Economics, Business, Agriculture

1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Agricultural commodities: assist producers in marketing of at fair price (see bill S. 727), 15498.

Agricultural commodities: orderly means of bargaining with handlers of (see bill S. 726), 15498.

Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 1971, by 6242.

Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 1971: enact (see bill S. 575), 1540.

Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 1971: bill (S. 575) to enact, 18760, 25106.

Barbara Ann (vessel) : documentation of (see bill S.1003), 4086.

Butz, Earl L.: nomination, 42727.

Cap'n Frank (vessel) : documentation of (see bill S. 1001), 4086.

Department of Transportation: resolution (H.J. Res. 468) making continuing appropriations for, 7784-7786.

Dow Air Force Base, Maine: adjust legislative jurisdiction over certain lands within area formerly known as (see bill S. 1000), 4086.

Economic Disaster Area Relief Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2393), 28685.

Economic Disaster Area Relief Act of 1971: bill (S. 2393), 30132.

Emergency Loan Guarantee Act: bill (S. 2308) to enact, 27579, 28022.

Eugenie II (vessel): documentation of (see bill S. 1002), 4086.

Family Farm Act of 1972: enact (see bill S.2828),47063.

The Fifth Freedom, Four Freedoms Award Dinner, New York City, by, 25952.

Fisheries Products Protection Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 296), 11275.

Fishery resources: protection of (see bill S. 2764), 37901.

Fishing industry: provide certain essential assistance to United States (see bill S.221),8534.

The Forgotten American Farmer, Wisconsin State College, Stevens Point, Wis. by, 25948.

Intercity rail passenger service: prevent discontinuance of certain (see bill S.1665),12593.

Irish potato futures: prohibit trading on commodity exchanges, 16723.

Irish potato futures: prohibit trading in (see bill S. 1947), 16714.

A Job for Every Worker, Detroit Econimic Club, by, 25947.

Letter: Conference report on S. 575, to all Senators, by, 18744.

Letter: Interstate Commerce Commission policy, G. M. Stafford, by, 2004.

Lockheed Aircraft Corp.: loan guarantee, 27579, 28022.

Mass transportation: use SST employees to improve, 8025.

Milk: support price of manufacturing at not less than 85 per centum. of parity (see bill S. 1277), 9651.

National Railroad Passenger Corporation: amend bill (S. 2760) to provide financial assistance for purchasing railroad equipment, 41386.

National Transportation Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2279), 24966.

Once Booming Potato Farms Die In Maine, B. Kovach, New York Times, 28023.

Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 and Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965: extend (see bill S. 2317), 26102.

Public Works Acceleration Act: Make benefits available to certain areas of extra high unemployment (see bill S. 732), 2408.

Rural residences: farmer-owned cooperative system of making credit available for (see bill S.1483), 11446.

Rural and other economically-distressed areas: revitalize (see bill S. 10), 13530.

Sales below cost: prohibit, for purpose of destroying competition (see bill S. 1457), 32765.

SST: development, 7784-7786.

SST employees: solve transportation problems with, 8024.

Transportation research and development utilize SST employees (see bill S. 1382), 8023.

Transportation problems: use SST employees to solve, 8025.

Wholesome Fish and Fishery Products Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 1528), 37490.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Atomic Energy Commission: bill (H.R. 9388) authorizing appropriations for, 26059.

Coal Gasification Development Corporation: establish (see bill S. 1846), 19807.

National fuels and energy policy: authorize study of (see S. Res. 45), 3943.

New England States Fuel Oil Act of 1971 enact (see bill S. 1816), 14298.

Thermal Effects of Heated Pipeline in Permafrost, A. H. Lachenbruch, Geological Survey, 11310.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Air and water pollution: prevent false and deceptive advertising with respect to products and services to prevent and control (see bill S. 927), 3565.

Air and navigable waters: standards for manufacture of certain products to protect quality of (see bill S. 573), 1539.

Air and water pollution: establish structure to provide knowledge of ecological and technical problems associated with (see bill S. 1113), 5020.

Alaska: opposition to pipeline across, 11307.

Analysis: S. 523, National Water Quality Standards Act of 1971, 1347.

Analysis: S. 573, standards for manufacture of products to protect the environment, 1552.

Atomic Energy Commission: bill (H.R. 9388) authorizing appropriations for, 26059.

California: create marine sanctuaries off coast of (see bill S. 1446), 9088.

Clean Air Act: proposed amendment, 1552.

Clean Up America Day: declare (see S.J. Res. 158), 32463.

Cleaning the Ugly Costly Face of Pollution, Senator Randolph, 1602.

Committee on Public Works: tribute to members and staff of, 38802, 38822.

