1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

Airborne cooperative collision avoidance systems: require installation on certain aircraft (see bill S. 1610), 20246.

Beware Phase III, G.C. Means, Washington Post, 9971.

Brazil: bill (H.R. 8529) to implement the shrimp fishing agreement with, 42100.

Disaster Relief Act of 1970: eligibility for relocation assistance (see bill S. 753), 6516.

Dissemination of news and other matter through the mails: encourage (see bill S. 630), 2627.

Economic conditions: failure of administration to control inflation, 31275.

Economic Stabilization Act Amendments of 1973: bill (S. 398) to enact, 8841, 8851.

Economic Stabilization Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 398) to extend and amend, 6518

Emergency Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Benefits Program Amendments of 1973: enact (see bill S. 980), 6517, 10731.

Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1973: bill (S. 1816) to enact, 24524.

Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act: bill (S. 1769) to enact, 35836, 35827.

Fire prevention: proposed legislation to study and improve 35836, 35827.

Fish Disease Control Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 522), 1866.

Fishing Industry: problems, 22253.

Fishing industry: strengthen and protect domestic (see S. Con. Res. 11), 3794.

Footwear industry: problems, 3763.

Inflation, 42380, 42381.

Lobster Conservation and Control Act of 1973: introduction, 11543.

Lobster Conservation and Control Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1527), 11517.

Lobster Supply Dropping, V. Warren, Bath-Brunswick Times Record, 11543.

Lobsters: declining supply, 37921.

Lobsters: designation as creature of the Continental Shelf, 42100.

Maine: firefighting in, 35837.

Maine: leather footwear industry, 3763.

Maine: lobster industry, 42100.

Minimum wage: legislation to extend, 24524.

Mobile homes: safety standards (see bill S. 1348), 18271.

Outer Continental Shelf: prohibit lobstering by foreign vessels, 37921.

Poultry Industry Feeling Pinch, D. Bright, Bangor News, 24524.

Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965: bill (H.R. 2246) to extend authorizations, 14638.

Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965: extend (see bill S. 467), 1340.

Radiation Health and Safety Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 667), 2628.

Rail transportation: bills (S. 2767; H.R. 9142) to restructure in Midwest and northeast regions, system of, 40708.

Railroad rolling stock: increase supply and improve utilization of (see bill S. 1149), 6908.

Sales below cost, prohibit, for purpose of destroying competition or eliminating competitor (see bill S. 780), 3428.

Secrecy of Corporate Ownership, Indiana Law Review, Senator Metcalf, 21738.

Small businesses: management counseling (see bill S.44), 7770.

Small businesses: economic disaster loans to certain (see hill S. 804), 3762.

Subsidies to railroads: ratio of State and Federal, 40708, 40709.

Suburbia: Vitality, Selfishness, D. S. Broder, Washington Post, 12671.

Vanishing Lobster, S. Spitzer, Travel and Leisure, 22254.

Where Have All the Lobsters Gone? L. P. Keiffer, New York Times, 37921.

Wider Fish War? New York Times, 22253.

Women: prohibit discrimination in extending credit (see bill S. 867), 7771.


1973 1st session, 93rd Congress

Alaska: bill (S. 1081) relative to proposed pipeline, 23611.

Canada: oil policy, 43056.

Canadian Oil to Maine, Maine Congressional delegation, 43086.

Coal: industry will use to conserve oil, 36495.

Cold Wave Could Spur Fuel Oil Crisis, E. Cowan, New York Times, 3018.

Dickey-Lincoln School project, 25360.

Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act: bill (H.R. 11372) to enact, 41649.

Energy Emergency Administration Act: bill (S. 2776) to enact, 42192, 42465, 42483, 43073,43074.

Energy program : provide more effective and efficient management (see bill S . 2776), 41559.

Energy Emergency Act of 1973: conference report, 43163, 43164, 43197.

Energy Saving Plan by L. F. Trust, Livermore Falls Advertiser, 40167.

Energy Crisis and New Resources, University of Callfornia -Riverside, by, 37770.

Energy Emergency Act of 1973: bill (S.2589) to enact, 37356-37362, 37619.

Energy Emergency Act of 1973: amend bills (S.2589, 2776) to enact, 37356, 41870, 42155

Energy crisis: delivery of Alaska's North Slope oil and gas to the Lower 48, 23611.

Energy crisis: WW II rationing experience, 40168.

Energy crisis: effects of gasoline shortage in Maine, 25148.

Energy crisis: switch to coal, 36495.

Energy conservation: legislation to promote, 40405.

Energy Policy: President's, 29030.

Federal Lands Right-of-Way Act of 1973: bill (S. 1081) to enact, 23611.

Federal Energy Emergency Administration: establish, 43073, 43074.

Fuel consumption: relative to reduction by Federal Government (see S. Con. Res. 60), 40341.

Fuel oil: crisis, 4072.

Fuel oil: allocation, 28891.

Fuels and Energy Conservation Act of 1973: bill (S. 2176) to enact, 40405.

Gasoline: disclose certain information to consumers (see bill S. 2328), 32502.

Gasoline rationing: World War 11 experience, 40168.

Heating Oil Plan by Nixon Faces Uncertainty, Wall Street Journal, 29031.

Inflation, Oil and the Press Conference, Washington Port, 29032.

Letter: Fuel rationing, D. M. Nelson (1943), 40175.

Letter: Passamaquoddy tidal power project, by, 35392.

Letter: Rationing of gasoline, to President Nixon, by, 37762.

Letter: Canadian oil policy effects Maine, by, 43056.

Letter: Concern over emergency energy legislation, Senator Jackson, by, 37308.

Letter: Tidal power project at Passamaquoddy (sundry), 35392, 35393.

Maine: Impact of Canadian oil policy, 43056.

Maine: Canadian oil shipments to, 43086.

Maine: energy conserving measures, 40167.

Maine: Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project, 35392.

Maine: gasoline shortage, 25148.

New England: oil crisis, 1260.

New England States Fuel Oil Act of 1973, enact (see bill S. 319), 746.

New Oil Policy for the Nation, Maine Oil and Heating Equipment Dealers, by, 13514.

Nixon, Richard M.: need to explain energy policy, 29030.

Nixon Aides Say Homes May Face Heating Oil Curb, E. Cowan, New York Times, 28891.

North Slope Energy Resources Act of 1973: amend bill (S. 1565) enact, 20470.

North Slope Energy Resources Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1665), 15136.

Oil crisis, 1260, 3017.

Oil shipments to Maine, 43086.

Oil Import control program: terminate (see bill S. 1019). 5541.

Oil and gas: price controls, 42192.

Oil: emergency imports (see S.J. Res. 23), 1340.

Oil Import quotas: eliminate, 5782.

Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project (sundry), 35393-35396.

