1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
American Economy, National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association, by, 32906
Antitrust Enforcement Authorization Act of 1975: enact (see S. 1136), 6007
Appalachian Regional Development Act: bill (S. 15 13; H.R. 4073) to amend, 23367
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 5899) making second supplemental, 15344, 15367
As Maine Debates How to Save Its Timber From Budworms, Pests Keep the Upper Hand, S. Margolies, Wall Street Journal, 21774
Budget deferral legislation to disapprove for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration funds, 5726
Coal: regulation of surface mining, 6201
Construction resources: promote more efficient use (see S. 865), 26293
Council on Wage and Price Stability: bill (S. 409) to confer additional authority on, 13224
Credit: prohibit age discrimination in granting (see S.483), 6030
Customs employees: aircraft exemption relative to certain overtime services (see S. 2312), 42037
Department of Agriculture and related agencies: bill (H.R. 8561) making appropriations, 24998, 25003, 25004
Department of Transportation and related agencies: bill (H.R. 8365) making appropriations, 24959, 24960, 24980-24983
Emergency Marine Fisheries Protection Act of 1975: introduction, 5310
Emergency Marine Fisheries Protection Act of 1975: enact (see S. 961), 5272
Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments of 1975: enact (see S. 1302), 8138
Financial Institutions Act of 1975; bill (S. 1267) to enact, 39962, 39963
Fish and fishing: tax treatment for certain, 41244
Fishermen: loans to cover costs of damages caused by foreign vessels (see S. 2193), 25315
Fishing industry: tax status (see S. 2410), 32341
Fishing industry; legislation to cover the costs of damage caused by foreign vessels, 25390
for funds for, 5726
Forest service: further insect and disease control programs (see S. 34), 212
Income tax: legislation relating to the lobster fishing industry, 32827
Inflation's Grip Tightens on Poor, J. T. Wooten, New York Times, 3317
Letter: Amtrak service, by, 11189
Lobster fishing industry: legislation relating to taxation of, 32827
Magnuson Fisheries Management and Conservation Act: bill (S. 961) to enact, 42236-42238
Mail rates: educational publications (see S. 2015), 27339
Maine, Canada Test a Magic Bullet, John P Wiley, Jr., Smithsonian (publication), 30461
Maine: tax treatment for fishermen, 41244
Maine: spruce budworm problem, 15367
Maine's Fishing Industry, Thomas Business Review (sundry), 24282-24284
Maine's Long-Term Future, H. Smith, Maine Business Indicators, 24098
Milk: price support (see SJ. Res. 121), 30457
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Funds: disapprove President's deferral (see S.Res. 102), 5726
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: legislation to disapprove a budget deferral Supersonic aircraft: noise, 24959
New England Firm Decides to Stay. J. D. Moorhead, Christian Science Monitor, 6286
Present Plight of the Potato Growers, by, 14768
Right to Financial privacy Act of 1975 enact (see S.1343), 8681
Rules Not Followed by Foreign Fishing Fleet, Mary Brewer, Boothbay (Me.) Register, 42238
Silk yarns: amend bill (H.R. 7727) to suspend duty on certain, 41244, 42044
Small Business Problems, Smaller Business Association of New England, by Senator McIntyre, 15667
Spruce budworm: control, 15357, 30461
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1975: bill (S. 7) to enact, 6201
Table: Federal-aid highway funding, 24980
Tax Ruling for Fishermen, Fisheries Communications, 41244
Text: S. 2518, relating to taxation of the lobster fishing industry, 32829
Text: S. 2193, Fishing Vessels Claims Act, 25390
Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriation Act, 1976: bill (H.R. 8597) to enact, 25114, 25115
U.S. fishing zone: extend to 200 miles, 5779
1975 1st Congress, 94th Session
Analysis: Utility Rate Hikes, by D. N. Jones and S. Dovell, 8394
Consumers: utility rates, 8391
Economic conditions: utility rates, 8391
Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1975: bill (S. 1849) to enact, veto message, 28206, 28475
Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1975: amend bill (H.R.9524) to enact, 30504
Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1975: bill (H.R. 9254) to enact, 28697-28699, 28707, 28710, 28711, 28715, 28716, 30504, 30505, 30507, 30509
Energy: costs and conservation, 3570
Energy: Federal Energy Administration, Report, 23901
Energy Research and Development Administration: bill (H.R. 3474) authorizing appropriations, Conference report, 39265, 39266
Energy: bill (S.677) to establish a Strategic Energy Reserve Office, 21437, 21438, 21440
Energy: oil price control, 27848
Energy Conservation Month: designate (see S. Res.59), 2613
Energy Research and Development Administration: bill (S. 598) to authorize appropriations, 26411, 26501
Energy: offshore oil, 21543
Energy: potential of the tidal flow in Passamaquoddy Bay, 28869
Energy Policy and Conservation Act: bill (S. 622) to enact, conference report, 41195
Ford, Gerald R.: proposed tariff on oil imports, 3570
Ford, Gerald R: energy program, 23901
Increasing Gasoline Prices, Phil Pimental, WGAN-TV, Portland, Maine, 26904
Letter: Funds for Emergency Energy Conservation Services. exchange of correspondence between White House and Senator Magnuson, by, 15341
Letter: Oil price control and the independent refiner, by, 28481
Maine: Project Fuel, 15344
Natural Gas Emergency Act of 1975: bill (S. 23 10) to enact, 32299
Oil imports: bill (H.R. 1767) to suspend certain imposition of tariffs on, 3570
Oil imports: prohibit for 60 days the imposition of tariffs, fees, and quotas (see S.J. Res. 12), 999
Oil: relative to tariff on imported (see S. Res 11), 889
Oil: offshore, 21543
Oil imports: require congressional approval of fees on (see S. J. Res. 3), 215
Oil: price control, 27848
On article written by Richard Saltonstall about Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes, Maine, 38931
Passamaquoddy Bay: energy potential, 28869
Petition: Urging the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project, 28869
Public Works for Water and Power Development and Energy Research Appropriation Act, 1976: (H.R. 8122) to enact, 38928, 38935, 39936
Report: Fuel Adjustment Clause Actions in the Electric and Gas Utility Industries, 8392
Report: Impact of Veto of Price Control and Allocation Authority, 28475
Report: Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes, Maine, 38928
Report: Impact of Decontrol of Oil Prices, Congressional Budget Office, 27848
Resolutions by organizations: Relative to taxing petroleum-based fuels, Maine Legislature, 17035
Solar Energy: Select Committee on Small Business, by Senator Hathaway, 14662
Strategic Energy Reserves Act of 1975: amend bill (S.677) to enact, 21440
Strategic Energy Reserves Act of 1975: bill (S. 677) to enact, 21437, 21438, 21440
Table: Summary of ERDA fiscal year 1976 budget authority and outlays, 26502, 26503
Table: Fiscal-year 1976 budget authority and budget outlays by defense, energy, and research, 39266, 39267
Taking Oil Off the Shelf, R. Bendiner, New York Times, 21543
Utilities: rate hikes, 8391
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Air pollution: impact on public health, 28652
American Folklife Center: establish in Library of Congress (see S. 1618), 12698
American Revolution Bicentennial Advisory Council: appoint New Englanders to (see S.J. Res. 77), 12485
Auto Emissions: EPA Decision Due on Another Cleanup Delay, C. Holden, Science Magazine, 6063
Automobile Fuel Economy and Research and Development Act of 1975: bill (S 1883) to enact, 22879
Automobile emission standards: Proposed 5-year delay, 28652
Budget deferral: disapproving relative to water program operations construction grants (see S. Res. 70), 2806
Campobello: FDR's Beloved Island Is a Joy Today, D. R. Larrabee (sundry), 18116
Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments of 1975: bill (S. 586) to enact, 23080, 23081
Committee on Public Works: notice of hearings, 8720, 12881
Court Decision: Natural Resources Defense Council vs. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. 18583
Courts: environmental law, 5750
Ecology: Flush Times, Newsweek (publication), 36431
Emission controls: to achieve air quality, 28652
Environment: U.S. courts of appeals decisions, 5750
Environment: water pollution control, 17346, 17347
Environmental Objectives, International Conference on Biological Water Quality Alternatives, by, 5765
Environmental Protection Agency: regulating parking, 31715, 31716
