
The Bates Student - October 10, 1997


What's doing in the multicultural center
Student-run organizations in the Multicultural Center explain their upcoming activities

Staff Writer

The Multicultural Centeris home to a number of different student-run organizations on campus. These organizations sponsor a variety of activities throughout the year that are open to all Bates students.

Sangai Asia
Sangai Asia is one of the clubs that is based in the Multicultural house. It is run by a group consisting of co-coordinators , Eleanor Lee '00 and Rosa Lin '00, publicity manager Jay Kim '99 and treasurer Rushil Shakya '01. According toLee the club is "for anyone interested in Asia to learn about and experience Asian culture".

The club is not limited to China and Japan but instead covers all of Asia. Along with bringing different speakers to the Bates campus, Sangai Asia also functions as a "support group for Asian/Asian-American students". The Dragon Boat Race that took place on the Puddle on September 27 was sponsored by the club and they have numerous other activities planned for this year including a Bates-Bowdoin-Colby Conference and Taiko Drummers. "Sangai" is Nepalese for "togetherness" and that idea is what this club and its events hope to encourage.

A second club that meets in the Multicultural Center is Amandla! This organization's purpose is to celebrate African Heritage and culture. Amandla, which means power in Swahili was a word often used to conclude the speeches made in South Africa by Nelson Mandela.

This year, co-coordinators Johnathan Warren '98 and Lena Sene '00 are planning an assortment of events including a trip to the African American Heritage Trail and Museum in Boston, an African American Art exhibit and the performance of the Cinque Dance group sponsored by the President's Office. Those who are interested in Amandla! can stop by the Multicultural Center or call 795-7490.

Jewish Cultural Community
Along with meeting for Shabbat dinners every Friday at 6:00 in the Rowe room, the Jewish Cultural Community is currently busy celebrating the Jewish New Year. Yom Kippur, which is this Saturday, marks the second part of the New Year and is "a time to reflect on this past year" according to club member Rachel Cymrot '00. In recognition of this holiday, a trip has been planned to Bowdoin College in order to attend the services being given there by a rabbi from New York City. There will also be a break-the-fast party at the Multicultural Center on Saturday night to end the fast that will take place from Friday night at sundown until Saturday at sundown. After October break the third part of the new year celebration, Sukkot, occurs. The JCC is planning to build a sukkoh on the quad sometime after the break. The co- conveners of the JCC are Meghan Cherner-Ranft '00 and Cymrot; anyone interested should contact either of them.

Women of Color
Women of Color is composed of a group of convertors including, Joanne Douglas '99, Erica Ellis '98, Grace Eng '98, Pooja Kedia '00, Brinda Tahiliani '98 and Aditi Vaidya '00. The meetings are focused around concerns of the members and the organization of speakers and performers.

Tahiliani explained that the main priorities of the group are " to promote cultural, social and political interaction among women of color (students, faculty, and administration) to share our knowledge with the Bates community and the surrounding communities." Some of the events that are currently in the works for this year include, speaker Phoolan Devi, a member of parliament in India and a women's activist against child marriages, and Wilma Mankiller, the first woman chief of the Cherokee nation. Other speakers include a spokesperson for Chinese Democracy Movement and Commander-in-Chief at Tiananmen Square. There will also be performances by Gina Picaldo and the Dance Brigade, a multiracial troupe of women. Women of Color meets on Fridays at 5:30 in the Multicultural Center.

International Club
The International Club also holds meetings in the Multicultural Center. They meet on Thursday nights from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. The constitution of the International Club states that its purpose is to provide a social and cultural locus of activity for the members of the Bates community who would contribute and benefit from such an organization.

The club has its own page on the internet and for those that are interested the address is http://www.bates.edu/people/orgs/intclub/ . The web site posts minutes from the latest meetings, a list of group members, and a schedule of past and upcoming events. A trip to Acadia National Park on Saturday October 11 is planned; the trip costs five dollars and includes hiking, climbing and a barbeque. Further into the semester an International dinner is planned for November 8. A Home Stay Program is also in the works for the future. The current heads of the International Club include, cocoordinators Lein Le '99 and Makoto Wada '99, treasurer Sagun K.C. '00, secretary Eleanor Lee '00 and publicity manager Trevor Stevens '00.

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