Congressional Record: require use of recycled material in printing of (see bill S. 2267), 24966.

Conservation of Oil, G. Hill, New York Times, 11311.

Department of Transportation: resolution (H.J. Res. 468) making continuing appropriations for, 7784-7786.

Department of Agriculture – Environmental and Consumer Protection Appropriations Act of 1972: amend bill (H.R. 9270) to enact, 25413.

Dredged spoil: discharge permits, 38854-38856.

Earth Week: designate (see S.J. Res. 15), 3941.

Environment Boom, O. Fanning, Saturday Review, 26375.

Environmental Health Letter: anniversary, 40709.

Environmental Financing Authority: establish (see bill S. 1015), 4087.

Environmental careers: opportunities, 26375.

Environmental Impact of the Trans Alaska Pipeline, R.R. Curry, 11312.

Environmental Health: Does It Have a Future? G. W. Fishbein, American Public Health Association, 40709.

Environmental Impact of the Trans Alaska Pipeline, F. S. Chapin, 11309.

Establish Joint Committee on the Environment, by, 6684

Everglades-Big Cypress National Recreation Area, Florida: establish (see bill S.2465), 41212.

Everglades--Big Cypress Recreation Area: create, 42729.

Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971: bill (S. 2770) to enact, 38797-38804, 38807, 38816, 38822, 38823, 38825, 38826, 38828-38840, 38844-38849, 38852-38858, 38860-38862, 38864, 38888.

Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (see bills S. 1012, 1143, 2133, 2770), 4087, 5467, 21539, 37902, 38198.

Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971: proposed amendment, 1552.

Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971: amend bill (S. 2770) to enact, 38856.

Historical and archeological data: preservation of (see bill S. 1245), 6565.

International Conference on Ocean Dumping: convene (see S.J. Res. 80), 9505.

Joint Committee on the Environment, by, 635.

Joint Committee on the Environment: establish (see S.J. Res. 17), 544.

Letter: Opposition to pipeline across Alaska, President Nixon, by, 11307.

Marine preserves: study means of protecting certain areas as (see bill S. 1458), 9088.

Mass transportation: use SST employees to improve, 8025.

Mineral exploration in Atlantic Ocean: study environmental impact (see bill S.2892),46081.

National Coastal and Estuarine Zone Management Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.582),5328.

National Water Quality Standards Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 523), 1346

National Water Quality Standards Act of 1971: Introduction, 1346, 1347.

Noise pollution: control (see bill S. 1016) 4087.

Oceans and other waters: regulate dumping of material in (see bill S. 1238), 6564

Oil pollution: control off the State o California (see bill S. 1459), 9088.

Pamphlet: College of the Atlantic, 26376.

Pollution: legislation to control, 1552.

Pollution: indifference of scientific and engineering community, 4111.

Pollution: control water, 1346, 1347.

Problems in Underground Pipe Corrosion Control, B. Woodman, 11314.

Prohibit Oil Development in Santa Barbara Channel, Los Padres Chapter of Sierra Club, 9164.

Proposed Trans-Alaska Pipeline, by, 11307.

Recreation areas: exempt persons over 65 years of age from paying entrance or admission fees (see bill S. 1172), 11275.

Remarks in Senate: Resolution: salute to environment campaign, Board of Commissioners, Allegheny County, Pa., 5004.

Report: Committee on Public Works, 21539.

Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1971: introduction, 9163.

Senate and House of Representatives: Require Public Printer to furnish recycled material for official use of (see bill S. 2266), 24966.

Shoreline erosion: authorize program to develop and demonstrate low-cost means of preventing (see bill S. 1053), 4379

SST: development, 7784-7786.

SST employees: solve transportation problems with, 8024.

Territorial and international waters: regulate discharge of wastes in (see bill S.1082),4507.

Text: S. 573, provide standards for manufacture of products to protect the environment, 1552.

Thaddeus Kosciusko Home: establish, 17764.

Thaddeus Kosciuszko Home National Historic Site. Pennsylvania: establish bill S. 1973), 17335.

Thermal Effects of Heated Pipeline in Permafrost, A. H. Lachenbruch, Geological Survey, 11310.

Timber resources: establish commission to investigate practice of clear-cutting (see bill S. 1592), 10889.

Transportation problems: use SST employees to solve, 8025.

Transportation research and development utilize SST employees (see bill S. 1382), 8023.

Waste treatment facilities: construction authority, 38846, 38849, 38852, 38853.

What Technology Has Done to the Earth, Technology Can Cure, R. Bendiner, New York Times, 4112.

Defense and Foreign Policy

1971 92nd Congress, 1st Session

1972 Defense Budget, Committee on Appropriations (House), M. H. Halperin, 19815.

ABM: deployment, 24479.

