Archived Events
2002-2003 School Year

Take Back The Night
Thursday, March 20, 2003

7:00    Keynote Speaker: Noelle Roop (Chapel)
Noelle Roop, a recent graduate of Regis College (MA), speaks candidly about her personal experience in an abusive relationship and subsequent rape. Noelle is the co-founder of P.R.O.U.D. (People Reaching Out Understanding Diversity), an organization focused on educating people about the issues of sexual and gender diversity, as well as on women's issues, abuse and sexual assault. She looks forward to sharing her story and the facts and myths surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault with others.

8:00    March through Bates Campus and Lewiston Community
8:30    Speak Out Open Mic Forum and Candle Light Vigil on the Library Terrace
Be a part of the action: Break the silence around violence
Co-sponsored by Students Against Sexual Assault and The Women's Resource Center

Art and Activism Conference
February 1, 2003

The WRC has agreed to help raise funds for the Thirty-Four Million Friends of the United Nations Population Fund. The UNFPA works in 140 countries for:

  • Family planning

  • Safe births

  • HIV/AIDS prevention

  • A reduction of female genital mutilation

  • A reduction of violence against women

The Bush Administration cancelled the U.S. contribution. Be one of 34 million Americans to send a $1 bill or check to:

The United Nations Population Fund

220 East 42nd Street

New York, NY 10017


Co-Coordinators: Cynthia Gorman and Addie Rose Mayer
Treasurer: Kelsey Barrett
Secretary: Adrienne Eaton
Historian: Emily Peckenham

The Vision of the Bates College Women's Resource Center is:
  • To create a safe and comfortable space for women on campus

  • To provide a place for students to exchange ideas and meet with peers and professors outside of an academic setting

  • To provide a pro-active, supportive environment that builds community

  • To generate and encourage dialogue between men and women regarding gender and women's issues at a local, national and international level

  • To facilitate action and raise awareness regarding gender and women's issues in order to help create a campus free of sexism, discrimination and violence

WRC home page