Mark Reid
2. A Short Biography:
Mark A. Reid joined the University of Florida's English Department in 1988 after receiving a PhD and MA in American Studies from the University of Iowa. He also has an MA in Communications and Theatre from the University of Illinois-Chicago and a BA in English from Columbia University. In addition, he has studied African and Arab Cinema at the University of Paris and American Literature and Film at the University of Chicago.
He is author of Redefining Black Film (University of California, 1993)and PostNegritude Visual and Literary Culture (SUNY, 1997), editor of Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing" (Cambridge, 1997), and co-editor of Le Cinema Noir Americain (CinemAction, 1988). Reid has published several articles and book reviews that appear as chapters in The Passionate Camera, Paul Robeson: Artist and Citizen, The Oxford History of World Cinema, Cinemas of the Black Diaspora, Film Genre Reader II, The Political Companion to American Film, Ex-Iles: Essays on Caribbean Cinema and as articles in such academic journals as Film Quarterly, Black American Literature Forum, Film History, Jump Cut, Wide Angle, Southern Exposure, Research in African Literatures and Criticism.
Reid's work in progress is entitled "PostNegritude Visual Culture: A Comparative Study." Recently he was named a 1999 University of Florida Research Foundation Professor.