Africa: arms shipments to, 13547.

African-American Dialogs, by, 12710.

Amchitka Island, Alaska: nuclear test, 28474, 28477, 28478.

Amchitka Nuclear Test, Committee on Foreign Relations, J. Havelock, 28475.

Appointed to United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (alternate), 47652.

Armed Forces: amend bill (H.R. 6531) to increase pay and authorizing active duty strengths, 16724.

Armed Forces: reduce in Western Europe, United States, 15558, 15560, 15958.

Armed Forces: in-service education and training programs for members (see bill S. 2744), 37484.

Arms Race, by, 13882.

Arms From East and West Used in Africa, Jim Hoagland, Washington Post, 13548.

Arms Control for American Security, Committee on Armed Services, H. Scoville, 14867.

Arms control: hearings, 19808.

Baltic States: Invasion and fall of, 19821.

Biological weapons: ban on, 30277.

Boeing 707's: African sales, 13547.

Bunker Assays Vietnam Years, Alvin Shuster, 15862.

Cannikin Nuclear Test, Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Gravel, 28474.

Ceylonese Independence Day, 4423.

Christians Support Unified Jerusalem, American Jewish Committee, 47855.

Committee on Foreign Relations: notice of hearings, 17761, 19808, 22749, 24479, 26117.

Context of Peace Efforts in the Middle East, Arthur J. Goldberg, London, England, 11708-11710.

Demonstrations: expected April 24th, 9637.

Department of Defense: bill (H.R. 11731) making appropriations, 42890, 42909.

Drug Control Legislation, Committee on Foreign Relations, by, 25856.

Eagleton, Thomas F.: Vietnam policy, 15860.

East Pakistan: situation in, 10361.

East-West Trade Relations Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2620), 39575.

End America's Participation in Indochina War, University of Pennsylvania, by, 5763.

Endorsement of Antiwar Demonstration, Washington Post, 11034.

Environmental standards and regulations: relative to international economic and social consequences (see S. Con. Res. 53), 46084.

Europe: reduction of United States troops In Western, 15558, 15560, 15958.

Foreign Service employees: procedure to investigate and render decisions with respect to grievances and appeals of (see bill S. 2659), 35183.

Foreign aid: Pakistan, 10361.

Foreign aid: Proposed solution to problem of continuing, 39016, 39017.

Foreign tourists: facilitate entry of (see bill S. 1899), 29243.

Foreign Service employees: procedure to investigate and render decisions with respect to grievances and appeals of (see bill S. 2023), 25805.

Gandhi, Mrs. Indira: U.S. visit, 39210.

Genocide Convention, A. J. Goldberg, 7697.

Genocide Convention, 7697.

Global Pollution – U.N. as Policeman, Richard N. Gardner, Saturday Review, 32331.

India: Pakistan refugees in, 39210.

Indochina: military involvement, 9637.

Indochina, University of Pennsylvania, by, 4412.

International security assistance: amend bill (H.R. 1657) to consolidate and revise Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 relating to, 24479.

International Conference on Ocean Dumping: convene (see S.J. Res. 80), 9505.

Israel: funds for military aid to, 28993, 42890.

Israel's Survival and America's Security, Denver, Colo., by, 25966.

Jerusalem: Christians support unification, 47855.

Kosygin Harsh With Muskie on Mideast, Jack Anderson, Washington Post, 13354.

Letter: Cannikin nuclear test (sundry), 28477, 28478.

Letter: Amchitka nuclear test, W. A. Egan, 28476.

Letter: Regulations on the draft, C. W. Tarr, by, 47351.

Letter: Aid for East Pakistan, W. P. Rogers, by, 18222.

Lithuanian Independence Day, 4429.

Mansfield Amendments, Two Views, W. A. Harriman, Washington Post, 16727.

McGovern-Hatfield end the war amendment, 20210, 20211.

Middle East: new perspectives, 11708.

Middle East Policy, by (sundry), 13354.

Middle East Policy, Gerald R. Ford and (sundry), 13355.

Military Selective Service Act of 1971: bill (H.R. 6531) to enact, 15558, 15560, 15958, 20210, 20211, 21041-21043, 21580, 32354.

Military Administrative Discharge Procedures Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.2247), 36969.

N. American Policy Toward China, Committee on Foreign Relations, Senator Kennedy, 22782.

Narcotic drugs: prohibit assistance to any country which does not act to prevent entry into United States (S. 1188), 18378.

National Week of Concern for POW's and MIA's: designate (see S.J. Res. 10), 2596

Necessity for the Cannikin Experiment, AEC, 28477.