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972: court decision concerning the implementation of, 18583
Federal Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act of 1975: enact (see S. 2666), 36405
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1975: bill (S. 2711) to enact, 40006-40008, 40279, 40280
Hathaway, Stanley K.: nomination, 18355-18357
Hathaway, Stanley K. nomination, recommit, 18355
Historic Preservation Fund: bill (S. 327), to establish, 34246-34253
History: Development of "Needs" Formula, 25692
Letter: Water pollution control (sundry), 17347, 17348
Letter: Public Works Employment Act of 1975, (sundry), by, 25689
Letter: Public Works Employment Act of 1975, R. E Train, 25689
Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1975: bill (H.R. 5247) to enact, conference report, 41134
Marine Pollution Control Zone: legislation to establish a 200-mile, 8694
Marine Pollution Control Zone: establish 200-mile (see S. 1341), 8681
National Trust for the Preservation of Historic Ships: establish (see S. 228), 16600
Outer Continental Shelf Management Act of 1975: bill (S. 521) to enact. 26036, 26040
Outer Continental Shelf: provide relief for damages from discharge of oil from (see S. 1954), 21497
Public Works Employment Act of 1975: bill (S. 1587; H.R. 5247) to enact, to table Talmadge amendment, 25701
Public Works Employment Act of 1975; bill (S.1587; H.R. 5247) to enact, 25687-25686, 25693-25695, 25702. 25705, 25708, 25712, 25722-25724, 25728, 25730, 25732-25736
Schedule: Clean Air Act hearings. Committee on Public Works, 8721
Setting Environmental Standards. G. Fishbein, Washington Post, 5750
Sewage: methods for disposal, 36427
Sewerless Society, Harold H. Leich, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 36428-36431
Strip Mining Shift Could Hit Hathaway, L. Larsen. Denver Post, 18355
Table: Automobile, emisson standards, 28653
Text: S.1341, to establish 200-mile Marine Pollution Control Zone, 8695
Water pollution: control, 17346, 17347
Water Program Operations Construction Grants: deferral of budget authority, 2806
Wetlands and the Corps of Engineers, Washington Post, 17347
Where F.D.R. Sunned, L. Lowry, New York Times, 20065
1975 94th Congress, 1st Session
Angola: situation and U.S. policy in, 41207, 41210, 41211
Angola: resolution (S. Res. 333) relating to activities in, 41210, 41211
Angola: relative to U.S. involvement (see S. Res. 333), 41209
Bipartisan Foreign Policy, University of Delaware, by, 4098
CIA and Tar Baby, O. Robinson, Maine Times, 2546
Cold War to Cold Peace, A. Friendly, Newsweek, 24279
Commencement, Tilton Academy, N.H., by, 18336
Commencement, G. W. Ball, Bates College, 19297
Committee on Intelligence Oversight (Joint): establish (see S. 3 17), 998
Committee to Study Intelligence Activities (Select): establish (see S. Res. 19), 727
Committee to Investigate Governmental Intelligence Activities (Select): resolution (S. Res. 21) to establish, 1428
Cyprus- military action against, 14994
Department of Defense: bill (H.R. 9861) making appropriations, conference report, 41207, 41210, 41211
Department of Defense Authorization Act. 1976: bill (H.R. 6674) to enact, conference report, 26686-26690, 26692, 26699-26703, 26706, 26707, 3O557, 30559, 30560
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1976: bill (H.R. 9861) to enact, 36510, 36512, 36748
Department of Defense: exclude industrially funded personnel from total authorized (see S. 2207), 32841
Departments of State, Justice. and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1976: bill (H.R. 8121) making appropriations, conference report, 30554
Departments of State, Justice. and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1976: bill (H.R. 8121 ) to enact, 27395
Federal employees: resolution (S. Res. 239) disapproving alternative plan for pay adjustments, 29264-29268
Foreign affairs: amend bill (S. 1517) authorizing appropriations for administration of, 24269
Foreign policy: bill (S. 2330) relating to military assistance to Turkey, 26525
Foreign aid: amend bill (H.R. 4592) making appropriations for, 7448
Foreign aid: bill (H.R. 4592) making appropriations for, 7448, 7461, 7462
Future American Foreign Policy, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, by, 16626
Global View of"Crowding Out," William C. Cates, Wall Street Journal, 13870
