
The Bates Student - October 3, 1997


Behind the friendly facade, a hidden fear
There's no doubt that Bates has enjoyed a reputation for being one of the friendliest small colleges in the United States.

This reputation conveys, to outsiders and insiders, a sense of community spirit, camaraderie and safety.

To this end, blue safety lights pepper the campus, indicating that Security is looking out for students, and that we have nothing to fear. Or are the lights there because we do have something to fear?

If it's not evil from the outside to be afraid of, then perhaps it's something bad that's brewing inside people within the inner sanctum of campus. This something could be the incivility that members of campus organizations like the Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual Alliance and the Bates Democrats have felt in the last two weeks.

Judging from the recent, rampant defacing and removal of these group's posters, there is a lot of disrespect among people at Bates. And that is something to be afraid of.

Last week, GLBA hung signs around campus inviting men questioning their sexuality to a private, "non-labeling" meeting. The signs, which were posted around campus in residences, college buildings and restrooms, also stated that tearing them down was an act of homophobia.

An unidentified person or people must have been taken aback, disturbed or threatened by the mere presence of the signs --18 of them were removed. Some above a urinal in Chase Hall were even taken down and urinated upon.

This week, several Bates Democrats posters announcing an upcoming welfare reform debate were also taken down from various spots around campus.

These actions reflect poorly upon one of the "friendliest" schools in the country. They're not funny, and nor should they be acceptable by any means.

There's no reason why most people on campus should live in fear of other people's homophobia or intolerance.

So at the very least, let's be publically tolerant, for the sake of others within the College. Let's uphold the College's values of egalitarianism and fairness.

The safety net of Security and its blue lights won't protect us from the inside -- from each other.

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Last Modified: 10/26/97
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