Petroleum products: price controls (see bill S. 2453), 30701.

Petroleum Industry: profits and prices, 42192.

Price Increases by Petroleum Industry, Cost of Living Council, Senator McIntyre, 4072.

Questions: Availability of oil, Governor Curtis, 42465.

Remarks in Senate relative to: Opinions on energy, 37770.

Report: Fuel Rationing in WW II, Library of Congress, 40168.

Rural electrification direct loan program: make loans in full amount appropriated by Congress (see bill S. 394), 1138.

Table: Dickey-Lincoln School project benefit - cost ratios, 25361.


1973 1st Congress, 93rd Session

Air pollution: legislation to curb auto, 2977.

Air pollution; use of highway funds for transportation improvements to avoid (see bill S, 739), 2911.

Air Pollution Alert Continues in Washington Area, Washington Post (sundry), 28929-28933.

Air pollution: emission standards for trucks, 39600.

Air pollution: EPA research, 28681.

Air pollution: increased, 28928, 28929, 28933.

Air pollution: use of high-sulfur coal, 36495.

Air Pollution Research – EPA commitment (sundry), 28682-28685.

Analysis: Clean Air Act amendments, Committee on Public Works, 37358.

Analysis: Proposed Highway Act amendments (sundry), 1529, 1530.

Analysis: S. 792, Environmental Protection Permit Act, 3766, 20405.

Appointed National Study Commission on Water Pollution Control, 2383.

Appropriations: bill (H.R. 11576) making supplemental, 41049, 41052.

Appropriations: amend bill (H.R. 11576) supplemental, 41049.

Auto industry: efforts to change requirements of Clean Air Act, 22296, 22297, 22299.

Auto emission control systems: State Inspection programs (see bill S. 738), 2911.

Auto emission control systems: State Inspection programs, 2977.

Automobile emissions: National Academy on Sciences report, 5830.

Automobile Standards, Environmental Writers Association, by, 10268.

Automobiles: emission control systems, 29028.

Automobiles: Emission standards, 40405, 41917, 41918, 41922, 41923, 41924.

Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental Affairs: establish (see bill S. 1430), 10193.

Campaign Clean Watch, Inc. v. William D. Ruckelshaus, 19174, 19177.

Car Pool Incentives Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 2598), 34597.

Catalysts: EPA regulation of auto, 29028.

City of New York v. Ruckelshaus, 14855.

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1973: energy crisis, 37356-37360, 37362.

Clean Air Act: amend (see bills S. 2680, 2772), 36484, 39436.

Clean Air Rules Must Be Eased, Nixon Declares, T. O'Toole, Washington Post, 29032.

Clean Air Act Amendments, Committee on Public Works, 37358.

Clean Air Act of 1970: Implementation, 23526.

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1973: bill (S. 2772) to enact, 41917, 41918, 41922, 41923, 41936, 41939.

Clean Air Act of 1970: auto industry standards, 22296, 22297, 22299.

Clean Air Act of 1970: introduction of legislation amend, 36495.

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1973: nondegradation provision, 19183.

Closed Loop System for Air Pollution Control (sundry), 19183, 19184.

Coal: industry will use to conserve oil, 36495.

Coming Up for Air, New York Times, 2977.

Congress: court decision on waterway funds favors, 14854.

Coordinating Research Council cut off by EPA, 39600.

Deepwater development: regulate and control (see bill S. 1316), 9086.

Department of Agriculture and Environmental and consumer agencies: amend bill (H.R. 8619) making appropriations for, 22031, 22032.

Department of Agriculture and environmental and consumer agencies: bill (H.R. 8619) making appropriations for, 22030-22032, 33540, 33541.

Earth Week of 1973: designate (see S.J. Res.2), 10731.

Ecological Effects of Growth, Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, G.M. Woodwell, 10773.

Energy Emergency Act of 1973: conference report, 43163, 43164, 43197.

Energy Policy: President's, 29030.

Environment: impact of growth on the, 10773.

Environmental Protection, by, before National Academy of Sciences symposium, 32881.

Environmental Protection Agency: regulation on catalysts, 29028.

Environmental Protection Agency: funds for program to regulate parking facilities, 41049, 41052 Report: California Transportation Control Plan, 41050.

Environmental Protection Agency: air pollution research, 28681.

Environmental Impact, Washington State Air Quality Implementation Plan, 7920.

Environmental Protection Permits Legislation, by, 20403.

Environmental Protection Agency: withdraws support of Coordinating Research Council, 39600.

Environmental Protection Agency: standards for Los Angeles Basin, 1233.

Environmental Protection Agency: manpower, 39602.

Environmental protection permits: legislation to provide, 3763.

Environmental Quality Laboratory: California Institute of Technology's, 20870.

Environmental quality: impact of energy crisis, 43163, 43164.

Environmental Protection Permit Act: enact (see bill S. 792), 3762.

EPA Funds and Activities, Representatives Leggett, Rogers, and Whitten, 43120.

Everglades Big Cypress National Recreation Area, Florida: establish (see bill S.783), 7327.

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973: bill (S. 502) to enact, 7914-7916, 7937, 7940, 7944, 7946, 7950, 27207.

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973: Muskie amendments to, 1527-1529.

Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973: amend bill (S.502) to enact, 2710, 2977, 7914.

Fuels and Energy Conservation Act of 1973: bill (S. 2176) to enact, 40405.

Funds for Environmental Programs, 22031.

Highway Safety Act of 1973.: enact (see bill S. 893), 4351.

Highway trust fund: use for urban mass transit, 7914-7916, 7946.

Highway legislation: proposed, 1527-1529.

Highway funds: use to prevent air pollution, 2977.

Highway Legislation, Senate Roads Subcommittee, Representative G.M. Anderson, 5162.

Highway trust fund: mass transit use of, 5162.

Historical and archeological data: preservation (see bill S. 514), 1866.

Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1973: amend bill (S. 268) to enact, 20407, 20409, 20475, 20626.

Land development: environmental protection permits, 3763.

Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act: bill (S. 268) to enact, 20402, 20403, 20406-20413.

Letter: Pollution, standards for trucks, D. A. Jensen, 39601.

Letter: Energy shortages and the Clean Air Act, by, 36496.

Letter: Emission standards for automobiles, P. Handier, by, 22297.

Letter: Air pollution research – EPA commitment (sundry), 28682-28685.

Letter: Request for opinion on EPA regulation of catalysts, E. B. Staats, by, 29028.

Letter: Clean air backfire, R. E. Train, 41922.

Letter: EPA and Coordinating Research Council, R. G. Ryan, R. Train (sundry), 39600.

Letter: Water pollution control programs. R. Train, 39602.

Letter: Motor vehicle emissions report, P. Handler and E. L. Ginzton (sundry), 5830, 5831.