Government intelligence and surveillance activities: Senate action an legislation relative to congressional oversight (see S. Res. 231), 27824
Government agencies: necessity of reorganizing (see S. 189), 527
Intelligence activities: investigation of governmental, 1428
International commerce: condemning discrimination (see S. Res. 100), 5429
International Development and Food Assistance Act of 1975: bill (H.R. 9005) to enact, 34734-34739, 35172
Invocation: Bates College Commencement, 19297
Israel: concern over attempts to expel from United Nations (see S. Res. 214), 24897
Letter: Military procurement authorization conference report, Representative Adams, 30558
Letter: Providing assistance to Vietnamese refugees in the United States, by, 13596
Letter: Anniversary of Partners of the Americas program (sundry), 7453, 7454
Letter: Naval shipbuilding program, by, 17619
Letter: Legislation to provide aid for refugees of Vietnam war, Senator Sparkman, by, 14843
List: Possible reductions in defense, by, 26687, 26688
Memorandum: Comments on reordering of priorities between international and domestic programs, Sid Brown, 29093
Military Procurement Authorizations, by, 26685, 26692
Military Procurement Conference Washington Post, 29093
Military Procurement Authorization Bill Revised Conference Report, by, 30557-30559
Military construction: bill (S. 1247) to authorize appropriations, conference report, 30719
Military construction: bill (H.R. 10029) making appropriations, 35364
Military Procurement Authorization Bill Revised Conference Report, by, 30557-30559
Military procurement: bill (S. 920; H.R. 6674) authorizing appropriations for, 17041-17043, 17047, 17617, 17618
Mussenden, William F.: legislation for the relief of, 35668
Mussenden. William F.: relief (see S. 2640), 35647
National Association of the Partners of the Alliance, Inc.: funds, 7448, 7461, 7462
Navy: patrol frigate program, 17618
Navy: ship construction, 21772
Nuclear test ban treaty: promote negotiations for (see S. Res. 163), 15257
Panama Canal: treaty negotiations, 30554
Partners of the Americas Program (sundry), 7454- 7461
Proclamation : POW's-MIA's, Governor Curtis of Maine, 8752
Refugees. Vietnamese, 13313
Report: Military Procurement Conference Report (sundry), 29094
Report: Partners of the Americas, National Association of the Partners of the Alliance, Inc., 7449
Resolutions by organizations: Concerning aid to Vietnamese refugees, Maine Legislature, 17036
Resolutions by organizations: Commending the President in securing the release of the Mayaguez, Maine Legislature, 17035
Sinai: resolution (S.J. Res. 138) to implement early-warning system, 32748
Solzhenitsyn, Alexandr: invitation to address Congress (see S Con. Res. 48), 24055
Table: Possible reductions in national defense, 17043
Table: National defense requirements, 17042
Table: Agency for International Development loan reflows available for reuse, 34739
Turkey: bill (S. 846, 2230) relating to military assistance to, 14994, 26525
United Nations: relative to Zionism resolution (see S. Con. Res. 73), 35776
United Nations Law of the Sea Conference, 4529
United Nations: resolution on Zionism, 35320
Vietnam: bill (S. 1484) authorizing funds for humanitarian and evacuation purposes in South, 11466
Vietnam: immigration of refugees, 13313
What Do We Expect of the Military? Philip L. Geyelin, Washington Post, 13875
World food crisis: aid to poorest people (see S. Con. Res. 66), 41544
Zionism: condemn United Nations resolution (see S. Res Res 289), 33925
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Abortion: Federal funds, 9818
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Senator Hathaway, (sundry), 32253-32255
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 4481) making emergency employment, 11939, 11940
Barriers to Health Care for Older Americans, Special Committee on Aging, by, 26259
Budget Committee Position on H.R. 6900, Unemployment Compensation, 20143
Budget Discipline and Defense, Stephen S. Rosenfeld, Washington Post, 29539
Child Nutrition Veto, Washington Post, 32016
COMBAT. consumer organizations in Maine, 6274
Consumer agency: establish independent (see S. 200), 641
Consumer Product Safety Commission Improvements Act of 1975, bill (S. 644) to enact, 23585