North Vietnam: require prior approval by Congress for U.S. forces to participate in invasion of (see bill S. 974), 3904.

Nuclear Weapons, World Affairs Council, by, 13882.

Nuclear arms race, 13879-13881.

Our Nonpolicy Toward Latin America, S. Linowitz, Life, 25035.

Pakistan: emergency relief for East, 13544.

Pakistan: situation in 39210, 39211.

Pakistan: suspend military aid until conflict is resolved (see S. Con. Res. 21), 10500.

Peace Corps: anniversary, 4417.

Phantom jets: urging sale to Israel (see S. Res. 177), 36366.

Polish National Alliance, Humboldt Park, Chicago, Ill., 13987.

Portugal: arms shipments to Africa, 13547.

Prisoners of war: Maine resolution, 13849, 25028.

Prisoners of war: humane treatment and release of American (see S. Con. Res. 49), 40852.

Proclamation: POW Day, K. M. 13849.

Provide Special Refugee Visas to Soviet Jews, by, 15079.

Public works, AEC, and certain agencies' bill (H.R. 10090) making appropriations for, 28474, 28477, 28478.

Remarks in House: Gerald Ford's attack relative to Middle East policy, 13352-13354.

Remarks in Senate: Television broadcast: Vietnam Policy, Eric Sevareid, CBS news, 15860.

Remarks in Senate: Telegram: distribution of food in East Pakistan, W. P. Rogers, by, 13885

Russia: deployment of nuclear arms by, 13879-13881.

SALT negotiations, 13879-13881.

Senate: rejection of foreign aid bill by, 39016, 39017.

Silent Vietnam, 0. Schell, Look, 8505.

Soviet Union, United States, and United Nations, R. N. Gardner, Foreign Service Journal, 2613.

Soviet Jews: for relief (see bill S. 1872), 17079.

Sugar Act of 1948: amend bill (H.R. 8866) to amend and extend, 21210, 27509, 27586.

Support of Nonproliferation Treaty, by, 13883.

Text: United States-Soviet Draft Convention on Elimination of Bacteriological Arms, 30277.

United Nations: anniversary, 2612, 2613.

Vietnam: affirm U.S. neutrality in 1971 elections in South (see S. Con. Res. 17), 9513.

Vietnam: care, housing, education, and adoption of certain orphaned children in (see bill S. 2071), 26105.

Vietnam: recent peace proposal by North, 25028.

Vietnam Policy, by, 1744.

Vietnam: situation, 8505

Vietnam Disengagement Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 375), 3579.

Vietnam: expected protest demonstrations against war in, 9637.

Vietnam Policy: Senator Eagleton, Committee on Foreign Relations, 15861.

Vietnam: U.S. policy, 15859.

Vietnam Children's Care Agency Act: enact (see bill S. 2497), 33606.

Voice of America: broadcast in Yiddish into Soviet Union (see S. Res. 145), 23695.

Weizmann Institute, by, 38753.

Human Resources Programs

1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Adequate Nutrition Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 1773), 13502.

Amphetamines and other stimulants: move from schedule III to schedule II of Controlled Substances Act (see bill S. 674), 1995.

Analysis: S. 2744, Servicemen's and Veteran's Education, Training, and Job Assistance Act of 1971, 37489.

Armed Forces: in-service education and training programs for members (see bill S. 2744), 37484.

Blind persons: assure rehabilitation services to older (see bill S. 1030), 4378.

Cancer: strengthen national effort to Conquer (see bill S. 1828), 22292.

Child development program: provide for a comprehensive (see bill S. 1512), 9869.

Children's Dental Health Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 1874), 22011.

Children's Dental Health Act of 1971: Introduction, 36666.

Commission on Mental Health and Illness of the Elderly: establish (see bill S. 2922), 43748.

Commission on Mental Health and Illness of the Elderly: establish, 43750, 43751.

Committee on Government Operations: drug abuse bill reported by, 41660.

Committee on Aging (Special) : notice of hearings, 13537, 18126.

Comprehensive Community College Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 545), 1346.

Comprehensive Child Development Act: President's veto, 46726.

Comprehensive Correctional Training and Employment Act: enact (see bill S. 2962),45142.

Conquest of Cancer Act: enact (see bill S. 34), 3941.

Consumer Class Action Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 984), 3914.

Credo of the Elderly – a Philosophy of Aging. Maine Delegation to White House Conference on Aging, 43764.

Cruikshank, Nelson: tribute, 44614

Defense and space spending: assist workers whose jobs may be terminated by reductions in (see bill S. 1191), 6083.

Department of Education: establish (see bill S. 1483). 41996.

Drug Abuse office and Treatment Act of 1971: committee report, 41660.

