Notes on faculty counts:

Counting faculty is a notoriously complicated task. There are more than a dozen ways in which the College is required to track faculty, and a few of the most common methods are reported here. Some counts are maintained primarily for internal purposes, while others are required for external surveys. Only a few of the counts which are regularly maintained are presented here. Please check with the  Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis  to determine the appropriate count for your needs
Includes all faculty included in the President's and Dean's faculty list, teaching or on leave.

 Teaching Headcount:
Includes all faculty on Dean's list who are teaching at least one course in the academic year.

 Financial FTE (full-time equivalent):
The financial full-time equivalency is a measure of the College's financial obligations to faculty members, even if they are not currently teaching. For example, a faculty member on paid sabbatical may count in the financial FTE. An administrator who teaches a course without an additional stipend would not be counted.

 Teaching FTE (full-time equivalent):
Teaching full-time equivalency is calculated by the number courses actually taught during the academic year. Six courses per year (or the equivalent) is the typical courseload for a Bates faculty member.

 AAUP/IPEDS Full-time Faculty:
Full-time Faculty as reported according to the methodology of the AAUP and IPEDS surveys of salaries and compensation of full-time faculty. (The count is a standard used chiefly for inter-institutional salary comparison purposes. The methodology is complex and is determined by courseload. As a result, it understates the number of Bates faculty actually considered to have full-time responsibilities). For institutional reporting purposes, full-time and part-time counts have been determined based upon teaching and financial FTEs. Faculty with courseload FTEs of 50% or greater are considered to be full-time; those with less than 50% are counted as part-time. These counts take into account the fact that faculty have many other duties in addition to their assigned courses. These unquantifiable duties include committee work, thesis and independent advising, research, and community service.

 Tenured/Tenure Track:
A count of faculty who have tenure or on the tenure track. This is a good measure of the long term "core" faculty. Physical education faculty with long term contracts are not included.

 On leave FTE:
Number of faculty on paid sabbatical leave from Bates. Unpaid leaves of absence are not included in this count.

 Further explanation:
The counts are determined from the faculty list approved by the Dean of the Faculty and the President. For a variety of reasons, the reported courseload may represent an adjustment from the number of courses actually taught in a department. The FTE equivalent is always reported in the faculty member's home department. A normal courseload equivalent is six courses per year, including teaching two out of every three Short Terms. (A faculty member teaching a five course load on an "off" Short Term year is still considered to have an FTE of 100%.)
See notes to determine if the count represents a fall census or a year-end final count. Most external reports use the faculty count census in the fall of the academic year. After 1995/96, historical summary tables report the year-end count after late hires. The above counts do not include certain persons designated as faculty members by statute, if they do not teach: among these are the Treasurer, certain Deans or Vice-Presidents, the Registrar, and the Librarian and Associate Librarian. Physical Education faculty who have instructional duties are included, but those who coach only are not. Teaching assistants, assistants in instruction, and special music adjuncts are not included.

Created by JCF
rev. 10/20/98  cep 

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