Consumer Protection Act of 1975: bill (S, 200) to enact, 14721
Departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1976: bill (H.R. 8069) to enact, 29089-29093, 29097-29100, 30524
Education Division and related agencies: bill (H.R. 5901) making appropriations, conference report, 23338
Education Division and related agencies: bill (H.R. 5901) making appropriations, veto message, 28497
Emergency Compensation and Special Unemployment Assistance Extension Act of 1975: bill (H.R. 6900) to enact, 20143, 20144
Employment appropriations: bill (H.R. 4481) making emergency, 11939, 11940
Food Stamp Act of 1964: amend (see S. 13), 212
Food service programs for children: bill (H.R. 4222) extend and revise special, conference report, 27768, 27769
Food stamps: bill (S. 35; H.R. 1589) to prohibit increases in cost of, 2601
Health Revenue Sharing Act of 1975: budget effects, 25155, 25156
Heart House: cardiology, 34192
Heart House (sundry), 34193, 34194
History and Purpose of Northeast Combat, Inc., 6274
Hurricane Island (Maine) Outward Bound School, 25427
Letter: Status of H.R. 8069, by, 29097
Letter: Needed funds for summer youth jobs program, President Ford, by, 5510
Letter: Funds for summer youth jobs program, exchange of correspondence between White House and, 11926, 11927
Letter: Funds for Emergency Energy Conservation Services: exchange of correspondence between White House and, 11928
Maine: COMBAT organizations, 6274
Medicare: proposed curtailment of benefits (see S.Con. Res. 24), 7524
Medicare: freeze deductibles (see S. 525), 2026
Mental health: care for the elderly, 4442
National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act Amendments of 1975; bill (H.R. 4222) enact, veto message, 32015
National Employ the Older Workers Week: designate (see S.J. Res. 35), 3796
National Ski Patrol Association: grant Federal charter (see S. 1736), 31933
Nurse Training and Health Revenue Sharing and Health Services Act of 1975: bill (S. 66) to enact, 9818, 9830
Nursing homes: updating life safety requirements (see S.2558), 33495
Nursing homes: legislation to provide for the updating of the life safety requirements for, 33516
Nursing homes: concerning (see S. Res. 113), 6472
Nursing homes: reform (see S. 1563), 35087
Older Americans Act Amendments of proposed amendment, 13984 Agency for Consumer Advocacy: create, 14721
Older Americans Act Amendments of 1975: amend bill (S. 1426) to enact, 13983
Older persons: mental health care, 4442
Outward Bound at Moosehead, Eliza Cocroft, Down East (magazine), 25428
Parole Commission Act: enact (see S. 1109), 5675
Psychiatrists Pay New Need to Mental Problems of Aged, D. Buell, National Observer, 4442
Radiation Health and Safety Act of 1975: enact (see S. 1261), 7826
Report: Budget Estimates for Unemployment Compensation, 20144
Resolutions by organizations: Medicare -medicaid payments. Maine Legislature, 5777
Resolutions by organizations: Relative to proposed change for title XX of the Social Services Act Amendments of 1974, Maine State Legislature, 17035
Resolutions by organizations: Limitation on cost-of-living increases in Federal income maintenance programs, Maine Legislature, 5778
Sailing Through Outward Bound: No Easy Trick, Toni Brodax, Boating (magazine), 25428
School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act of 1966 Amendments of 1975: bill (H.R. 4222),to enact, 22208-22211
School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act of 1966 Amendments of 1975: School lunch program: proposed conference report, 26686
School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act of 1966 Amendments of 1975: bill (H.R. 4222) to enact, conference report, 29539-29540
Social security: disapprove 5-per cent ceiling on cost-of-living increases (see S. Con. Res. 2), 889
Table: Budget authority and outlays of H.R. 8069 (sundry), 29092, 29093
Table: Health spending legislation, 25155
Table: Education, manpower, and social services, 28497
Table: Budget estimates for child nutrition programs (sundry), 22209, 27769
Unemployment: legislation to provide additional compensation, 20143, 20144
Veterans' Administration Physician Pay Comparability Act of 1975: bill (S. 1711) enact, 26741
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 3254
Analysis: S.1359, Intergovernmental Countercyclical Assistance Act of 1975, 9082