Drug Control Legislation, Committee on Foreign Relations, by, 25856.

Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1971: bill (S. 2097) to enact, 44102.

Drug addiction: veterans, 37489.

Drugs: international control assistance (see bill S. 1944),16714.

Drugs: legislation to control, 16716-16720.

Economic Impact of Retirement, Nelson H. Cruikshank, Social Action, 44614-44616.

Education Amendments of 1971: enact (see bill S. 659), 27937.

Elderly in America's Destiny, by, 38756

Elderly: economic impact of retirement, 44614

Emergency Employment Act of 1971: bill (S. 31) to enact, 9334, 9335.

Emergency Employment Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 31), 269.

Emergency School Aid and Quality Integrated Education Act of 1971: bill (S. 1557) to enact, 11329, 11330.

Ethnic groups: study of cultural heritages (see bill S. 23), 22291, 22292.

Federal Drug Abuse and Drug Dependence Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2217), 22900.

Food Stamp Act of 1964: relating to regulations Issued under (see S. Res. 120), 14024,14025.

Full opportunity and National Goals and Priorities Act: enact (see bill S. 5), 268.

GI bill: revision, 37489.

Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments of 1971: proposed amendment, 18080, 18081

Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments of 1971: bill (S. 934) to enact, 25167.

Health security: create national system (see bill S. 3), 268.

Healthcare for Older Americans: A Right, Not a Privilege, by, 25954

Heroin-The City Killer, by, 19327

Household aide: pay under medicare for services of (see bill S.882), 3941

Indian tribes: make certain benefits available to (see bill S. 1460), 9088.

Indians: extend Federal benefits to, 9164

Institute on Retirement Income: establish (see bill S. 883), 3941.

Intergovernmental Drug Abuse Control Coordination Act of 1971: introduction, 16716-16720.

Intergovernmental Drug Abuse Control Coordination Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.1945),16714.

Laundering and dry cleaning instructions: require apparel be permanently labeled with (see bill S. 424), 3579.

Law Enforcement Officers Benefits Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2748). 42836.

Law enforcement officers and firemen: extend certain benefits to those killed or disabled in line of duty (see bill S. 1081), 32482.

Letter: Proposed school lunch regulations, President Nixon, by, 34486.

Letter: School lunch regulations, President Nixon, by, 36417.

Medical Bill of Rights, Albert Einstein College, by, 20447.

Medical care facilities: grants for reconstruction or repair of certain, damaged or destroyed by a major disaster (see bill S. 1237), 6314.

Medicare and medicaid programs: cutbacks, 13537.

Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act: enact (see bill S. 976), 3907.

National Legal Services Corporation: establish (see bill S. 1305), 7139.

National Volunteer Blood Donor Month (see S.J. Res. 126), 23652.

National Institute of Gerontology: establish (see bill S. 887), 4099.

National Board of Regents for Indian Education: create (see bill S. 2724), 37906.

New Directions in Aging In 1971? Council of Senior Citizens, Senator Church, 21016.

Notice of Hearing by Committee on Aging, by, 31719.

Nutrition Program for the Elderly Act enact (see bill S. 1163), 7679.

Older American Community Service Employment Act: enact (see bill S. 555) 1346.

Older persons: increase social security benefits, 40694, 40695.

Older persons: mental health, 43750, 43751.

Opportunities Industrialization Assistance Act: enact (see bill S. 687), 2168.

Oregon State School Boards Association, Portland, Oreg., by, 43024.

Payroll tax: improvements in (see bill S 2656), 34972.

Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc.: incorporate (see bill S. 2509), 42990.

Population stabilization: declare U.S. policy of achieving (see S.J. Res. 108), 41382.

President's Veto of Day Care, Washington Post, 46726.

Presidential Task Force on Women's Rights and Responsibilities: carry out recommendations of (see bill S. 2185), 32482.

Proposed White House Office of Drug Control, by, 33266.

Public health: children's dental care, 36666.

Public Health Service hospitals and outpatient clinics: continue, 2585.

Public Health Service hospitals and outpatient clinics: continue (see S. Con. Res. 6), 2596.

Quality Integrated Education Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 683), 2168.

Radiation Health and Safety Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 426), 885.

Recreation areas: exempt persons over 65 years of age from paying entrance or admission fees (see bill S. 1172), 11275.

Report: Muskie Payroll Reform Proposal, 34975.

Research: academic crisis, 30002.

Retired military personnel: establish survivor benefit program for, 34973.

Service academies: permit appointment of certain additional persons to (see S.2945), 44594.

Servicemen's and Veteran's Education, Training and Job Assistance Act of 1971: introduction, 37486-37490.