Letter: Relaxation of State air Pollution regulations, J. Love, by, 29031.

Letter: Permit use of highway trust funds for urban mass transit (sundry), 7916, 7921.

Limits to Growth, Senator C. Pell, University of Rhode Island, 33530.

Los Angeles: air quality standards, 1233.

Mass transportation: needs, 5162.

Memorandum: Implementation of section of 110 of the Clean Air Act, EPA, 19184.

Memorandum: Environmental Protection Agency severe ties with CRC/APRAC, EPA, 39601.

Memorandum: Health effects of air pollution, Library of Congress, 11003.

More Than Doodads Needed, J. J. Kilpatrick, Washington Star, 23526.

National Academy on Sciences: auto emission report, 5830.

National ocean policy study: authorize (see S. Res. 222), 42391.

National System of Interstate and Defense Highways: apportion funds for (see S. Con. Res. 6), 1932.

National Study Commission, Senator Randolph, 22032.

New World Frontier, Colby College, P. A. Gorman, 14772.

Nixon, Richard M.: need to explain energy policy, 29030.

Oil: proposed pipeline, 23611.

Olson Home, Cushing, Maine: establish as national historic site (see bill S. 1399), 9634.

Opinion, EPA regulation on catalysts, E.B. Staats, 29029.

Planning for National Growth, Planning and Conservation League, by, 37763.

Pollution: approach to reduce smog day in California, 20870.

Pollution Chokes Birmingham, S. Auerbach, Washington Post, 29031.

Pollution: air quality standards, 1233.

Pollution: air, 11002.

Pollution: waste treatment construction grants, 41636, 41638.

Pollution: authorize suspension of emission limitations during energy crisis, 37356-37360, 37362.

Pollution: increased air, 28928, 28929, 28933.

President's Environmental Message, New York Times, 4852.

Public works: bill (H.PL 8947) making appropriations for, 25360.

Report: Motor Vehicle Emissions, National Academy on Sciences, 5830, 5831.

Report: of cars – Carbon Monoxide and Human Health, Clean Air Now Information Bureau, 11012.

Report: Parking Restrictions and the Clean Air Act, 41050.

Report: Cost of Emission Control Program, TVA, 19202.

Report: Air Pollution Control in California, Environmental Quality Laboratory, 20870.

Report: Intermittent Control Systems, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 19189.

Report: Air Pollution, Environmental Protection Agency, 11003.

Report: Effect of Freeway Travel on Angina Pectoris, W. S. Aronow and others, Annals of

Report: Internal Medicine, 11008.

Report: Lethal Gas Linked to Accident Toll, California State Department of Public Health, 11003.

Report: Committee on Public Works, 39436, 41363.

Sewage treatment construction grants: bill (S. 2812) to authorize, 43130.

Sewage treatment construction grants: bill (S. 2812) to authorize, concur with House amendments, 43130.

Sewage treatment construction grants: authorize the allocation of funds for fiscal year (see bill S. 2812), 41364.

Smog In Los Angeles Basin, to Environmental Protection Agency, by L. Lees, 20870.

States: land planning process, 20402, 20403, 20406-20413.

Supplemental appropriations: bill (H.R. 11576) making, conference report, 43119.

Supreme Court: decision on nondegradation provision of Clean Air Amendments of 1970, 19183.

Table: Oxidant levels in major cities, 28929.

Text: Proposed Federal Register Notice recognizing that tall stacks and variable control may be used to protect against violations of S02 NAAQS, 19185.

Text: Proposed highway act amendments (sundry), 1529, 1530.

Text: S. 738, support state inspection programs for auto emission control systems, 2978.

Text: S. 792, Environmental Protection Permit Act, 3764, 20404.

Text: S. 2680, to amend the Clean Air Act because of energy shortages, 36497.

Text: S. 739, allow use of highway funds for prevention of air pollution, 2979.

Text: Amendment (No. 4), use of highway system funds for public transportation, 2978.

Urban Parkland Heritage Act: enact (see bill S. 12), 1930.

Use Highway Trust Funds for Urban Transit, M. Carballo, 7916.

Waste treatment construction grants: bill (S. 2812) to authorize a formula for allocation of funds for, 41636, 41638.

Water pollution control: EPA administration of, 39602.

Water pollution: construct sewage treatment plants, 43130.

Water pollution funds: impoundment of, 19174.

Waterways: court decision on impounded funds, 14854.

We Should Open Up the Highway Trust Fund Now, A. Dear, Reader's Digest, 10987.

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: bill (S. 921) to amend, 43197.


1973 93rd Congress, 1st Session

Aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, and other weapons: bill (H.R. 9286), authorize appropriations for, 31887-31889.

Aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, combat vehicles, and other weapons: amend bill (H.R. 9286) authorize appropriation, 31254, 31619.

Alexis Johnson Is Expected to Replace Smith as Negotiator on Strategic Arms, B. Gwertzman, New York Times, 1234.

Appointed Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, 10529.

Appointed Canada-United States Interparliamentary Meeting, 8677.

Appointed Law of the Sea Conference, 39185.

Appropriations: resolution (H.J. Res. 636) making continuing for 1974, 22317.

Approval of Test Ban Resolution, by, 19470.

Arms Control: Bad Time for Disarray, C. M. Roberts, 1235.

Arms control: need for, 1233, 1234.

Arms Control, M. Childs, Washington Post, 2006.

Asian Troop Reductions, R. Barnett and others, 31888.

Atlantic Union delegation: create (see S. Res. 21), 1340.

Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, legislation to bar use of funds after August 15, 1973, to support combat activities in, 22317.

Commission on United States Participation in the United Nations: establish (see Res. 151), 28481.

Committee on Foreign Relations: notice of hearings, 25606.

Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 26079.

Culebra: terminate weapons range activities (see bill S. 156), 8129.

Department of State: amend bill (S. 1248) authorizing appropriations, 15436, 15438.

Department of Defense: amend bill (H.R 11575) making appropriations for, 41483.

East-West Talks on Force Reductions Open In Vienna, J. M. Goshko, Washington Post, 3013.

East and West Open Talks for Parley on Force Out, D. Middleton, New York Times, 3013.

End to Nuclear Tests? New York Times, 26079.

Environmental or geophysical modification activity: use of as weapon of war (see S. Res. 71), 5145.

Europe: reduction of troops, 3013.

Europe: U.S. troops in, 25905.

Europe: mutual force reductions in, 25606.

Facts on Science Foundation Near East Report, 6598.

Foreign Assistance Act of 1961: amend (see bill S. 2026), 21965, 22227.

Foreign assistance: amend bill (H.R. 11771) making appropriations for, 41948, 41953.

Foreign Assistance Act of 1973: amend bill (S.2335) to enact, 32574.

