Security and Campus Safety
Crime Reports


Crime Statistics

Statistics in the crime categories below represent criminal activity officially reported to Bates College Security and Campus Safety as defined by the National Incident-Based Reporting System Edition of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, and as required under the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended by the Student Right-to-Know and CAMPUS SECURITY ACT (public laws 101-542, 102-26, 102-325, and 103-208). The following statistics reflect criminal activity that was reported between November 18, and December 1, 2001.

Sex Offenses, forcible or non-forcible
Aggravated Assault
Motor Vehicle Theft
Hate Crimes & Incidents
Bicycle Theft
Theft from Motor Vehicle
Criminal Mischief
Criminal Mischief to Motor Vehicle
Criminal Trespass Warnings
Anonymous Sexual Assaults



or persons referred for campus disciplinary action for:

Liqour-Law Violation
Drug-Abuse Violation
Weapons Possession

Just so you know...

The remaining statistics reflect some of the services that Security and Campus Safety has provided between November 18, and December 1, 2001.

Propped Doors
EMS Calls
Fire Alarms
Animal Complaints
Neighborhood Complaints


Liquor Laws/Policy Violations

11-29-01 - A student from Pierce House was referred to the Dean of Students for possession of hard alcohol.

11-29-01 - A half empty bottle of hard alcohol was found in the second floor hallway at Village Three.

11-30-01 - A keg of beer was confiscated from a non blue-slipped event on the second floor at Village Two. The student whose room the keg was in was referred to the Dean of Students Office.

11-30-01 - A bottle of hard liquor was found in a room at John Bertram Hall. The four students who reside in the room were referred to the Dean of Students Office.

12-01-01 - A keg of beer was found in the recycling bin at Hacker House. No one claimed ownership.

12-01-01 - A keg of beer and a tap were confiscated at John Bertram Hall from a non blue-slipped gathering. The student who claimed ownership of the keg was referred to the Dean of Students Office.

12-01-01 - A keg of beer and a tap were confiscated from a non blue-slipped gathering at Small House. A student was referred to the Dean of Students Office.

12-01-01 - A keg of beer was confiscated from the basement at Chase House. No one was around at the time.

12-01-01 - A student was observed walking down Frye Street with an open container of beer. She was asked by Security to dump the contents. A short while later the same student was observed with another open container of beer. The student was referred to the Dean of Students Office.

Drug Related Violations

11-28-01 - A student at Smith Hall was observed in the hallway with a water bong. The Lewiston Police Department was called to confiscate the drug paraphernalia. The student was issued a summons for possession of drug paraphernalia. The student was also referred to the Dean of Students Office.

11-30-01 - An anonymous report was made to Security that a large amount of smoke and the smell of marijuana were noticeable on the second floor at Smith Middle. When Security went to investigate, a student was seen going into a room from which a large amount of smoke was coming from. Through the open door, Security observed a water pipe, two glass pipes commonly used to smoke marijuana and marijuana. The Lewiston Police Department was notified. One student was summonsed. All the students present in the room were referred to the Dean of Students Office.

11-30-01 - Drug paraphernalia was confiscated from a room at Herrick House by the Lewiston Police Department. The student who resides in that room was referred to the Dean of Students Office.


11-27-01 - A student reported an assault to Security that took place on 10-14-01 outside of Page Hall. Another student involved has already filed a report with Security. This incident has been referred to the Student Conduct Committee.


11-20-01 - A custodian reported that wood chips were found on the floor by the base of a door at Hedge Hall. It appeared that someone had tried to pry open the door. Security checked the room. A computer monitor was on the desk, and a keyboard on the floor beneath the desk. No computer was observed. At that point it was unknown if anything was missing from the room, because the residents were away on Thanksgiving break. The Physical Plant was called to repair the lock and the door. Damage was estimated at $200.00.

11-25-01 - In reference to the above incident, when the student returned from break, he reported to Security that his Hewlett-Packard Tower Computer had been stolen. The computer was valued at $1,200.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

11-25-01 - A student at Page Hall reported that his ground level room had been broken into while he was away on Thanksgiving break. It appears that a window had been knocked in. He reported that approximately 100 CD's were missing. The CD's were valued at $15.00 each for a total of $1,500.00. Also, the other student who lives in that room reported that 100 of his CD's were also missing. They were valued at $15.00 each for a total of $1,500.00. The total value of the CD's taken from the room was $3,000.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

Hate Incident

11-30-01 - A student at Parker Hall reported that an offensive homophobic message was left on another student's grease board. The Hate/Bias Committee met to discuss this complaint. A copy of this incident was also sent to the Attorney General's Office in Augusta..


11-27-01 - The candy vending machine located in the basement at Smith Hall was broken into. The machine is owned by New England Vending Company. They are in the process of conducting an inventory to determine the number of items missing, and the total value of the products.

Bicycle Theft

11-26-01 - A student reported the theft of his unlocked bike from the bike rack outside of Chase Hall. The dark blue, Sterling 8 speed mountain bike was valued at $150.00. The Lewiston Police Department was notified.

Criminal Mischief

11-21-01 - The Coke Cola machine located at Smith Hall was tampered with. The face piece had been pried off. The cost to replace the face piece is estimated at $800.00.

11-25-01 - A student at Page Hall reported that her door was damaged around the lock area. It appeared that someone had tried to gain entry by knocking the door in. A carpenter was called in to repair the door. Damage was estimated at $448.35.

11-25-01 - Another door at Page Hall was also reported damaged while the carpenter was working on the above door. It was in the same area as the one reported earlier. The door was splintered around the lock area. Damage was estimated at $448.35. The carpenter repaired the door.

11-27-01 - A chemical fire extinguisher was found expelled on the front porch at Pierce House. The charge to replacing the extinguisher is $10.50 in addition to the $75.00 Life Safety fine. The total of $85.50 will be charged to the house.

11-30-01 - Two holes were found on the interior first floor wall at Small House. The cost to repair these is estimated at $100.00. The house will be charged for the damage.

12-01-01 - After Security dispersed a large party at Small House, the following dorm damage was observed: large holes in the wall for $306.73, a cut screen valued at $64.38, and three missing stair rails for $216.03. The total damage for which the house will be charged is $587.04.


Bates College Security and the Lewiston Police Department are still actively working on the Security Alert that was issued on 11-29-01. Security would like to remind all students to lock their doors before going to bed, and not to prop any outside doors.


Before you leave for break, make sure that all windows and doors to your room are locked.


If there is additional information that you would like to see in this report or questions that you would like to have answered, please forward your requests or questions via campus mail, U.S. Mail, or e-mail to:

Sherri Brooks
Security & Campus Safety
245 College St.
Lewiston, ME 04240

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