
The Bates Student - October 3, 1997


Men's cross country races for bowl of fish
Okay, not exactly - but they do run well at the prestigious Codfish Bowl meet

Staff Writer

The cross-country team finally displayed the ability that it possesses. Last weekend at the Codfish Bowl in Boston, Bates placed second in a field of 18 very talented teams. Everything seemed to come together as 11 runners ran personal bests for the five mile course.

Co-Captain Justin Freeman '98 placed second overall with a time of 24:45. He averaged 4:57 per mile over the five miles; a very impressive race. Although he was edged out for first by Robert Mitchell of Amherst College, he pushed himself to a career best time.

The most impressive thing about the Codfish Bowl was how the rest of the team closed in on Freeman, making the team that much stronger. Mike Danahy '00 placed second for the Bobcats with a time of 25:40, another personal best. Matt Twiest '00 continued his assault with a time of 25:56. Brendan Hahesy '00 and John McGrath '00 completed the Bobcat scoring with running times of 26:05 and 26:20 respectively; both lifetime bests. The 1-5 gap was only 1:35, much closer to the goal set by head coach Al Fereshetian.

Needless to say, this was the most impressive team effort of the season. Other runners who turned in personal bests were Michael Crocker '98, co-captain John Cullinan '99, Steve Dutton '00, Adam Kessler '00, Scott Balicki '01, Steve Mague '01, and Chris Somma '01.

"We really stepped it up last week against good Division II and III competition. We topped last year's second place finish and that has given us a boost going into the championship portion of the season," said coach Fereshetian of the impressive performance.

The team is preparing this week for the important State of Maine Championships on Oct. 11 at the challenging Springbrook Golf Course in Leeds, Maine. Bates will go into the meet as favorites but that does not mean that league rivals will roll over. Coach Fereshetian has the team on a hard series of hill workouts to prepare for the meet and, judging by the impressive results so far, Bates should have a good showing.

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Last Modified: 10/27/97
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