Foreign and military policy: require due process of law in formulation (see S. Res. 107), 14924.

Foreign policy: Southeast Asia, 12676.

Foreign assistance: bill (H.R. 11771) making appropriations for, 41948, 41952, 41953, 41957, 41961-41963.

Indochina: danger of U.S. military reinvolvement in, 12677.

Israel: anniversary, 14466-14468.

Israel: continue transfer of Phantom aircraft and other equipment to (see S. Res. 189), 35615.

Israel's situation, Chicago, by, 35417.

Japan-United States Friendship Act: enact (see bill S. 649), 2628.

Joseph Kraft Tailed By FBI (sundry), 30818, 30819.

Kissinger, Henry A.: nomination, 30817-30820.

Latin America is on the map, too, S. M. Linowitz, 9975.

Latin America: U.S. relations, 9975.

Law of the Sea Conference: opening, 39145.

Law of the Sea Conference (sundry), 39145.

Law of the Seas Institute, University of Rhode Island, by, 20863.

Letter: Role of United Nations, W. S. Schoenberger (excerpts), 35936.

Letter: Test ban opportunity during Mr. Brezhnev's visit, President Nixon, by, 20270.

Letter: War Powers Act, Senator Stennis, 24082.

Letter: Need to override President's veto of War Powers Act, to all Senators, by, 35952.

List: Nations and governors involved in Partners of the Americas, 41957.

Middle East: situation, 14466-14468.

Middle East: deploring outbreak of hostilities (see S. Con. Res. 179), 33144.

Military Installations: review proposed closings (see bill S. 1548), 15434.

More MIRV Missiles Sought, Washington Post, 1235.

National Welcome Home Our Prisoners Week: proclaim (see S.J. Res. 4), 3793.

NATO: need for strong, 25905.

Nixon, Richard M.: arms control policy, 2778.

Nuclear weapons: prevent spread to non nuclear nations, 26079.

Ocean resources: questions of ownership 39145.

Overseas troops: Humphrey amendment to reduce, 31887-31889.

Partners of the Americas Program (sundry), 41958, 41960.

Partners of the Americas: program funds, 41956, 41962, 41963.

President: war powers, 24544-24549, 25078, 25081, 25082, 25085, 25091, 25101, 25104, 25106, 25120, 33551, 33552, 38194.

Report: Prospects for a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Arms Control Subcommittee, 4562.

Rhodesian chrome: halt imports (see S. 1868), 16381.

Richardson's Turn, H. Scoville, New York Times, 1235.

Russia: negotiate test ban treaty with, 4561, 4562.

Russia: anti-Semitism, 14466.

SALT talks, 1233, 1234.

Soviet Jews: funds for resettlement, 41948, 41952, 41953.

Support of War Powers Bill, Senator Stennis, 24544

Table: Projects and travelers, fiscal year 1973, Partners of the Americas, 41958.

Table: U.S. forces in foreign countries (selected data), 25910-25914.

Table: Funds for Soviet Jewish refugees, 41952.

Tensions of Talking, New York Times, 3014.

Test ban treaty: promote negotiations for comprehensive (see S. Res. 67), 4632.

Test ban treaty: Introduction of resolution (S. Res. 67) calling on President to promote negotiations for a comprehensive, 4561, 4562.

Text: Agreement, relative to resettlement of Soviet Jews (sundry), 41949, 41951, 41952.

Text: Resolution relative to Governmental surveillance, 30818.

U.S. Troop Levels In Europe, Subcommittee on Arms Control, K. Rush, 25914.

U.S. Forces In Europe, Subcommittee on Arms Control, Senator Mansfield, 25906.

United States-Soviet Trade Conference, by, 6540.

United Nations and Alternative Formulations, R. N. Gardner, Pacem in Terris Conference, 35937.

United Nations: anniversary, 35936.

Vietnam Disengagement Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 48), 94.

Vietnam Disengagement Act of 1973: Introduction, 227.

Vietnam: cease-fire, 12677.

War powers: resolution (H.J. Res. 542) to govern use of Armed Forces by President, 33551, 33552, 36194.

War Powers Act. Senator Montoya, 24549.

War Powers Act: Introduction, 1413, 1414.

War Powers Act: bill (S. 440) to enact, 24544-24549, 25078, 25081, 25082, 25085, 25091, 25101, 25104, 25106, 25120.

War Powers Act: enact (see bill S. 440), 1339.

White House Moves In – Arms Control Unit Bypassed, 0. Johnston, Washington Star, 2778.


1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism: concentrate Nation's resources against (see bill S.1125), 13999.

American Folklife Center: establish (see bill S. 1844), 32943.

American Medical Association: charges against medicare, 16459.

Autism: expand definition of developmental disability to include (see bill S. 1949), 20246.

Ball, Robert M.: tribute, 3309.

Ball Leaves Top SSA Post (sundry), 3309-3311.

Barbiturate Control Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 983), 8129.

Barriers to Health Care for Older Americans, Subcommittee On Health of the Elderly, by, 17287.

Bilingual Job Training Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 414), 1338.

Budget: A Question of Priorities, C. Fritchey, Washington Post, 3801.

City of Hope Hospital Story, B. Horowitz, annual convention, 33278.

City of Hope Hospital: tribute, 33278.

Civil service retirement: amend bill (S.866) to provide minimum annuity under, 29211.

College of the Atlantic: program, 37643.

College of the Atlantic, S. A. Ellot, Harvard Bulletin, 37643.

Commission on Mental Health and Illness of the Elderly Act: introduction, 14913.

Commission on Mental Health and Illness of the Elderly: establish (see bill 1768), 14891.

Committee on Aging (Special) : notice of hearings, 4376, 12659, 14466, 17286, 22542.

Committee, 1323.

Community Supervision and Services Act: enact (see bill S. 798), 6138.

Craftsmen and News Is Partnership, L. Hammel, New York Times, 31952.

Dangerous Drug Tracer and Law Enforcement Information Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 985), 8129.

Dangerous Drug Identification Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 984), 8129.

Defense workers: benefits to certain separated from employment (see bill S. 1695), 14112.

Department of Health, Education, an Welfare: social service regulations, 9982.

Department of Health: create (see bill S. 423),1338.

Dim Light on Books, New York Times, 16423.

Disabled veterans: authority to readjust schedule of ratings for (see bill S. 882), 4195.

Do Libraries Need Federal Aid? J. Pierson, Wall Street Journal, 16423.

Economic Opportunity Act of 1964: calling upon President to carry out provisions of (see S. Con. Res. 12), 5141.

Emergency Employment Amendments 1973: bill (S. 1560) to enact, 26850.

Family planning services and population research: extend appropriations authorizations (see bill S. 1708), 14465.

Federal Full Employment Board: establish (see bill S. 1693), 14112.