Analysis: S.957, to improve personnel administration in State and local governments, 5280
Budget: bill (H.R. 10647) making supplemental appropriations, 39679
Cities and States Slowing Spending (sundry), 41135, 41136
Committee on Government Operations: notice of hearings, 1364, 5729, 6040, 10131, 10219, 12232, 23867, 29753
Committee on Government Operations: notice of open business meeting, 17639
Committee on Government Operations: postponement of hearing, 6257
Congressional Right to Information Act: introduction, 24597
Congressional Right to Information Act: enact (see S. 2170), 24597
Economic conditions: New York City, 35308
Economic conditions: anti-recession aid to State and local governments, 21528, 21529
Economic conditions: problems of State and local governments, 7198
Economic conditions: legislation to establish a system of emergency support grants to State and local governments, 9080
Explanation: Intergovernmental Countercyclical Assistance Act, 12298
Federal Aid to the Cities (sundry), 24093, 24094
Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1975; enact (see S. 1437), 10190
Federal agencies: classified information, 26894
Federal Government and right to privacy, 30496
General Revenue Sharing; Conference on Federalism by, 4447
Government Secrecy Control Act of 1975: introduction, 30292
Government Agencies and Congressional Committees: open public hearings (see S. 5), 22796
Government Secrecy Control Act of 1975: enact (see S. 2420), 30289
Haves and Have Nots, N. R. Peirce, Washington Post, 7198
Impact of Revenue Sharing on Minorities and the Poor, M. H. Sklar, Harvard Law Review, 8738
Intergovernmental Countercyclical Assistance Act of 1975: introduction, 9080
Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970: legislation to amend, 5279
Intergovernmental Personal Act of 1970: amend (see S. 957), 5272
Intergovernmental Countercyclical Assistance Act of 1975; enact (see S. 1359), 9080
Intergovernmental Countercyclical Assistance Act of 1975, by Senator Humphrey, 9081
Intergovernmental Anti-Recession Assistance Act of 1975: support, 24093
Letter: New York City's economic condition (sundry), 35309, 35310
Letter: "Executive Privilege" bill, by Senator Church, 24598
Letter: Congressional Right to Information Act, S. J. Ervin, 24598
Local Fiscal Crisis (sundry), 9087
Maine: resolution relative to general revenue sharing, 4446
Memorandum: National Secrecy Act: Provisions of S. 1, 26908
Memorandum: Financial condition of State and local governments, Library of Congress, 25724
National Secrets Act: proposed, 26908
New York City: fiscal crisis, 35308
Politics of Apathy, Joseph Kraft, Washington Post, 22108
Public Works Employment Act of 1975: proposed amendment, 24898
Public Works Employment Act of 1975: amend bill (S.1587; H.R. 5247) to enact, 24898, 25702
Questions and Answers: Intergovernmental Countercyclical Assistance Act of 1975, 9086
Questions and Answers: Countercyclical assistance, 33574
Reorganizing State Government, N. R. Peirce, Washington Post, 9650
Report: Committee on Government Operations, 24031
Report: Presidential Secrecy System Versus Our Right to Know, Freedom of Information Center, 26894
Resolutions by organizations: Relative to general revenue sharing, Maine Legislature, 4446
Revenue sharing: renewal, 13307
Revenue sharing: Maine Legislature resolution relative to, 4446
Right to Privacy (sundry), 30497-30499
Science and technology: national policy and priorities (see S. 32), 5490
State and local governments: anti-recession aid to, 21528, 21529
State and local governments: economic plight, 7198
State and local governments: revenue sharing renewal, 13307
State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972: extend and revise (see S. 1625), 13304, 13521
State lotteries: exempt from certain Federal prohibitions (see S. 1485), 10967
State and local governments: legislation to improve personnel administration in, 5279
Text: S. 957. to improve personnel administration in State and local governments, 5280
Text: S.2170, Congressional Right to Information Act, 24598
Text: S. 1359, Intergovernmental Countercyclical Assistance Act of 1975, 9082
Text: Amendment (No. 816) Public Works Employment Act of 1975, 24899-24901
Text: S. 2420, Government Secrecy Control Act of 1975, 30294