Sickle Cell Anemia Act: bill (S. 2676) to enact, 45341.

Sickle cell anemia: prevention (see bill S.2676), 35596.

Social security: reform, 40694, 40695.

Social security: proposed payroll reform tax legislation, 34973-34975.

Social Security Act: eligibility of blind persons to receive benefits (see bill S.1335),7370.

Social Security Amendments of 1971: amend bill (H.R. 1) enact, 38190.

Social Security Act: extend certain health programs established for mothers and children (see bill S. 2135), 21539.

Social Security Reform Act: enact (see S.1645), 40851.

Social Security Act: make more realistic and equitable the criteria for determining disability (see bill S. 1173), 5718.

Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention Act: enact (see bill S. 2097), 20782.

Student internship program: establish to offer practical political involvement with elected officials (see bill S. 1410), 8513

Survivor Benefit Plan: establish (see bills S.325, 2654), 17078, 34972.

Text: S. 2922, Commission on Mental Health and Illness of the Elderly Act, 43751.

Text: S. 1460, extend Federal benefits to Indians, 9165

Truth In Food Labeling Act: enact (see bill S. 1985), 32152.

Veterans: legislation to aid returning, 37486-37490.

Volunteer firemen: make provisions of Vocational Education Act of 1963 applicable to (see bill S. 2040), 19291.

Volunteers in the National Forests Act 1971: enact (see bill S.1379), 8023.

Youth camp safety standards: grants for developing State programs for (see bill S.922), 3561.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Analysis: S. 2966, Truth in Government Act of 1971, 45157.

Analysis: S.1770, Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1971, 13506.

Appointed to Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 3718.

Committee on Government Operations: notice of hearings, 27940.

Committee on Government Operations: resolution (S. Res. 31) authorizing funds for, 4460.

Conference on Property Tax Reform, 14240

Disclosure Board: establish classification, 45152-45154, 45157.

Drugs: international control assistance (see bill S. 1944),16714.

Drugs: legislation to control, 16716-16720.

Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1971: questions and answers, 14864.

Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1971: introduction, 13502-13504.

Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 1770), 13502.

Intergovernmental Relations Committee: report, 36714.

List: State entitlements under Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1971, 13508.

List: Members of Intergovernmental Relations Committee, 36714.

Muskie and Revenue Sharing, New Republic, 17580.

Property taxation: report by Congressional Research Service, 17761.

Questions and answers: Intergovernmental Revenue Act, 14864.

Remarks in Senate: Revenue sharing position of, 8066

Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1971: resolution (S. Res. 108) disapproving, 17801-17803.

Report: Policy Position and Final Report, Intergovernmental Relations Committee of National Legislative Conference, 36714.

Revenue Act of 1971: amend bill (H.R. 10947) to enact, 41771.

Revenue Sharing, before the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, by, 25943.

Revenue Sharing, League of Cities and Conference of Mayors, by, 7418.

Text: S. 2965, Truth in Government Act of 1971, 45157.

Text: S. 1770, Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1971, 13504.

Truth in Government Act of 1971: introduction, 45152-45154, 45157.

Truth In Government Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2965), 45142.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Chicago South Side Chapter of the NAACP, by, 20146.

Civil rights: school segregation outside the South, 11329, 1133O.

Civil rights: equal employment opportunities, 40714, 40715.

Commission on Civil Rights: funds, 25918.

Demonstrations: expected April 24th, 9637.

Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and related agencies: bill (H.R. 9272) making appropriations for, 25918.

District of Columbia: grant congressional representative (see S.J. Res. 6), 271.

Downing, Kenneth W.: for relief (see bill S.1006), 4086.

Earth Day: FBI surveillance of, 10313-10315.

Earth Day Scare, Omaha World-Herald, 12701.

Education: Integration picture other than In the South, 11329, 11330.

Emergency Detention Act of 1950: repeal (see bill S. 592), 1649.

Emergency School Aid and Quality Integrated Education Act of 1971: bill (S. 1557) to enact, 11329, 11330.

Equal rights amendment: importance, 37495.

Equal Employment Opportunities Enforcement Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.2515), 31702.

Equal Employment Opportunity Enforcement Act: need to enact, 40714, 40715.

FBI: intelligence surveillance by, 10313-10315.

Federal employees: protect constitutional rights and prevent invasion of their privacy (see bill S. 1438), 9087.

Federal courts: change a minimum age qualifications for jurors (see bill S. 1975), S11920.

Government of the United states: Promote public confidence in (see bill S. 343), 1369.

Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1971: enact (see bill S. 1488), 9523.

Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1971: introduction, 9553, 9554

Intelligence surveillance: invasion of privacy, 10313-10315.

Invasion of privacy: FBI, 10313-10315.

