1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Agriculture Act of 1962: bill (S. 3225) to enact, 9294.
Agriculture: establish acreage allotments for Irish potatoes, 4859.
Amend: Public works standby authority bill (S. 2965),9268.
Asleep on the Deep, Nation magazine, W. S. Ellis, A3139.
Committee on Banking and Currency, 19993.
Depressed Areas Law Operating, by Sylvia Porter, in Bangor News, 8626.
Letter: Forest products as agricultural commodity, by John C. Bagwell, 8525.
Mass transportation systems: additional assistance to metropolitan areas for (see bill S. 3126), 7006.
Packaging and labeling: prohibit unfair and deceptive methods of (see bill S. 3745), 20398.
Potatoes: establish acreage allotment on Irish (see bill S. 3050), 4859.
Searsport Harbor, Maine: authorize project for (see bill S. 3578), 14942
Small business concerns: provide guarantees for leases of commercial and industrial property by (see bill S. 3345), 10703.
Sugar Act of 1948: amend and extend (see bill S. 3290), 8975.
Text of S. 3050, relative to Irish potatoes, 4860
Vessel Eugenie II: document as U.S. vessel (see bill S. 3264), 7892.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Amend: Public works standby authority bill (S. 2965),9268.
Department of the Interior and related agencies: bill (H.R. 10802) making appropriations, 10265.
Mass transportation systems: additional assistance to metropolitan areas for (see bill S. 3126), 7006.
1962 87th Congress, 2nd Session
Allies Are Carrying Their Share of Aid, by Frank M. Coffin, in Washington Post, 9653.
Appointed to Board of Visitors to Military Academy, 5746.
Chicago Society of Polish National Alliance, by, 9264.
Communist Party, by Harold H. Martin, in Saturday Evening Post, 8626.
Electronics Industries Association, by, 4762.
Failure of World Communism, by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in Saturday Evening Post, 8629.
Film of Mrs. John F. Kennedy's Visit to India and Pakistan: make available to U.S. people (see S. Con. Res. 84), 14630
Latin American problems, 4958, 4959.
McCone, John A.: nomination to be CIA Director, 1326.
United Nations: bill (S. 2768) to authorize bond purchase, 5899.
United Nations – Is It Worth It? at Catholic University, by, 5900.
U.S. in New World Situation, by Ralph McGill, in Washington Star, 9656.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Amend: Bill (H.R. 12820) to validate coverage of certain Arkansas State employees, 22780.
Amend: Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare appropriation bill (HR. 10904), 13957.
Amend: Reservists and National Guardsmen (S.2697), 5476.
Amend: Social Security Act: bill (H.R. 10600) relative to public assistance and child welfare programs, 13862.
College Academic Facilities Act: bill (S.1241) to enact, 1804,1805, 1810.
Deaf persons: bill (S. 2511) to authorize educational films, 16110,16111.
Medical Care for Aged, before Massachusetts Association of Relief Officers, by, 8496.
Older persons: medical care, 13862.
Packaging and labeling: prohibit unfair and deceptive methods of (see bill S. 3745), 20398.
Public health grants-in-aid: provide greater flexibility to States in use of certain (see bill S. 3592), 15192.
Social Security Act: bill (H.R. 10606) relative to public assistance and child welfare programs, 13862.
Social Security Act: bill (H.R. 12820) to validate coverage of certain Arkansas State employees, 22780.
Veterans: grant National Service Life Insurance to certain (see bill S. 3289), 8975.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations: report on first 2 years, 10623.
Appointed on Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 4243.
Committee on the Economic impact of National Defense (Select) : establish (see S. Res. 375), 16022.
Committee On Government Operations, 12234, 12235.
Federal grants-in-aid: coordinated review of State and local application for, 9450.
Federal grants-in-aid: coordinated review of State and local applications for certain (see bill S. 3363), 9448.
First Hearing of Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, by Senators Mundt, Ervin, and, 19906-19908.
Letter: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, by President Kennedy,10624.
Letter: Subcommittee On Intergovernmental Relations, by, 13386.
Metropolitan area planning: grants for continuing support of (see bill S. 3362), 9448.
Municipalities: grants for metropolitan planning, 9449.
New Look at Old Laws, from Nation's Business, A7344.
Public health grants-in-aid: provide greater flexibility to States in use of certain (see bill S. 3592), 15192.
Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations: notice of hearings, 19323.
Text of S. 3362, relative to metropolitan planning programs, 9450.
Text of S. 3363, relative to Federal grants-in-aid, 9450.