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: legislation to extend the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 to, 5279
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: proposed rules relative to discrimination (see S. Res. 235), 26777
Eijenshtein, Shalom Arye: relief (see S. 1412), 9882
Resolutions by organizations: Extension of voting rights. Maine Legislature, 12497
Voting Rights Act of 1965: bill (H,R. 6219) to extend, 24225
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Constitution Day: designating (see S.J. Res. 4), 5490
Craig, May: eulogy, 25412
Douglas, William O.:resignation from Supreme Court, 36713
Ethnic groups: strike medals commemorating contributions of (see S. 371), 17297
Keating, Kenneth B.: eulogy, 17036
Letter: Battle at Little Round Top at Gettysburg. J. Ben Rubin, 24102
Letter: Paying tribute to May Craig (sundry), 25412
Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res.2), 215
May Craig Eulogies (sundry), 25413
Mrs. Smith Calls on Young People for Regeneration of American Will, Richard A. Plummer. Waterville (Maine) Sentinel, 35856
Retirement of Justice Douglas, St. Louis Post Dispatch (sundry), 36713-36718
Tribute to May Craig, Lawrence Spivak, Meet the Press, 25412
1975 94th Congress, 1st Session
Address to the New York Liberal Party (sundry), 33549-33551
Federal Election Commission: resolution (S. Res. 215) disapproving certain regulations proposed by, 32320
Last Stronghold of Democracy, H. Johnson, Washington Post (sundry), 9645-9648
New Hampshire: resolution (S. Res. 166) determination of contested election, 20121, 20123
Post Card Voter Registration Act; enact (see S.1177), 6446
Resolutions by organizations: Transmittal to the States of Decennial Census data, Maine Legislature, 17035
Unfinished Liberal Consensus, New York Liberal Party's dinner, by, 33548
1975 94th Congress, 1st Session
Cloture, 4973, 5251, 7285, 7755, 13588, 14055, 20192, 20530, 20748, 21433, 22177
Conferee: 13245, 30617, 36544, 36545, 36773
Elected to Committee, 777, 778
Government of the United States: promote public confidence (see S. 181 ), 7875
Legislative branch: bill (H.R. 6950) making appropriations, 21806
Legislative appropriations: bill (H.R. 6950) making, conference report, 25405
Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1975: enact (see S.2167), 24253
Lobbying Act of 1975 enact (see S. 2477), 31769
Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1975. introduction, 24258, 31774
Memorials of legislature Maine, 5779, 12497, 17035
Senate: amend rules relative to committee meetings (see S. Res. 9), 403
Senate: amend rule XXII relative to certain debate procedures (see S. Res. 4), 12
Senate proceedings: providing radio and television coverage (see S. Res. 39), 1551
Senate, privilege of the floor, 12319,12543, 14272, 17041, 18355, 22205, 25693, 26678, 26685, 27765
Senate Members: authorize additional assistants (see S. Res. 60), 2478
Senate, resolution (S. Res. 9) open committee meetings, 35187-35189, 35194, 35195
Text: S. 2167, Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1975, 24259
U.S. fishing zone: extend to 200 miles, 5779
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Analysis: Federal Budget and the Cities, League of Cities, League of Cities and Conference of Mayors, 2844
Appropriations: authorize for transition period (see S. 1874), 16956
Budget: second concurrent resolution, 36463
Budget: revising congressional (see S. Con. Res. 76), 36045
Budget: score keeping reports, 22800
Budget: League of Cities and Conference of Mayors report on, 2844
Budget: determination of the congressional (see S. Con. Res. 32), 10217
Budget deferral: disapproving relative to Federal paid highways (see S. Res. 69), 2805
Budget: committee referrals of matters relative to rescissions and deferrals (see S. Res. 45), 1895, 1917
Budget for fiscal 1976: establish timetable for consideration of second concurrent resolution, 32881
Budget: resolution (S. Res. 45) providing committee referrals of matters relative to rescissions and deferrals, 1917
Budget: rejection of $100 billion deficit, 8665-8668
Committee on the Budget: authorizing additional expenditures (see S. Res. 50), 1898
Committee on the Budget: notice of seminars, 1899, 3948, 21742
Committee on the Budget: formation of four ad hoc task forces to, 20785
