
The Bates Student - October 3, 1997


Greasy snacks or a double latte? You choose
Does The Ronj pose a threat to Bates' beloved Den?

Staff Writer

It's around midnight and already time for that way-too-frequent study break. Students are now faced with a rather enjoyable decision about how they wish to procrastinate. Questions have been raised by some as to whether The Den and the new coffeehouse The Ronj are competing or if they actually provide two forms of entertainment ... er, rather, time-wasting opportunities.

On one hand, students can savor a break from Commons with a wide variety of favorite greasy foods, a salad bar and an assortment of new pastries. In fact Rosa Linn '00 prefers The Den to The Ronj "because there is more food and it (The Ronj) is too far away."

Furthermore, The Den's long hours, from the morning until midnight on weeknights, and convenient location make it accessible. However, The Ronj's achieves the goal of being a cool night spot, complete with live entertainment and espresso drinks.

The coffeehouse is thought of as a "change of pace everybody needs ... I feel like I am not at Bates anymore," according to sophomore Shannon Hurst.

Not that The Den is lacking in atmosphere, of course. It does have that jukebox which can play some Batesie classics one too many times - how many times can you hear "Satellite" played in a single day?

However, the recent additions of karaoke nights (a real draw for some) free pizza, and beer also add options to a weekend evening at The Den. Perhaps the campus will discover whether the food and improved style of The Den or the orange, caffeine- buzzed ambience of The Ronj will win in popularity.

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Last Modified: 10/27/97
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