Human (Hominin) fossils

Human and chimp

Laetolil footprints

possible A. afarensis (Left)

Australopithecus afarensis ("Lucy")

Australopithecus africanus (Taung child)

Two views of a Pliocene baboon skull (Parapapio sp.) from Leba, Angola

A. africanus ("Mrs. Ples")

A. robustus

A. africanus; A. robustus

A. boisei; Homo habilis (Olduvai)

H. erectus (Koobi Fora)

H. erectus ("Peking Man" or "Sinanthropus" from Zhoukoudian)

H. erectus ("Sinanthropus")

H. erectus with outline of H. sapiens

H. sapiens (Neanderthal from La Ferrassie)

Modern H. sapiens (Skhul)

Modern H. sapiens (Qafzeh)