
The Bates Student - October 3, 1997


Class members speak out about article on offensiveness
To the Editor,

With regard to the article on discrimination at Bates, before comparisons can be made between a thoughtless, albeit unintentionally offensive comment made by Professor Wagner to recent malicious Anti-Asian hate crimes in the news, the context of the situation should definitely be considered.

On the first day of the Advanced Personality class, Wagner admitted the extreme difficulty he has in remembering names. As the class is generally much smaller than it is this year, and as it is a discussion class, he proceeded in the attempt to begin identifying students by name. When it came to those names which generally aren't very common, or with which he wasn't very familiar, he would ask the student how it is pronounced or about its origin. He did this, not, it seems, in an attempt to racially exclude, brand or stigmatize but simply out of friendly curiosity in students' ethnicities.

Though one can see how his remark to the student with a Japanese surname could be taken as offensive, it should also be considered that when he realized his mistake he quickly tried to clarify himself. It is also doubtful that, in his haste, he considered the connotations of his remark, and, knowing Professor Wagner, that he could ever have intended it to be taken in the way it was. It is a shame that a professor with good intentions was singled out for a remark made in haste, not in hate.


Brianna Adams '99
Jennifer Anderton '98
Thomas Beer '98
Emily Bloom '99
Jessica Bondi '98
Julie DeSarbo '98
Meghan Dougherty '99
Elizabeth A. Eckblom '99
Simone Francini '98
Abigail Francis '99
Katherine Gibson '98
M. Gazioglu '99
Nate Kostoulakos '98
Carrie Larson '98
Chris LeBlanc '98
Amanda Leighton '98
Kelsey MacMillan '99
Sam McDaniel '98
Sean McGonagle '98
Molly McMahon '99
Elizabeth Miller '98
Christian Oberle '98
Rebecca Orfaly '98
Anne K. Perry '98
Christa Pietrini '98
Ben Rood '98
Mark Simmons '98
Ben Smith '98
Jennifer Smith '98
Charlotte Swol '98
Steven Toomey '98
Darcey Wijsenbeeck '98
Valerie Wislon '98

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Last Modified: 10/26/97
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