Crime Prevention Program

The crime prevention program plays an important and significant role within the Bates College Community. The Crime Prevention Office works with the belief that they are a component of the educational process for students, faculty and staff within the community. Relying on a teamwork approach, the responsibility in the reduction of crime lies with Security and Campus Safety, the individual, and the campus community.

Programs available to the Bates Community

Bicycle Registration Program
Members of the community are encouraged to register their bicycles at no cost. The individual is provided with a numbered sticker which is placed on the bicycle. The serial number and other pertinent data is recorded on a registration form. A copy of the form is provided to the owner, Security and Campus Safety, and the Lewiston Police Department.

Property Identification Program (PIP)
This program allows community members to check out scribers, engrave their property with their social security number or other identifier, and keep a list and description of these items in a safe place. The original form is retained by the owner and a copy is kept on file at Security and Campus Safety.

Security Fest
An annual event, which coincides with the first week of the academic year, in which Security and Campus Safety, the Lewiston Police and Fire Departments, and other local law enforcement agencies provide crime prevention and educational material and answer questions from students.

Whistle Alert Program
This program provides a high-quality brass whistle, free of charge to students or employees. Instructions are given to blow the whistle when they feel threatened or are attacked. Others who hear the whistle blown are to blow their whistles and run in the direction of the original whistle, to provide aid and scare off the attacker. They are also instructed to go to the nearest security phone and notify Security and Campus Safety of the problem. Persons blowing the whistle under any other conditions than those specified above are fined $75.00.

Summer Talk Series
During the summer months at Bates College, the campus hosts individuals and groups of all ages and backgrounds who travel from various locations to participate in educational and sport programs. Security and Campus Safety provides educational talks on crime prevention and crime reduction to participants of these programs.

Student Safety
SafeWalks is a student run program which is coordinated with a Liaison Officer from Security and Campus Safety. Student patrols are designated a certain area during each assigned shift. With an assigned partner, made up of male-female or female-female teams, the safewalkers escort students from point to point on campus upon request, and offer these services to students seen walking alone. The students also report suspicious conditions and people, violations of student conduct, and safety hazards to Security Officers. Officer Dennis Paquin works as the Liaison Officer.

Vacation House Checks
Bates College owns several homes and apartments that faculty and staff members reside in. The Security Department will check the security of these residences upon request while the resident is on vacation or away for a period of time.

Security Phones
There are over 120 Security Phones located throughout the campus. Security and Campus Safety promotes and encourages the use of these phones. The Security Phone system is monitored by the Communications Officer and is activated when a receiver is lifted from the phone. If a phone is activated and if the Communications Officer does not receive a response, an officer is immediately dispatched to that location. Each phone is checked daily for any defects or communication problems.

New Employee Orientation Program
Each new employee is provided with information about Security and Campus Safety along with crime prevention material.

Crime Analysis Support
The Crime Analysis Program identifies evolving or existing crime patterns and series. Crime analysis is primary oriented toward assisting the department in meeting the basic objectives of crime prevention and plays a vital part in creating and conducting crime prevention programs for the community.

RAD (Rape Aggression Defense)
This program is a comprehensive course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training taught by certified RAD instructors. Officers Paul Menice, Christine Cuevas and Rick Gilbert conduct the program.

Literature and Materials available

Bi-Weekly Crime Reports
This biweekly report contains crime statistics, current criminal activity, along with crime prevention material.

This report can be viewed on the Bates Security web site at Contact Sherri Brooks for more information.

Annual Security Report
This report outlines the responsibilities of Security and Campus Safety along with the policies directed to crime prevention. It also contains information relating to the "Student Right-to-Know Act" and the amendments of the Higher Education Act.

This report can be viewed on the Bates Security web site at Contact Sherri Brooks for more information.

Bates College Security & Campus Safety
This pamphlet provides general information about the operations of the department along with information about personal safety and crime prevention programs.

The following films are available to the community:

"It's Your Room, But It's Not Like Home"
"Don't Become A Victim Of Opportunity"
"It Could Never Happen To Me: Preventing Campus Crime"
"Campus Crime: Be Aware"
"Bates College Security"
"Dying to Work"

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Last modified: 3/20/02by Tim Blake