Cheryl Taylor

What Part of Whoopi Is You?

Cheryl Taylor, Ph.D., MN. RN, joined CCN (Capstone College of Nursing, University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa) faculty as Visiting Associate Professor in August 1998. Dr. Taylor graduatedfrom Dillard Universityof New Orleans, University of Washington, Seattle, and Texas Woman's University with BSN, MN and Ph.D. degrees respectively.

Dr. Taylor has over 20 years of experiencein higer education including Associate Professor tenured at Louisiana State University Medical Center and North Carolina A&T State University. She also served as Associate Professor at Tulane University's School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, where she designed and taught courses in women's health. The significance of Dr. Taylor's research on homelessness and chronic illness is cited in The United States Congressional Record - Senate, Vol. 136, No 39,5738, June 5, 1990.

Whiel studying homelessness, she was given the street name B.F.A. meaning (Breath of Fresh Air) by the homeless people living on the streets. The president of hte American Nursing Association calls her a Master Teacher; the Louisiana Association of Student Nurses calls her a Leader of Leaders and News print journalists named her "The Good Samaritan" after reading and observing her work among homeless people.

Dr. Taylor is a former congressional science intern, of hte Office of Senator Daniel K. Inouye hwere she contributed to analysis and development of health care policy initiatives. She serves as a reviewer for hte International Journal of Family Health Nursing and the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Nursing, Grant Applications. Taylor is a health issues expert having served on the National Panel on Managed Mental Health Services, the White House Conference on Aging and on NIMH Scientific Panel on Prevention Science. She was chosen as Director of Clinical Services by Charter Behavioral Health Systems, Greensboro, NC to manage their facility through a difficult transition during the summerof '98.

She was invited and presented her research findings to Vice President Al Gore at the National Family Re-union Conference on Families and Health June 22, 1998 at Vanderbilt University. She has participated in many international projects, including a faculty develoopment workshop on "Teaching Critical Thinking" for Baragwanath Hospital School of Nursing in Soweto, South Africa. She was also an American observer atthe Truth and Reconciliation Commission Human Rights Violations Hearings in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Dr. Taylor is a 1998 recipient of hte Greensboro Commission on the Status of Women's Women of Achievement Award for her contribution to Health Care. She is a senior member of he American Nurses' Association Convention on Education Planning Committee, serving her third term.

HBCU/Medicaid Alliance is a partnership between four Universities and five state health agencies. North Carolina A&T State University serves as the lead institution of the state wide Alliance, with Dr. Taylor as the project director and principal investigator. The project has been nationally recognized as an exemplary model of University collaboration with state health agencies and received a $500,000 grant from K.B. Reynolds Foundation.

In addition to her father, a Baptist minister, her mother, a retired Dean and Psychiatric Nurse, and her pastor, a bishop and general board member of the Church of God in Christ, her primary influences include a host of public school teachers.

AT CCN Dr Taylor will provide leadership for the research and service mission in addition to her teaching responsibilities.