
The Bates Student - October 10, 1997


Responsibility revisited
To the Editor:

I received the following e-mail posting in response to my letter to the Editor (`A Matter of Responsibility,' "The Bates Student," October 3). Please publish it with my thanks to its writer for giving HIS side of the story, which I regret I did not have when I wrote my letter.

Here is the student's letter:

Greetings Atsuko. My name is Alex Budney, the student you lambasted in the school newspaper. I would have you know that I am not the only recording tech on campus, and in fact, do not work every concert here. My boss, Mark Howard, called me on monday, and asked if I might record a concert for him the next night. I told him I could not, because I was teaching my Jr.-Sr. seminar that night: END OF STORY. I don't know what right you think you have to publicly insult me, not to mention the fact that you got my name wrong. As a Professor, I would think that you might respect a students need to attend class, especially when they are leading it.

I demand an answer to this e-mail and a public apology in the student. How dare you slander my name in public press without having any of the story. You acted immaturely and unfairly. I would expect it from few students, let alone someone with tenure and my senior. Ignoring this will be an admission of guilt on your part.

-Alexander Joseph Budney II

I may add that my concert took place at noon, not at night, on Tuesday.

Sincerely yours,
Atsuko Hirai
Professor of History

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