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Rehabilitation Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.2148),21979.

Law and Order: Beyond the Code Word, by, 25961.

Letter: Mexican commuter problems, R. Clark, by W. Wirtz, 9562.

Majority Who Are Women, Schenectady, N.Y., by, 47608.

Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 5), 4099.

Muskie Dislikes Busing But Says It's Needed. J. M. Naughton, Washington Star, 31224.

Muskie Declassification Proposal Would Bury "Credibility Gap" (sundry), 45154-45156.

National Governor's Conference, San Juan, P.R., by, 32140.

Naturalization: amend Immigration and Nationality Act relative to certain tests for (see bill S. 2711), 36640.

Offenses against the United States: amend bill (S. 895) to provide for speedy trial for persons charged with, 38995.

Offenses against the United States: speedy trial for persons charged with (see bill S.895), 3405, 22749.

President: eligibility of naturalized citizens to hold office of (see S.J. Res. 161), 33582.

President and Vice President: direct popular election (see S.J. Res. 1), 4530.

President and Vice President: quadrennial enrollment of persons to vote in election of (see bill S. 1191), 6083.

Quality Integrated Education Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 683), 2168.

Rehnquist, William H.: nomination, 44644-44647.

Reflections on Death of Joetha Collier, Rivier College Commencement, Nashua, N.H. by, 25951.

Remarks in House: Charges against FBI activities, 10650, 11565, 15762-15765.

Report: Earth Day Rallies on April 22, 1970, FBI, 10315.

Report: "Commuter" Problem and Low Wages and Unemployment in American Cities on the Report: Mexican Border, Department of Labor, 9555.

Report: Alien Commuter Problems, Department of Labor, 9562.

The Right to Know and the Right to be Left Alone, 25962.

Rzeszotarski, Waclaw Janusz: for (see bill S. 1005), 4086.

Sakanishi, Noriko: for the relief (see b 2916), 43748.

Sellier, Victor Frederick: for relief (see bill S. 1409), 8513.

Spanish-speaking Americans: publication of economic and social statistics for (S.J..Res. 177), 41662.

Supreme Court: Rehnquist nomination, 44644-44647.

Text: S. 1488, Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1971, 9554.

To Restore America's Trust: Comments on the Pentagon Papers, Eugene Nickerson Testimonial Dinner, Garden City, N.Y. by, 25946.

To Stand in the Brandeis Tradition, by, 45770.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Boy Scouts of America: National Explorers Presidents' Congress, 7679, 7680.

District of Columbia: designate "Benito Juarez Circle" in (see bill S. 2230), 23652.

Exploring – A New Path to a Better America, J. G. Hubbell, Reader's Digest, 7679.

The Heritage of Maine, Narraguagus Regional High School Commencement, by, 25970.

National Explorers Presidents' Congress of the Boy Scouts of America: commemorating (see S. Con. Res. 10), 7680.

National Hunting and Fishing Day: declare (see S.J. Res. 117), 30922.

National Engineering Technicians Week: designate (see S. J. Res. 145), 31911.

Poem: I Am Democracy -- Friend of Man, Sol Mann, 9740.

San Juan, Puerto Rico: anniversary (S. Con. Res. 11), 7680.

San Juan, Puerto Rico: commemorate anniversary of, 7680.

Sinatra, Frank: tribute, 22895.

Text: S. Con. Res. 10, commemorating the first annual National Explorers Presidents' Congress of the Boy Scouts of America, 7680.

Text: S. Con. Res. 11, commemorate the anniversary of San Juan, Puerto Rico, 7680.


1971 92nd Congress, 1st Session

Big Ed of Maine, James Reston, New York Times, 13248.

Biography, 15111.

Broadcast: An Angry Man, station WCBS (New York City), 8936.

Campaigns: reform, 372.

Candor Admired Relative to Black Running Mate, Willows (Calif.) Democrat, 38719.

Current Issues (1970-71): sundry, 25943-25971.

Election days: designate certain as legal public holidays (see bill S. 1203), 6084.

Elections: regulating, encouraging voter participation, and financing campaigns (see S. 1), 268.

Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1971: bill (S. 382) to enact, 29329.

Federal election campaigns: improve, 372.

Finds Granite State Quiet, Tom Braden, Washington Post, 45106.

Government of the United states: Promote public confidence in (see bill S. 343), 1369.

Honest Elections Reform Act of 1971: introduction, 372.

Kosygin Harsh With Muskie on Mideast, Jack Anderson, Washington Post, 13354.

Letter: Commission on Party Structure and Delegate Selection, 25970, 32909.

List: Legislation sponsored by, 15113.

List: Staff, advisers, 15113.