Federal employees: annual leave status for MIA's (see bill S. 1221), 15434.

Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments of 1973: enact (see bill S. 2117), 22208.

Food: increased prices, 28497.

Food prices: impose 90-day freeze on, 8841.

Health Care for Older Persons, N. H. Cruikshank, 10772.

Health care: older persons, 10738-10740, 10761, 10776.

Health Security Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 3), 93.

Home Inc.: craft cooperative, 31952.

Home Health Medicare Amendments of 1973, Introduction, 36750-36752.

Home health services: Medicare coverage, 38967.

Job Training and Community Services Act of 1973: bill (S. 1559) to enact, 25719.

Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act: extend provisions of (see bill S. 607), 2395.

Letter: Food price spiral, T. Brown, 28497.

Letter: Social services regulations, K. M. Curtis, 9982.

Letter: Health care for older persons, C. F. Brickfield, 10761.

Letter: Funding for public library programs i(sundry), 16422 -16425.

Libraries Put Out Lights in National Fund Protest, G. Goodman, New York Times, 16423.

Maine State Library, 16422.

Maine: health care for elderly, 17286.

Maine: college of the Atlantic, 37643.

Medicare: AMA charges, 16459.

Medicare: administration's proposed cutbacks in, 6092.

Medicare program: posthospital home services (see bill 2690), 36750.

Medicare: Increase home care benefits, 36750-36752.

Medicare program: urge President to submit recommendations for legislation to improve (see S. Res. 124), 23499.

Medicare: proposed limit on deductibles, 35910, 35911.

Medicare: coverage for home health services, 38967.

Medicare: prevent scheduled increase in rates, 38912.

Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin: repeal act terminating Federal supervision over property and members (see bill S. 1687), 26062.

Mental health: policy needed for older Americans, 32698.

Mental Health Policy for the Elderly, B. S. Brown, Governor's Conference on Aging, 32698.

National Arthritis Month: designate (see S.J. Res. 80),10446.

National Library Week, 16422.

National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Act Amendments of 1973: bill (H.R. 9639) to enact, 31088.

National Science Policy and Priorities Act: enact (see bill S. 32), 93.

National Employ the Older Worker Week: designate (see S.J. Res. 49), 3153, 4253.

National Diabetes Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 648), 6138.

National School Lunch Act: amend (see bill S. 1005), 14464.

Nixon Plan Hits at Elderly Sick, S. Porter, 22588.

Nixon's Cuts in Social Programs, H. Rowan, Washington Post, 3305.

Older persons: limit Medicare deductibles, 35910, 35911.

Older persons: home health care, 27167, 27169.

Older persons: mental health policy needed, 32698.

Older persons: barriers to health care for 10738-10740.

Older Americans Act of 1965: strengthen and improve (see bill S. 50), 2706.

Older persons: health care, 4376, 10761, 10776, 17286.

"Old Folks" Undertake Biggest Independence Movement Since '76, B. Applebee, Lewiston Sun, 28499.

Opportunities Industrialization centers: assist (see bill S. 136), 4253.

Porter, Sylvia: Nixon health proposal, 22587.

Prisoners of war: double credit for retirement purposes and payment of certain pay and allowances (see bill S.608), 2395.

Project Independence: health care for elderly, 17286.

Public debt ceiling: bill (H.R. 8410) to continue temporary increase in the, 21667, 21669-21671, 21675, 21689.

Public health: increase Medicare benefits, 36750-36752.

Public service employment opportunities: provide, for unemployed and underemployed persons (see bill S. 793), 3762.

Public Health Service Act: amend title X (see bill S. 1708), 14465.

Public health: home care for elderly, 27167-27169.

Public Health Service: establishing home health services (see bill S. 2695), 42723.

Reform In Social Security, L. Hollander, New York Times, 431.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973: enact S. 1875), 16658.

Report: NBC News Versus AMA Controversy, 16460.

Report: Under Medicare, Average Doctor Bill Has Been Going Down, AMA Update, 16459.

Retirement Income Security for Employees Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 4), 93

Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission: unemployment compensation benefits (see bill S. 1979), 19133.

Roosevelt Campobello International Park: unemployment compensation for employees of, 19134.

Rural Health Act of 1973: enact (see S. 744), 3153.

Social services: HEW proposed regulations 9982.

Social Security Amendments of 1973: bill (H.R. 3153) to enact, 38912, 38938, 38967.

Social security: increase benefits (see bill S. 2397), 33247.

Social Services Amendments of 1973: enact (see bill S. 2528), 34243.

Social security: administration's proposed cutbacks in medicare, 6092.

Social programs: mayors plead for, 4884.

Social Security Act Amendments of 1973: amend bill (H.R. 3153) to enact, 35910, 35911, 38911, 18967.

Social security: payroll tax, 431.

Social Security Amendments of 1973: proposed amendment, 35910, 35911.

Social security check: prohibit any material to be enclosed with any (see bill S. 1664), 17052.

Social service programs: availability and use of Federal funds for (see bill S. 1220), 7714.

Social Security Act: introduction of legislation to amend, 36750-36752.

Speedy Trial Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 754), 3261.

Table: Social services (selected data), 9983-9985.

Text: S. 1979, unemployment compensation for employees of Roosevelt Campobello International Park, 19134.

Text: S. 1768, Commission on Mental Health and Illness of the Elderly Act, 14913.

Text: Amendment (No. 649), Limit on Medicare Inpatient Hospital Deductible, 35911.

Truth In Food Labeling Act: enact bill S. 904), 14139.

Value of Home Health Care Services Emphasized, American Medical News, 27169.

Vocational rehabilitation services: extend and revise authorization of grants to States for (see bill S. 7), 1197.

White House Conference on the Handicapped: call (see S.J. Res. 118), 17222.

Worker Alienation Research and Technical Assistance Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 736), 2911.


1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

Analysis: Amendments to Freedom of Information Act of 1967, 6929.

Appointed Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 4544.

Budget: Cut in Poverty Program, Sargeant Shriver, before Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, 8145-8148.

Budget: Cut in Social Programs, Andrew J. Biemiller, before Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, 8143-8148.

Committee on Government Operations: notice of hearings, 4043, 6520, 8713 12659, 12978, 15438, 28488, 38088.

Committee on Government Operations: hearings on property taxes, 14495.

Committee on the Judiciary: notice of hearings, 8713.

Crisis of Confidence: Senator Gurney, 39157.

Crisis of Confidence: L. Harris, 39157.

Crisis of Confidence, by, 39156.

Establish Commission on Executive Secrecy, Committee on Government Operations, Property tax: reform, 17271.

Federal Employee Privacy Art: enact (see bill S. 1688), 13980.

Federal officers and employees: relative to information by (see S. Con. Res. 30), 18792.

