Fixed Point Theory and Related Topics
Peter Wong
(, Bates College
Jennifer Taback
(, Bowdoin College
This is a follow-up of the Special Session on geometric methods in group theory and topology at the AMS Meeting at Durham, NH. The main objective is to organize a series of talks by a small group of mathematicians working on topological fixed point theory and geometric group theory. The talks are about 45-50 minutes long so that more details can be presented. In addition, problem sessions will be scheduled. Special attention will be given to the following topics.
Anticipated Participants:
Schedule of Talks:
Tuesday Wednesday Pictures (taken by J. Weber)
8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast
Armando, Daniel, Marek, Daciberg
Chris Staecker
Daniel Vendruscolo
Dinner at Bates
Group picture in front of Hathorn Hall
Julia Weber
Marek Golasin´ski
Robin Brooks
Lunch at Commons - Bates College
Marek Golasin´ski and Daciberg Gonçalves
Mackerel Cove
Picking mussels at Mackerel Cove
"Clams First ..." (Robin's House in Orrs Island)
"Then Lobsters ..."