Committee on the Budget: announcement of hearing, 28884
Committee on the Budget: consideration of the first concurrent resolution on the Budget, 6257
Committee on the Budget Ad Hoc Task Force, 20785
Committee on the Budget: reports by, 5271
Committee on the Budget: postponement of hearing, 25624
Committee on the Budget: notice of hearings, 4424, 24269, 30459
Committee on the Budget: rules of procedure, 4454
Committee on the Budget: budget rescissions and deferrals, 1917
Congressional budget: resolution (S. Con. Res. 32, H. Con. Res. 218) determination, 12319, 12320, 12329-12331, 12333, 12340, 12342, 12361, 12365, 12373-12376, 12531, 12548-12552, 12559, 12562, 12568-12571, 12573,12577, 12589, 12596, 12655-12657 12970, 14272, 14274 14275, 14278, 14295, 14297-14301
Congressional budget: revise (see S. Con. Res. 76), 36045
Congressional Budget Office report, 28883
Congressional Budget Reform, Council on National priorities and Resources, by, 41564
Congressional Office of the Budget: prepare fiscal notes for legislation (see S. 65), 213
Congressional budget: resolution (H. Con. Res. 466) revising for fiscal year 1976, conference report, 39998-40003, 40005
Congressional budget: conference report, 13819
Congressional Budget, Wall Street Journal, 13220
Cooling the Fiscal Fever, Fortune (magazine), 14937
Department of Defense: budget, 14297-14299
Economic conditions: budget deficit, 8665-8668
Environmental Movement After 5 Years, John R. Quarles, 42030
Impact of the Federal Budget on Maine, Maine State Legislature, by, 9311
Impasse on Taxes (sundry), 42164
Income tax: percentage depletion allowance, 7811
Irrigation facilities: bill (H.R. 9968) to authorize certain, 42161-42165, 42253
Letter: Jobs programs, by, 12593
List: Coalition of Concerned Charities, 42031
Lobbying: relative to certain exempt organizations (see S. 2832), 42028
Memorandum: Estimated fiscal year 1967 revenue gains from selected proposed tax reforms, 12570
New Budget Process and the Role of Congress, majority conference, by, 40477
Oil and gas: depletion allowance, 7811
Remarks in Senate relative to : Tribute, 40477, 42136
Report: Resolution on the Budget. Fiscal Year 1976, 39998
Report: 1975:Federal Budget and the Cities. National League of Cities and United States Conference of Mayors, 2844
Report: Committee on the Budget, 1820, 5271, 10190, 32178, 36045, 39871, 42026
Report: Congressional Budget, H. Con. Res. 218, Conference Report, 14272
Report: Budget Programs by Function, Committee on the Budget, 12531
Report: Implementation of New Congressional Budget Procedures for Fiscal Year 1976, Senate Budget Committee, 32881
Revenue Adjustment Act of 1975: bill (H.R. 5559) to enact, 40544-40546, 40548. 40550, 40561-40563, 40566
Rules: Committee on the Budget, 4454
Table: Fiscal year 1976 pay raise costs, 29265
Table: House financial adjustments in defense budget, 14298
Table: Budget of $345.8 billion, 8666
Table: Selected increases under present budget law, 8666
Tax expenditure: more effective use by Congress (see S. 2258), 29959
Tax-exempt organizations: legislation to reform lobbying activities, 42028
Tax Reduction Act of 1975; amend bill (H.R. 2166) to enact, 5727
Tax Reduction Act: bill (H.R. 9968) to extend certain provisions, 42161-42165, 42253
Tax Reduction Act of 1975: bill (H.R. 2166) to enact, 7811, 8116
Tax Status of Sternmen on Fishing Boats, Peter B. Sang, Maine Bar Bulletin, 32827
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Dairy and Meat Import Inspection and Identification Act of 1975: enact (see S. 2598) bill, 34354
International Trade Commission: hearings on tariff concessions, 14933
Letter: Impact of tariff Concessions on Maine (sundry), 14934
Maine: impact of tariff concessions on, 14933
Tariff Concessions and Maine, International Trade Commission, by, 14934
Wool: Change Customs treatment Of Certain woven fabrics of (see S.1904), 18073
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Department of HUD and sundry independent agencies: bill (H.R. 8070) making appropriations, conference report, 31715, 31716, 31719
Department of HUD and sundry independent agencies: effect on budget of appropriations for, 25155, 25156
Housing Program Advances, Charles A. Krause, Washington Post, 36691
Maine: inauguration of new housing program, 36691
South Paris, Maine: new housing program, 36691