Security and Campus Safety
Crime Reports


Crime Statistics

Statistics in the crime categories below represent criminal activity officially reported to Bates College Security and Campus Safety as defined by the National Incident-Based Reporting System Edition of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, and as required under the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended by the Student Right-to-Know and CAMPUS SECURITY ACT (public laws 101-542, 102-26, 102-325, and 103-208). amended 1992 and 1998, renamed the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Statistics Act."

The following statistics reflect criminal activity that was reported between March 23, 2003 and April 5, 2003.

Sex Offenses, forcible or non-forcible
Aggravated Assault
Motor Vehicle Theft
Hate Crimes & Incidents
Bicycle Theft
Theft from Motor Vehicle
Criminal Mischief
Criminal Mischief to Motor Vehicle
Criminal Tresspass Warnings
Anonymous Sexual Assaults



or persons referred for campus disciplinary action for:

Liqour-Laws/Policy Violations
Drug-Related Violations
Weapons Possession

Just so you know...

The remaining statistics reflect some of the services that Security and Campus Safety has provided between March 23, 2003 and April 5, 2003.

Propped Doors
EMS Calls
Fire Alarms
Animal Complaints
Neighborhood Complaints

Liquor Violations

3-29-03 – A student at Turner House was referred to the Dean of Students Office for violating a blue-slip policy. A keg of beer was confiscated.

3-29-03 – A student at Village 2 was found in violation of a blue-slipped event. He was referred to the Dean of Students Office. A keg of beer and a tap were confiscated.

3-29-03 – A student at Hacker House who was the blue-slip holder of an alcoholic event was referred to the Dean of Students Office after people were observed by the Lewiston Police Department creating a disturbance outside the house. A keg of beer and a tap were confiscated.

4-2-03 – Three students were referred to the Dean of Students Office for violating the hard alcohol policy at Milliken House. A bottle of hard alcohol was confiscated.

Drug Related Violations

4-2-03 – A student at Milliken House was referred to the Dean of Students Office for possession of marijuana and a glass pipe commonly used to smoke marijuana. The pipe was confiscated by Security and the Lewiston Police Department responded and confiscated the marijuana.


3-26-03 – A student reported that his vehicle was entered while it was parked in the Wood Street parking lot behind Human Resources. The glove box was removed from the dashboard but was able to be reattached. The window of the “soft top” was slit with a sharp object resulting in approximately $300.00 worth of damage. Nothing was missing from the vehicle. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

3-31-03 – A staff member at Admission reported that a black canvas bag was stolen from her unlocked office. The bag, which contained personal papers and items, was valued at $15.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.


3-23-03 – A student reported the theft of her digital camera while she was attending the Gala at the Alumni Gymnasium. The Sony Cybershot model DSCP51 was valued at $300.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

3-23-03 – A student reported that her black fleece LL Bean jacket valued at $100.00 was stolen while she was at the Gala at the Alumni Gymnasium. Inside her jacket was a Samsung camera valued at $200.00, her BatesCard valued at $10.00, and keys valued at $50.00. The total of the missing items was $360.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.
3-24-03 – The student reported to Security that she had found her jacket and missing items in the coatroom at Chase Hall. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

3-23-03 – A student reported the theft of her black fleece liner from her Columbia jacket valued at $180.00 while she was attending the Gala at the Alumni Gymnasium. Inside her jacket were keys valued at $50.00. The total of the missing items was $230.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.
3-24-03 – Security located the missing fleece liner and keys while checking the coatroom at Chase Hall. The student and the Lewiston Police Department were notified.

3-23-03 – A student attending the Gala at Alumni Gymnasium reported that his blue LL Bean blazer was stolen. The blazer was valued at $100.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.
3-24-03 – Security located the missing blazer while checking the coatroom at Chase Hall. The owner and the Lewiston Police Department were notified.

3-23-03 – A student reported that her black three quarter length coat was stolen while she was attending the Gala at the Alumni Gymnasium. The coat was valued at $60.00 and the keys in the pocket were valued at $50.00. The total of the missing items was $110.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.
3-24-03 – Security located the missing coat and keys while checking the coatroom at Chase Hall. The student and the Lewiston Police Department were notified.

3-23-03 – A student reported that her coat was stolen while she attending an event in the Chase Hall lounge. The denim American Eagle coat was valued at $60.00. A green Bates College credit card/ key holder valued at $10.00 was also missing. The credit card holder contained a BatesCard valued at $10.00, three credit cards, a Smart Card, and keys valued at $20.00. The total value of the missing items was $150.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

3-23-03 – A student attending the Gala at the Alumni Gymnasium reported that his backpack and lacrosse stick were stolen. The black/yellow North Face backpack was valued at $120.00. The backpack contained the following items: a brown wallet valued at $20.00, a driver’s license, credit cards, a BatesCard valued at $10.00, a green hooded sweatshirt valued at $45.00, a Sony Discman valued at $100.00, and a Braun electric razor valued at $100.00. The missing lacrosse stick was valued at $100.00. The total value of the missing items was $555.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

3-26-03 – A student reported the theft of his jacket while attending an event in the Chase Hall lounge. The blue eastern Mountain Sports rain jacket was valued at $50.00.

Criminal Mischief

3-24-03 – A student reported that the door to his room at Rand Hall had been kicked in the previous night. Damage to the door was $470.76. Nothing was found missing from the room. The Physical Plant was contacted to repair the door.

3-27-03 – A light fixture lens was found broken on the second floor at John Bertram Hall. No one was around at the time. Damage was estimated at $88.24.

3-29-03 – Global Security reported that the front door to Wentworth Adams Hall could not be secured. The crash bar mechanism had been torn off the door. The on call locksmith was called in to replace the crash bar that was valued at $494.15.

3-30 03 – The Football/Tennis security phone was damaged when it was hit by a student. The cost to replace the phone is $45.00. Security will follow up with the student.


If there is additional information that you would like to see in this report or questions that you would like to have answered, please forward your requests or questions via campus mail, U.S. Mail, or e-mail to:

Sheila Walton
Security & Campus Safety
245 College St.
Lewiston, ME 04240

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