helping build the senior class gift into something that the Class of 1998 can look back on in 10 years and be very proud to be a member of the Class of 1998. What are your greatest assets: Leadership, expereince, willingness to work with anybody to get the job done. Through ties to the community, working to motivate a number of differnet groups, and association with a number of campus committees, I think I have an insight on how to make the senior class activities not only go off, but with a significant bang. Slogan: Spice up your senior year!
Name: Alicia Bucknam for secretary Meaningful activities at Bates: Secretary of Chase Hall Committee, Coordinator of Short Terms Activity Committee, member of the Bates Democrats, Tour guide, member of the International club, Residential Coordinator. Volunteer work: Big Brother/ Big Sister Program, Volunteering for the Lewiston and state Democratic Party on campaigns and get out the vote drives. Off-campus study: Drew University, Brussels, Belgium Hobbies: Rollerblading, sailing, hiking and traveling A moment that defined my experience as a Bates student: Experiencing Senior Week my freshman year. I couldn't wait till it was my turn! What is your agenda for senior week?: To make senior week a event that all seniors can enjoy as well as underclassmen. I would like to see trip to Portland, Boston, Montreal, or even to local establishment around Lewiston. I think that we should make events easy and accessible to all seniors by providing transportation and having reasonable prices. I also think that senior week is a time to give back to the community by volunteering in the Lewiston-Auburn areas. And I would keep with he traditional events that we all look forward to like the Pub Crawl! Long-term goals for the senior class: To Keep the Class of 1998 unified and an active part of Bates Community even after we have graduated. I would like the Class of 1998 to take an interest in what other classmates are doing after graduation and establish lasting communications with our friends and our college. Why do you care about the senior class?: The class of 1998 is a class of many friendships. I would like to see our last few months of our college career be as memorable and enjoyable as possible. I have always cherished my Bates experience and would like to show my appreciation by serving as class officer. What are your greatest assets?: Leadership, experience and enthusiasm. Working as a member of CHC I know how to successfully organize and run events on campus. This has also taught me how to work well with others. Most of all I am excited and motivated to make our last semester at bates the best one yet! Slogan: Spice up your senior year!
Name: Tyler Winston Munoz for secretary Meaningful activities at Bates: president, Bates Aviators; search committee for the vice president of development; WRBC; member, R.A.; tourguide; Information Services computer representative; local volunteer work in the L/A community. Off-campus study: JSA at University College London Hobbies: Soccer fan A moment that defined my experience as a Bates student: When the "Mighty Bobcats" of Bates beat Bowdoin at a home football game during our sophomore year. Campaign slogan: Building a better Bates community Comments: West Coast; "The only time I ever said no to a martini was when I misunderstood the question." - Will Sinclair Name: Michael Andrew Ferrari for president Meaningful activities at Bates: Co-coordinator, Bates Democrats; tourguide; men's tennis; EPC; R.A.; library circulation student assistant Off-campus study: Washington Semester program, 1996 A moment that defined my experience as a Bates student: Organizing student opposition to proposed general education requirements. Campaign slogan: Building a better Bates community. Comments: East Coast Name: Jay Lively Meaningful activities at Bates: Extracurricular -- J.A., R.C., Filmboard President, Tourguide Coordinator, Captain of Men's Lacrosse Team, Responder EMS; Work -- Monitor Frye St. Union, Bartender Davinci's Restaurant; Volunteer -- St. Mary's ER, Lewiston Youth Lacrosse Clinic/Coach, Read-In Program, Bates Street Clinic A moment that defined my experience as a Bates student: During Short Term of my freshman year I traveled to Utah on an off campus Anthropology excursion. Though we did not find the Holy Grail, I will never forget the friendships and experience which were fostered during those two weeks. What is your agenda for senior week?: I have not totally decided on my agenda for senior week b/c I am but one senior and I feel that senior week should be a collaborative effort. Therefore though I would advocate incorporating past traditions, but I definitely would like to hear new ideas. Long-term goals for the senior class: By starting senior events early, and not waiting until senior week, it is my hope that new friendships will be fostered and old ones strengthened. Why do you care about the senior class?: I care about the senior class because I want my last semester and short-term at Bates to be the best it can be. I want to be able to look back and know that the seniors got the most out of their last time at Bates as possible. What are your greatest assets?: As a leader I try to incorporate as many new ideas as possible into the projects which I am involved in (both my own and others). Slogan: Experience goes a long way, yet an open mind goes further. Comments: Best of Luck to all Candidates! |
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