Related Events
Martin Luther King Jr. Read-In
Jan 18 2001 and Friday, Jan. 19 from 2 to 3 p.m.
Student, faculty and staff volunteers from Bates and L/A Community College
will read a book concerned with civil rights or African-American history
to a 4th-, 5th- or 6th-grader at Martel Elementary School in Lewiston.
Readers will read for 30 minutes with each child and children will keep
the books as a memento of the day. Transportation will leave Bates at
2 p.m. Volunteers can sign up through Paula Masselli in the Center for
Service-Learning or 207- 786-8351.
All-Day Drop-In Session: Emerging Consciousness
This display features multimedia presentations about the impact of slavery
past and present created by members of "'Black' Women's Slave Narratives,"
a course taught by Gina Ulysse, assistant professor of African American
studies at Bates.