Federal agencies: keep congressional committees fully and currently informed (see bill S. 1923), 27860.

Freedom of Information Act: amend, 6929.

Freedom of Information Act of 1967: amend (see bill S. 1142), 6908.

Freedom of Information: problems, 38117.

Government: crisis of confidence, 39156.

Government: access to information, 38117.

Government: open procedures and hearings, 1259.

Impoundment Relies on Weak Arguments, L. Fisher, Washington Star, 5801.

Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970: Maine's assessment of, 28534.

Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 834), 3964.

Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1973: introduction, 3991-3993.

Joint Funding Simplification Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 2299), 26792.

Joint Funding Simplification Act of 1973: introduction, 26805.

Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act: bill (S. 268) to enact, 20402, 20403, 20406-20413.

Letter: Property tax relief and reform, C. L. Rampton, 19605.

Letter: Joint Funding Simplification Act of 1973, R. L. Ash, 26805.

Letter: Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 report, K. M. Curtis, 28535.

Losing With a Landslide, D. S. Broder, Washington Post, 5804.

Maine: report on Intergovernmental Personnel Act, 28534.

Muskie May Hold Area Tax Hearings, T. Wyngaard, Knoxville News-Sentinel, 17273.

Muskie Raps Appraisal Firm Conflict "Look", E. Shannon, Nashville Tennessean, 14511.

Muskie Inclined To Agree With Allen on CLT Ties, F. Van Der Linden, Nashville Banner, 14512.

New Federalism Policies, Committee on Government Operations, by, 4883.

New Federalism: Impact on State and Local Governments, by, Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, 8143.

Nixon, Richard M.: budget, 5156.

Nixon's Budget: Six Governors View, 6995- 7011.

Nixon's Federalism In Trouble, J. Doyle, Washington Star, 5803.

Pleas for Social Programs, Committe on Government Operations, Mayors Landrieu, R. S. Gribbs, N. Y. Mineta, H. W. Maier, J. V. Lindsay, S. Cmich, K. A. Gibson, R. G. Hatcher, J. L. Alioto, and L. Alexander (sundry), 4885-4898.

Political Gain: Billing It to the Poor, D. S. Broder, Washington Post, 4646.

President's Budget, National Legislative Conference, by, 4071.

Press Release: Ervin, Muskie, Kennedy subcommittees join for Executive privilege, secrecy hearings; 8713.

Program Information Act: enact (see S. 928), 6138.

Property taxes: hearings on, 14495.

Property Tax Relief and Reform Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1255), 8093

Property tax: introduction, 8108-8110.

Property tax: Federal role, 19605.

Property Tax Change, L. Stillwell, Albuquerque Tribune, 17272.

Property Tax Relief and Reform Act of 1973, 14757.

Property Tax Reform, Association of Assessing Officers, by, 26379.

Property Tax Reform Act of 1973, Committee on Government Operations, J. Rowe, 14759.

Property Tax Relief and Reform, Committee on Government Operations, B.L. Dorgan, J. Shannon, K. M. Curtis, A.C. Stauffer, T. Laverne, S. H. Hoyer, C. F. Brickfield (sundry), 14496-14512.

Putting Strings on Federal Aid, A. J. Large, Wall Street Journal, 4647.

Questions: Federal grant system, to city officials, by, 3991.

Report: Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970-Maine Government Personnel Assessment and Training Programs, 28535.

Report: Committee on Government Operations, 2626, 37197.

Report: Access to Government Information, Conference on Advocacy, 38117.

Report: Preliminary Survey of General Revenue Sharing Recipient Governments, Office of Revenue Sharing, 25159.

Resolution, property tax relief and reform, National Governors Conference, 19605.

Revenue sharing: study of State, 25159.

Sacrificing Legality for Efficiency, D. S. Broder, Washington Post, 5804.

Senate Eyes Tax-Exempt Property, L. Stillwell, Fort Worth Press, 17272.

Short Rope, New York Times, 5805.

Side-Effects of Nixon's Budget, W. W. Heller, Wall Street Journal, 5157.

Sunshine in Government, 1259.

Survey of Public Attitudes: print additional copies (see S. Con. Res. 61), 41559.

Table: Property taxes (selected data), 14498-14501.

Table: Arkansas: Impoundment of Federal funds, 7003.

Table: Maine: Impoundment of Federal funds, 6996- 7001.

Tax-exempt organizations: define legislative activity by, 5746.

Tax-exempt Organizations: legislative activity (see bill S. 1036), 5741.

Tax Scandal, Cleveland Press, 17272.

Telling It Not Quite Like It Is, T. Wicker, New York Times, 5805.

Text: S. 1255, Property Tax Relief and Reform Act of 1973, 8112.

Text: S. 1142, to amend the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, 6930.

Text: S. 834, Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1973, 3993.

Text: S. 1036, defining legislative activity by tax exempt organizations, 5747.

Uniform Relocation Act Amendments: Introduction, 652.

Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970: minimum Federal payments (see bill S. 261), 644.

Wendy Tells Tax Burden, St. Paul Pioneer Press, 17273.

What's Wrong With the Property Tax, P. Gruenstein, 14758.


1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

An Anti-secrecy Plan, Montclair State College, by, 14155.

Ash, Roy L.: refusal to testify, 10984.

Bitsakou, Penelope C.: for relief (see bill S. 2306), 27114.

Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (Select): Watergate Investigation, 27146.

Congress: erosion of powers, 434.

Congressional Right to Information Act bill (S. 2432) to enact, 42104.

Congressional Right to Information enact (see bill S. 2432), 30066.

District of Columbia: representation In Congress (see S.J. Res. 76), 7714.

Electoral college: reform, 414.

Electronic surveillance: committee hearings on, 41564, 41565.

Essay: Secrecy and the Presidency, R. Berger, 25651.

Executive Privilege: R. Berger, 12174.

Executive Privilege: Senator Stevenson, 12172.

Executive Privilege and Government Secrecy, Committee on Government Operations, Senator Hughes, 15161.

Executive Privilege: R. G. Kleindienst, Senator Fulbright, and C. M. Clifford (sundry) 11621-11627.

Executive privilege: claim overruled, 27146.

Executive Privilege, by, 18793.

Federal officers and employees: procedure assuring Congress of access to information from, 42104.

Free press: public right to know, 3021.

Frostburg State College, by, 10471.

Government secrecy, 11592.

Introduction of Congressional Right to Information Act, by, 30072.

Judicial disqualification bill: enact (see bill S. 1064), 16708.

Law Day: pay tribute to law enforcement officers (see S.J. Res. 11), 4038.

McBridge, Roger: faithless elector, 414.

News media: freedom of the press, 3021.

Nixon, Richard M.: separation of powers, 433.

No Exit for Congress, New York Times, 434.

Parole Commission Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1463), 10964.

