
The Bates Student - October 3, 1997


Alumni-in-Residence update
To the Editor,

The first Alumni-in-Residence Program sponsored by the Alumni Council and Office of Career Services was held on Friday afternoon, September 19th. The program was a huge success, thanks in large part to the participation of over 75 students and 35 alumni.

The afternoon consisted of two 45-minute career seminars with alumni panelists. The seminars broke down into specific career fields including: Law / Government, Communications / Arts, Financial Services, Marketing / Consulting, Medical Services / Sciences, and Education / Non-Profit. Each career field was represented by alumni with varying backgrounds and spanning many classes.

The feedback we received from the attending students was very positive and encouraged us to continue the program next year. Listening to a fellow Batesie tell their post-Bates story was "...a great idea...", according to one student. Another commented, "It was encouraging to see how helpful alums can be." The Alumni Fellows were delighted to take part in this program and offer any assistance they can to current students and fellow alums.

Following the seminars, we adjourned to Chase Hall Lounge for dinner and dessert. Again, the student attendance was terrific and conversations around the room were lively. Overall, it was a terrific evening for both the alums and students. It emphasized to the students that the Bates Alumni are very approachable and available to assist in their transition to "Life After Bates."

On behalf of the entire Alumni Council, thank you to everyone who

contributed to the success of this program.


Nancy E. Higgins '81
President of the Alumni Council

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Last Modified: 10/26/97
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