White House Police force: bill (H.R. 11261) to increase, 9487
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Alexander Hamilton National Monument: resolution (S.J. Res. 29) to establish (use of, as vehicle for poll tax amendment), 4941.
Attorney General's Opinion on Wiretaps, by Robert F. Kennedy, in New York Times, 9655.
Briganti, Salvatore: bill (S. 971) for relief of, 9486.
Immigration and Nationality Act: amend relative to quotas (see bill S. 3043),5211.
Mississippi: support efforts of President to enforce compliance with Federal court mandates in (see S. Con. Res. 96). 22119.
Poll tax: resolution (S.J. Res. 29) to abolish, 4941.
Sui, Chin Wa, for relief (see bill S. 3740). 20283.
Vote in Federal elections: protect rights of citizens to (see bill S. 3576), 14942.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Bridges, Styles: eulogy, 393.
Bush, Prescott: retirement, 8496.
Douglas, Paul: 70th birthday, 4997.
G. E. Bowe Team Brings Fame to Bates College, Bates Bulletin, A2266.
G. E. Bowe Winners, Bates College, F. M. Coffin, A2265.
Hayden, Carl: 50th anniversary of congressional service, 2413.
Johnson, Lyndon B.: 25th anniversary of election to House of Representatives, 6213.
Long, Oren E.: tribute, 22240.
May Craig: TV Star, Look magazine, Eleanor Harris. A2747.
Much Ado, by Walter Lippmann, in Washington Post, 1442.
Smith, Margaret Chase: commendation of, 4958.
Smith. Benjamin A., 11: tribute, 22253.
Tribute to Sister Miriam Theresa by Senator Morse, 8630.
1962 87th Congress, 2nd Session
Bills passed over, 5472-5475, 9488-9491.
Cloture petition, 7835, 8060.
Committee on the Organization of the Congress (Joint) : establish (see S. Con. Res. 93), 20757.
Committee meetings during session, 1421.
Designated Acting President pro tempore, 18982, 22110.
District of Columbia: bill (S. 3157) relative to sites for public buildings, 9485.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Chances Good J. F. K.'s Federal Budget for Next Fiscal Year Underestimated, by Sylvia Porter, in Bangor News, 1445.
Letter: Transactions tax on silver, by, 18327.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Association of Shoe Executives of Maine, by, 7615
Letter: Textile imports, to President Kennedy, by, 15572.
Press release: shoe industry seriously concerned by increasing imports, by Maxwell Field, 8542.
Reciprocal trade agreements: administration's proposals, 6035.
Report: Number of Employees in Footwear Industry and Location of Plants, 15509.
Shoe imports, 7615, 8541-.8544.
Shoe industry: trade legislation, 15506, 15509.
Table: Footwear industry: trade data, 15507, 15508.
Table: Shoe imports, 8544.
Telegram: Trade bill, by sundry members of shoe industry, 19859.
Textile Imports: bill (H.R. 10788) to regulate 8524, 8525, 8533, 8534, 8539-8544, 8652. 8654
Textile industry, imports, 18237-18239.
Trade Program, by Harold O. Toor, U.S. Shoe Manufacturing Industry, 6035.
Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (H.R. 11970), 15395, 15506.
Trade Expansion Act, before Senate committee, by, 18243.
Trade Expansion Act of 1962: bill (H.R. 11970) to enact, 19857-19859.
Trade Expansion Act of 1962: proposed amendment, 15506.
Trade Legislation, by Harold 0. Toor, 15507.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, by, 3221.
Department of Urban Affairs and Housing: views of Governor Rockefeller, 1675, 1677, 1678, 1967, 1968.
Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 2132.
Memorandum: Proposed Department of Urban Affairs, by Governor Rockefeller and Arthur S. Flemming, 1675.
Metropolitan area planning: grants for continuing support of (see bill S. 3362), 9448.
Municipalities: grants for metropolitan planning, 9449.
Questions and answers on establishment of Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 2132.
Report: HHFA Programs for Small Communities, 2134.
Rockefeller, Nelson A.: statement on Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 1675, 1677, 1678.
Rockefeller, Nelson A.: views on Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 1967, 1968.
Rockefeller on Department of Urban Affairs, from New York Times, 1675.
Table: Department of Urban Affairs and Housing: employment data, 3233,
Table: Executive departments: establishment of, 3235.
Table: Housing and Home Finance Agency, employment data, 3232.
Table: Housing data. 3230, 3231.
Text of S. 3362, relative to metropolitan planning programs, 9450.