Representative Mink, 15163.

Resolving the Constitutional Crisis, University of Toledo, by, 36143.

Special Prosecutor: establish Independent (see bill S. 2611), 35076.

Tyranny of Silence, New York Times, 434.

United States Versus the People, New York Times, 11592.

Wiretapping: committee hearings on, 41564, 41565.


1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

Afro-American History Week: proclaim (see S.J. Res. 56), 6517.

Cayer, Robert H.: tribute, 20868.

Constitution Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 117), 19969.

Coughlin, James B.: death in Rabat, Morocco, 20868.

Crank Call Saved by Bell, Washington Star-News, 30514.

Essay: My Responsibility to Freedom, Ruth E. Comber, 6556.

Harry S. Truman Institute, by, 365.

Hughes Harold: tribute, 35387.

Johnson, Lyndon B.: eulogy, 1846, 2097.

Johnson, Nicholas: retirement tribute, 40176.

Letter: Recent activities of Margaret Chase Smith, W. C. Lewis, 22588.

Letter: Termination of status as a Senator, Margaret Chase Smith, 22588.

Letter: Tribute to Robert H. Cayer, by E. C. Coughlin, 20868.

Marcy, Carl M.: retirement, 38610.

Margaret Chase Smith 9181.

Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 20), 1138.

Memorial Service for President Truman. D. Berent, 4403.

National Hunting and Fishing Day: establish (see S.J. Res. 24), 8712.

Relative to sympathy on death of mother of, 17566.

Remarks in House relative to: Muskie, Josephine Czarnecka, eulogy, 18410.

Senator Hughes Wants to Work for God, L. Shearer, Parade, 35387.

Sermon, Forgotten Values, W.J. Robbins, 11910.

Smith, Margaret Chase: tribute, 9181.

Smith, Margaret Chase, recent activities, 22588.

Stennis, John C.: return to Senate tribute, 28474.

Town Meeting: Alive and Well In Maine, Day Thorpe, Washington Star-News, 9175.

Truman, Harry S: eulogy, 364, 365, 3507, 4403.

What's Margaret Smith Doing? B. Caldwell, Maine Telegram, 12674.


1973 93rd Congress, 1st Session

Congressional Election Finance Act of 1973 bill (S. 1103), 25981.

Crisis of Confidence: Senator Gurney, 39157.

Crisis of Confidence, by, 39156.

Crisis of Confidence: L. Harris, 39157.

Effects of Watergate, University of Nevada, by, 37768.

Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1973: amend bill (S. 372) to enact, 26314.

Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act: amend (see bill S. 1121), 8398.

Ford, Gerald R., nomination to be Vice President, 38221.

Leaders Must Tell Truth, Grave of Franklin D. Roosevelt. by, 17283.

Letter: Appointment of prosecutor to investigate Watergate affair, E. L. Richardson, by, 16754.

Letter: Appointment of independent prosecutor in Watergate affair, E. L. Richardson, by, 14704.

Maine: tribute to legislature, 39053.

Muskie Says Impeachment May Be Best, Las Vegas Sun, 37770.

New Breed in Maine Legislature, J. Brunelle, Maine Telegram, 39053.

News media: Nixon administration's relations with, 19456.

Opinions on Watergate, 37768.

Opposition Needs a Fair Shake on TV Time, N. Minow, J. B. Martin and L. M. Mitchell, Washington Star, 37029.

Political campaigns: public financing of, 25981.

Presidential Response Time Act: enact (see bill S. 2699), 37027.

Presidential Election Campaign Fund: designation of payments on front page of income tax return (see bill S. 1109), 7771.

Presidential election campaign of 1972: Appoint Special Prosecutor (see S.Res. 109), 14704.

Presidential Response Time Act: Introduction, 37028.

Press and the Politicians, Public Society of America, C. Daniel, 14751.

Public financing of Federal election campaigns: amendment to bill (H.R. 11104) to provide, 38197.

Report: Press Covers Government: Nixon Years From 1969 to Watergate, American University, Report: Department of Communication, 19456-19469.

Resolving the Constitutional Crisis, University of Toledo, by, 36143.

Response to President's TV address, 10648.

Sabotage of Political Campaign, B. I. Bernhard, 37265.

Sabotage of 1972 political campaign, 37265.

Senator Muskie's Response to Nixon address, 10677.

Television: political use of, 37028.

Text: S. 2699, Presidential Response Time Act, 37028.

Voter Registration Administration: establish (see bill S. 352), 4373.

Voter Registration Assistance Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 472), 1340.

Watergate Affair, by, 29432.


1973 93rd Congress, 1st Session

Appointed Conferee, 14111, 26866, 26884, 33579, 41935.

Cloture motion, 13765, 14095, 38902, 39060, 39166, 40258, 40259, 40708, 40759, 41458, 41464

Committee reports: new forms (see bill S.200), 2707.

Elected to Committee, 320.

Legislative program, 20332.

Memorials of legislature: Maine, 4395, 9977, 35393.

Senate: privilege of the floor, 11036, 15214 20401, 21663, 22296, 24545, 25054, 41047 41636, 41917.


1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

Acknowledging the Status of OMB, Washington Post, 3342.

Analysis: S. 1439, Tax Reform Act of 1973, 10433.

Analysis: Title II of S. 929, 11044.

Analysis: Proposed Muskie-Brock-Saxbe amendment to reform the congressional budget process, 29040.

Analysis: Muskie Tax Reform Act of 1973, 1851.

"Battle of the Budget, 1973," administration distribution of kits entitled, 11872.

Budget Reform, Senator Brock, 31940.

Budget Reform, Representatives Obey and W. A. Steiger, 31284.

Budget cuts: impact on Maine, 12982-12984.

Budget: White House propaganda, 11872.

Budget: provide requests of agencies shall be made public, 2687, 2688.

Budget requests of various Government agencies: provide Congress with information relating to (see bill S. 1214), 7713.

Budget: A Question of Priorities, C. Fritchey, Washington Post, 3801.

Budget Cuts, Committee on Government Operations, J. Wurf, 5786.

Budget reform, 29038, 31939.

Budget Information, 7863.

Congress: require Presidential notification when impounding funds, 1152.

Congress: legislation to provide information relating to budget requests to, 7740.

Congressional Budgetary Procedure Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1541), 14465.

Congressional Budget Control Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1414), 37638.

Congressional Budget and National Priorities Act of 1973: amend bill (S. 1541) to enact, 31939.

Constitutional Question of Tax Status of Lobbying Organizations, Tax Analysts and Advocates, U.S. District Court for District of Columbia, 32716.

Control Expenditures and Establish National Priorities Act: proposed amendments, 31939.

Council on International Economic Policy bill (S. 1636) making a permanent part of Executive Office of President, 30645.