List: Congressional Record page numbers of speeches by, 27466.

Middle East Policy, by (sundry), 13354.

Middle East Policy, Gerald R. Ford and (sundry), 13355.

Muskie Campaign, Congressional Quarterly, 15110.

Muskie Responds to Congressional Quarterly Questions, 15111.

Muskie Blooper, Knoxville (Tenn.) News Sentinel, 34404.

Muskie: The Longest Journey Begins, Time magazine, 31855.

Muskie's Southern Strategy, Birmingham (Ala.) News, 41342.

National Voter Registration Act: enact (see bill S. 2574), 33267.

New Hampshire Poll Shows Muskie Strong, Robert Healy, Boston Globe. 16067.

Remarks in House: Gerald Ford's attack relative to Middle East policy, 13352-13354.

Remarks in House: candor relative to black running mate, 38719.

Remarks in Senate: Survey: Widens Margin Over President, 14254.

Remarks in House: Criticism by Senator Dole, 6024

Speaks Up, Tom Wicker in Bath-Brunswick (Maine) Times Record, 35927.

To Lead Again, San Francisco, Calif. by, 46282.

Toward a More Democratic Party, Wisconsin State Democratic Convention, by, 25970.

Truth Could Cost Muskie Dearly, Paul Hope in Washington Star, 34518.


1971 92nd Congress, 1st Session

Appointed conferee, 12782.

Cloture motion, 2587, 4108, 5227.

Credentials, 5.

Elected to Committee on Government Operations, 867.

Elected to Committee on Public Works, 867.

Elected to Committee on Foreign Relations, 867.

Ellender, Allen J.: birthday tribute, 34186.

Holland, Spessard: eulogy, 41073.

Members of Congress: prohibit imposition of residency requirements as condition of voting for (see bill S. 933), 3726.

Memorials of legislature: Maine, 2167, 5521, 10709, 13502, 21569, 25028.

Oath of office, 6.

Remarks in Senate: position on vote for cloture, 3021.

Russell, Richard B.: eulogy, 4117.

Senate: amend rule XXII (cloture) of the Standing Rules of the Senate (see S. Res. 9) 570

Senate pages: appointment of females (S. Res. 112), 13133.

Senate: resolution (S. Res. 9) to amend rule XXII (cloture) of the Standing Rules of the Senate, 2629, 2630.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Actuarial calculations: proposed reforms, 40698.

Asset Depreciation Range system: relating to proposed (see S. Res. 98), 10344.

Calendar year: establish as fiscal year, and provide for separate periods for consideration of appropriation bills (see bill S. 1875), 15070.

Consumers Come First, Hamilton Democratic Reception, by, 36950.

Depreciation of property: tax computation, 10331.

Depreciation deduction: relating to (see bills S. 1530, 1532), 10318.

Income tax: credit for purchase of durable consumer goods (see bill S. 2730), 36940.

Income tax: permit certain tax-exempt organizations to engage in communications with legislative bodies and committees (see bill S. 1408), 8513.

Income tax: same exemption for servicemen in and around Korea as for those in Vietnam (see bill S. 1233), 6314.

Income tax: exclude from gross income entire compensation of persons who are prisoners of war and missing in action (see bill S.2944), 44594.

Income tax: provide credit for purchase of durable consumer goods, 36948-36950.

Income tax: legislation relative to computing depreciation of useful life of property, 10331.

Internal Revenue Code of 1954: proposed amendment, 8517.

Letter: Proposed tax depreciation rules, R. W. Thrower, by, 10332.

Payroll tax: improvements in (see bill S 2656), 34972.

Report: Muskie Consumer Tax Credit, 36951.

Report: Muskie Payroll Reform Proposal, 34975.

Social security: proposed payroll reform tax legislation, 34973-34975.

Tax Credit Seen as a Spur to Profits, Not Jobs, M. C. Jensen, New York Times, 36952.

Tax-exempt organizations: permit communications with Congress, by, 8517.

Text: S.1530, amend Internal Revenue Code of 1954 relative to depreciation on property, 10332.

Text: S. 1408, permit tax-exempt organizations to communicate with Congress, 8518.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

East-West Trade Relations Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2620), 39575.

Motion picture films: temporary free importation of certain (see bill S. 1004), 4086.


1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Beyond Urban Survival, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Philadelphia, Pa., by, 25959.

Cities of Hope-A Chance for the new South, LQC Lamar Society of Emory University, by, 18151.

Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961: amend (see bill S. 2223), 27434.

Rebuilding Urban Government, American Jewish Committee, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, by, 25956.

Unemployment: use model cities program to combat (see S. Con. Res. 4), 10501, 25304.