Cowboy Arithmetic, J. Rowan, Washington Post, 1854.

Death of the Christmas Tree Bill, 1859.

Debt limit: amend bill (H.R. 11104) to increase, 38088, 38177.

Debt limit: bill (H.R. 11104) to provide for a temporary increase in public, 38197.

Direct Lobbying Activities of Public Charities, A. J. Geske, ABA Tax Journal, 2772.

Disclosure of Corporate Ownership: authorizing the printing (see S. Con. Res. 59), 40001.

Document, Budget Effects on Education, 8139.

Economic conditions: failure of administration to control inflation, 31275.

Excerpts from "Battle of the Budget 1973", 11875.

Executive Office of the President: require Senate confirmation of certain appointments in (see bill S. 590), 2395.

"Far-Out 15" Skirmish Now a Battle, M. Causey, Washington Post, 11873.

Federal Impoundment Control Procedure Act: bill (S. 373) to enact, 15223, 15240-15242.

Financial institutions: NOW accounts, 16493.

How to Find a Loophole, Washington Post, 8140.

Impoundment-Spending ceiling Amendment, by, 11043.

Impoundment and spending ceiling measures, 11043, 11044, 11052.

Impoundment of funds by the President: notification of Congress (see bill S. 373), 1137.

Impoundment of funds: bill (S. 373) to limit Presidential powers, 15223, 15240-15242.

Impoundment of funds: legislation, 1152.

Income tax: proposed reforms, 1848-1851.

Income tax: Kennedy minimum tax reform amendment to H.R. 3153, 38938.

Inflation, 42380, 42381.

Interest rates: bill (S. 1798) to extend for 1 year regulation of financial institution's, 16493.

Letter: Request to testify before Committee on Government Operations, exchange of correspondence between R. L. Ash and Senators Ervin and Muskie, 10985.

Letter: Investigate "Battle of the Budget, 1973" kits, Elmer B. Staats, by, 11873.

Letter: Income tax reform, E. P. Doss, 38939.

List: Participants in budget panel, 12982.

List: Organizations supporting bill S. 1036, 5747.

Lobbying Organizations Tax Plan Sought (sundry), 32716.

Loopholes and Little Guys, Hobart Rowan, Washington Post, 8140.

Maine: citizens view budget cuts in, 12982-12984.

Minimum tax amendment to H.R. 8214, 41871.

My Turn: "Gimme Shelter", A. Smith, Newsweek, 1854.

Nixon, Richard M.: economic policies, 31275, 42380, 42381.

Nixon, Richard M.: budget, 5156.

Nixon's Federalism In Trouble, J. Doyle, Washington Star, 5803.

Office of Management and Budget: confirmation of Director and Deputy Director by Senate (see bills S. 37, 518), 1930, 2263.

Office of Management and Budget: bill (S. 518) to require Senate confirmation of Director and Deputy Director of the, 3341, 3342.

Pamphlet: Tax Shelters; Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education, 38938.

Par Value Modification Act: amend bill (S. 929) to require congressional approval to change dollar exchange rate, 10735, 11038

Par Value Modification Act: bill (S. 929) to amend, 11043, 1044, 11053.

PR Men Gird for "Battle of Budget", Al. Causey, Washington Post, 11873.

President: impoundment of funds, 1152.

President's Budget, National Legislative Conference, by, 4071.

Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Tax Act of 1973: amend bill (H.R. 8214), to enact, 41870.

Public debt ceiling: bill (H.R. 8410) to continue temporary increase in the, 21667, 21669-21671, 21675, 21689.

Public Budgeting and Rulemaking Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 676), 2628.

Public Budgeting and Rulemaking Act of 1973: introduction, 2687, 2688.

Public debt limit: amend bill (H.R. 8410) continue existing temporary increase, 21081, 21764.

Refusal of Roy Ash To Testify, Senators Ervin and, 10984.

Report: Budget and Accounting Act of 1921: Background and Analysis of Executive Confidentiality in Relation to S. 676, J. Braden, Library of Congress, 7864.

Report: Charities, Law-Making and the Constitution, T. A. Troyer, N.Y.U. Institute of Federal Taxation, 32706.

Screwing of the Average Taxpayer, J. Fallows, Washington Monthly, 1856.

Secret Way the Rich Escape, P. M. Stern, Washington Monthly, 1859.

Shaping the Budget: A Way Out of Chaos, A. M. Rivlin and 0. L. Schultze, Washington Post, 29038.

Side-Effects of Nixon's Budget, W. W. Heller, Wall Street Journal, 5157.

Table: Impact of Federal impoundments and budget cuts on Maine (sundry), 12982-12990.

Tax-exempt organizations: constitutionality of control of legislative activities, 32705.

Tax Reform Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1439), 10427, 12976.

Tax Breaks Lead to Executive Wealth, 38939.

Tax-exempt organizations: define legislative activity by, 5746.

Tax-exempt Organizations: legislative activity (see bill S. 1036), 5741.

Tax-exempt Organizations: legislative activity (see bill S. 1036), 5741.

Tax Reform Act of 1973: Introduction, 1848-1851, 10432.

Tax reform, 12004, 12005

Tax-exempt organizations: lobbying, 2771.

Tax-exempt organizations: lobbying, 2771.

Text: S. 1439, Tax Reform Act of 1973, 10434.

Text: S. 1036, defining legislative activity by tax exempt organizations, 5747.

Wage and price controls: record, 42380, 42381.

Weinberger, Caspar W.: nomination, 4095.

White House Girds for Budget Battle, D. Broder, Washington Post, 11874.


1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

Agriculture: Sale of grain to Russia, 28928.

Cattlehides: permit President to reinstitute export controls on, 3763.

Cattlehides: reinstitute export controls on (see bill S. 791), 3762.

China's grain purchase: calling for a report on (see S.J. Res. 147), 29429.

Export controls: cattle hides, 3763.

Russia: grain deal, 28928.

Trade Reform Act of 1973: amend bill (H.6767) to enact, 11550.

United States-Soviet Trade Conference, by, 6540.


1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

But Budget Cuts Stall City Housing, Roman S. Gibbs, Washington Post, 6600.

Disappearing Crisis, New York Times, 6593.

Emergency Rural Housing Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 2190), 24030.

Federal Housing Administration: extend insured housing loan authority, 25125.

Gary: Epitaph for a Model City, G. Hodgson and G. Crile, Washington Post, 7846.

Gary, Indiana: governmental structure problem in, 7846.

HUD Offers Cities New Urban Plan, Floyd H. Hyde, Washington Post, 6599.

Insured housing loans: resolution (H.J. Res. 512) to extend authority of FHA, 25125.

Urban Parks and Recreation Under the New Federalism, D. R. Dunn and L. X. Lee, Parks and Recreation, 25162.